Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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Faith Free Presbyterian Church 1207 Haywood Rd Greenville, SC 29615
Faith Free Presbyterian Church
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Greenville, SC 29615
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"Great Sermon!"
Michael C from Manchester
Well said.
Dr. John McKnight | Reformation Conference 2023
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Sermon8/26/09 8:06 AM
Sid from New Zealand  Find all comments by Sid
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“ No law change in NZ sadly !! ”
87.4% voted in the recent referendum in New Zealand that a light smack to a child for disciplinary purposes should not be considered a criminal offence. Sadly the newly elected National Government have since told the electorate that they will not change the law. So smacking will still be a criminal offence. So much for so called democracy. Western democracy has become a sick joke. Even the so called "conservative" governments these days are very liberal and left leaning. It's a sign of the times sadly.

Sermon8/19/09 6:57 PM
Cindy Toolsie from Toronto,Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cindy Toolsie
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The Wonder of the Incarnation
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon left me gasping for breath, I feel truly blessed by Dr. Barrett's emotional preaching. Thank you GOD Bless!

Sermon8/2/09 4:11 PM
G.Dekker from Netherlands  Find all comments by G.Dekker
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Beautiful Biblical sermon was blessed by it. Thank you, and may God make you a richer blessing yet.

Sermon8/2/09 9:41 AM
Dessie from WV  Find all comments by Dessie
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“ Excellent! ”
This sermon was a real blessing to my heart.

Sermon7/28/09 6:13 PM
Daniel and Casey Houseworth from Charlottesville, VA  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Daniel and Casey Houseworth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As a paedo-baptist for well over a decade, this sermon turned my world upside down. This is the first time I have ever heard this text used in this way. Would that all Reformed Baptist ministers would listen to this sermon. I also recommend Fred Malone's book, "The Baptism of Disciples Alone" to help with your study of the issue. Soli Deo Gloria!

Sermon7/18/09 2:24 PM
SteveR from Upper Midwest  Contact via emailFind all comments by SteveR
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The Making of a Priest
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Best Sermon Ive heard on Sermon Audio ”
Dr Cairns does a wonderful job discussing the pattern of Priestly calling by our Lord and equating it with our Justification and sanctification in Royal Priesthood. Its done in such a brillant, Godly & simple manner that all of Gods people can understand.

Sermon7/1/09 2:24 PM
jlc  Find all comments by jlc
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“ 42 minute mark ”
His introduction is way too long. I recommend going to the 42 minute mark for teaching on Zech. 3, which is what I was looking for. If someone could cut that first part out and resubmit this it would be of benefit for those who might not make it through to the 42 minute mark before turning it off. I have a feeling many are hitting on this because it has so many hits and then losing interest before they get to teaching on Zech 3 which is why they come here in the first place. Excellent from 42 minute mark on.

Sermon6/28/09 6:13 PM
Shane Hokanson from Valdez, Alaska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Shane Hokanson
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The Church of Christ
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very Good message Dr. Barrett! You covered much in one sermon, and I agreed with about 98% of the content. {Minus the comment about Adam and Isaiah.} I will send the link to this sermon to my children and to a couple of websites. Stand Tall-Stand Fast!

Sermon6/26/09 9:07 PM
Bernadette  Find all comments by Bernadette
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Considering Islam Biblically
Dr. Edward Panosian
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Dr. Panosian for this teaching on Islam, which was very instructive and valuable. It taught many things on Islam's background and sources. The comparisons bewteen the Christian and Muslim faiths helped me to know the differences between both religions. I highly recommend this teaching to all those who want to know more about Islam.

Sermon6/23/09 7:50 AM
Patrick.  Find all comments by Patrick.
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Our Thorn in the Flesh
Rev. John Wagner
“ Excellent. ”
Among the pertinent points made in this excellent message is the reminder that we are living in a fallen world and subject constantly to the ravages of sin. Mr Wagner's sermon is a blessing to my soul as a timely reminder of the reality of of this as well as the remedy found in the Person of our blessed Hope.

Sermon5/28/09 5:06 PM
Cindy Toolsie from Toronto, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cindy Toolsie
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Proverbs #1
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Dr. Barrett for shuffling around some of your sermon topics, I absolutely love listening to them and all the wisdom books you mentioned. I have a yearning to learn of GOD'S Wisdom and you do expound them to my liking, giving me a better chance of gaining biblical knowledge. I believe Jeremiah 3v15 is very fitting for you. GOD BLESS YOU and thank you again.

Sermon5/27/09 3:56 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Faint, Yet Pursuing
Rev. Ian McVeigh
“ Faithfulness. ”
A lesson in faithfulness and hope - even when faint, these men continued to do their work. They who serve in this way will find consolation.

Sermon5/23/09 9:58 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Compelling Love of Christ
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Excellent! ”
The love of Christ surrounds us - everywhere we turn, we see His love for us. The love of Christ gives to the Christian the greatest motivation to live right - the love of Christ compels us. Excellent illustration of this teaching in the life of Paul.

Sermon5/23/09 4:26 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Christ Our Passover Lamb
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Redemption. ”
By the shedding of His blood, Christ, our Passover lamb, redeemed us from the wrath of God; redeemed us from the bondage of sin; and redeemed us unto holiness.

Sermon5/19/09 4:33 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Message from God
Rev. David McIlveen
“ Invitation to come to God. ”
A call to sinners not to flee anymore from God, but to come to Him.

Sermon5/17/09 5:14 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Burdened? ”
A message about being too burdened in the work of God and what to do about this.

Sermon5/16/09 10:58 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Lessons From Balaam
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Warning for church and individual. ”
Balaam, a warning for the church and for the individual. For the church: he preached the Word of God, but he submitted not to it; he mixed orthodoxy with the occult; he had bad alliances and secret wishes. For the individual: he knew the truth, but was lost; he wanted to die the death of the saints, but died in sin; he let material things to blind him to the spiritual things.

Sermon5/5/09 3:25 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Goliath vs. Israel
Rev. Gordon Cooke
“ Separation. ”
There must be a valley, a separation between us and the Satan's forces. We must meet them in valley only for battle. A call to separation from Liberalism and apostasy.

Sermon5/1/09 10:48 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Counterfeit Gift of Tongues
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great lesson. ”
Clear explanation of New Testament teaching of this subject. It was speaking in foreign language, a sign miracle given for a time as attestation of new era of revelation. The modern tongues is not the NT gift.

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