Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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Faith Free Presbyterian Church 1207 Haywood Rd Greenville, SC 29615
Faith Free Presbyterian Church
1207 Haywood Rd
Greenville, SC 29615
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"Heart searching."
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania
Good, challenging message, it touched my heart.
Dr. Bert Cooke | Hebrews 11:1-7
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Sermon9/28/11 10:00 AM
Steve Koshlap from NJ  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Koshlap
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The Lordship Salvation Controversy
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Thank you ”
Thank you Dr. Barrett for this clear, understandable sermon on a difficult, but very important subject! When I researched it on my own, I ended up more confused, but I think I have a good handle on it now.

Sermon9/27/11 12:03 AM
Ben Edwards from Asheville, North Carolina  Find all comments by Ben Edwards
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Christ's Message to the Church
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ A church distracted ”
There was a comment in this sermon which stirred much thought. It relates to the churches distraction with the things of the world. Does not satan wish for Christians to spend much of their time, talents and energy on needless or unimportant things to the Kingdom of God? Would not satan love to see a Christian spending his time in some activity where that activity becomes the focus and not Christ. I fear that too many times Christians get caught up in causes and dreams that are not the true calling of the Church. In this sermon each believer has the opportunity to prayerfully consider what their priorities, as members of a Church, should be. This message is a gentle call to reconsider our priorities. Please listen.

Sermon9/21/11 4:07 PM
Mary from England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mary
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Christ's Divine Work
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you mr mercer for the assurance of a home in glory with Christ through faith.

Sermon9/16/11 2:24 AM
Victor from Atlanta GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Victor
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“ Great Sermon! Wonderful.. ”
Such a good meditation and Bible study Rev. Colin is very humble, unique and delivers the word of God wholeheartedly.. Thank you.

Sermon8/30/11 3:50 PM
Mary from Stoke-on-Trent  Find all comments by Mary
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Being As Committed As Christ Is
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Mr Mercer You preach with conviction, Very encouraging

Sermon8/29/11 12:30 AM
Ben Edwards from Asheville, North Carolina  Find all comments by Ben Edwards
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Being As Committed As Christ Is
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ In Whom Do We Trust ”
Another sermon from Mr. Mercer challenging me as to where my allegiance stands. Do you stand in the City of God or Man? This sermon will prompt you to prayerfully consider this question. The point made about how we listen to the sermon is important. If the preacher is God's appointed voice should we not listen as if Christ were in the room at the podium? Should we not seek it out. In see a theme here for a weak (universal) church. Here is similar theme in a sermon: I remember Mr. Mercer's sermon a few weeks ago about Lot living in Sodom. Should Lot have left Sodom many years before or not gone at all? Yes, is the answer. With a culture as we live in how do we know if we, in our hearts or in our circumstances, are living in Sodom? I wish this question were easily answered. This sermon might help bring some clarity with the reminder that today is the day to act.

Sermon8/17/11 11:54 AM
Jim Richardson from Washington, DC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jim Richardson
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Guilt Free Christian Living
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is one of the best sermons I've ever listened to! It truly brings things into perspective. As Christians many of us still live in guilt and shame and never truly experience ultimate deliverance. This sermon should be listened to by EVERYONE!

Sermon8/12/11 5:58 AM
ricky iusitini from Brisbane, Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by ricky iusitini
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Picture of Prayer in the Tabernacle
Rev. Ron Johnstone
“ Great Sermon! ”
we are blessed to hear your word on the tabernacle - may the Lord bless you richly for making His word available to us!! thank you ricky and audrey iusitini a brother & sister in Christ.

Sermon8/10/11 5:52 PM
Marshall Rimmer from Idaho Falls, Idaho  Contact via emailFind all comments by Marshall Rimmer
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The Word Worth Hearing
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for such an enlightening message. As you spoke of the possibility of "putting our ear upon the walls of God's Kingdom and listening to the conversation between God the Father and God the Son" I grasped a more vivid picture of the cross.

Blog7/31/11 10:53 AM
jjj from Utah  Find all comments by jjj
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Yes, thank you for your hard work! We are starting to join you every Lord's Day.

Sermon7/25/11 7:25 AM
Weng 51 from Switzerland  Find all comments by Weng 51
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Lot's Loss and Legacy
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this great Sermon.Making decisions out of the will of God has always destructive consequencies not only for ourselves but to others also!

Sermon7/17/11 3:23 PM
Ben Edwards from Asheville, North Carolina  Find all comments by Ben Edwards
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The Ruin of a Family
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Sermon worth your time ”
Be prepared to be challenged. How does the life of Lot, Abrahams nephew impact your life. Sermons should challenge you apply scripture. This Old Testament passage has great application to each believer. Those of us who pursue securlar interests with nearly all of our time, must hear what is being said in this sermon. The end call is not to some fantastical event but a solemn call to a prayerful and watchful walk with God. And, stay close to Christ in our hearts, social circles, cultural circles, and yes even work circles. Listen and consider. I would like to make not of the way Mr. Mercer handled the difficult issue of when Lot offered his daughters to the crowd. Chaste language never compromised on the disturbing lesson as to why we must be cling to Christ. Listen, you and the Kingdom of God will be the better.

Sermon7/8/11 6:29 AM
Felix R. Mendez from Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Felix R. Mendez
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Now, that's a sermon worth the time! To be sure, it has its own bias, a bias for Christ and the things of Christ, a healthy taste for things spiritual. Please, keep posting this kind!

Sermon7/8/11 6:17 AM
Anne Chiam from Singapore  Find all comments by Anne Chiam
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“ Powerful Sermon! ”
Godly and powerful preaching that exposes the evils of apostasy and how it destroys the souls of man and the life of the church. Thank God this epistle forewarns and thus forearms us by his power and we are kept from falling.

Sermon6/26/11 4:24 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Onward and Upward
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great lessons. ”
The believer's vocation; the believer's victory; the believer's vigor. Great example of apostle Paul, who testified that he reached not the mark, but continued to press on. We must imitate him.

Sermon6/15/11 10:11 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Lamb of God. ”
The sealed book, the Redeemer revealed, the song of the heavenly multitude. The Lamb of God, the Redeemer highly exalted. He has the right to open the sealed book, to enter into the possession which is His. Glorious message.

Sermon5/22/11 4:55 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Righteousness Without Works
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Glorious! ”
One of the most glorious sermons by Alan Cairns! We are saved by a righteousness of Other, imputed to us. Christ fulfilled the Law and acquired the righteousness which is imputed to us. For us, salvation is pure grace, for Christ, acquiring this righteousness which He imputes us was a matter of pure Law. Faith is a fruit of His work of salvation, not something with which we contribute to salvation. Very rich message.

Sermon5/15/11 2:14 PM
A Friend from Greenville, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by A Friend
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“ Wonderful Presentation ”
Dr. Mike Barrett is always enjoyable. His unique blend of rare intelligence with just enough humor makes listening to him easy. This information on the AV was important in this day of: "A New English Bible every Week." Thanks!

Sermon5/11/11 7:45 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great study. ”
The centrality of the throne of God in this chapter - all things in the chapter are in reference with the throne. On the throne, around the throne, from the throne, before the throne, in the middle of the throne and around - an excellent study.

Sermon5/8/11 4:33 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great danger. ”
Religion, reputation, race and riches do not save. Only Jesus Christ saves, only His blood cleanses. Very serious message about the danger of losing your privileges.

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