Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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Faith Free Presbyterian Church
1207 Haywood Rd
Greenville, SC 29615
Faith Free Presbyterian Church
1207 Haywood Rd
Greenville, SC 29615
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"Very needful sermon"
AmandaT from Newstead VIC Australia
Thank you for this message to the Church. We must earnestly contend for the faith indeed. The Church must be awake, call out any...
Richard Craig | Jude
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Sermon1/9/05 2:03 AM
Adam from So Cal  
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“ Not Too Unfair ”
Although he does have some ill words about these churches, he generalizes relatively well. The beauty of these churches, coming form a 'coc' attendee, is (as he mentioned) the local control and variety across the country and from city to city. That way there is no beauracracy, no politics, no pandering, and less chance of massive apostasy. I would like to correct one impression: Presbyterians are much closer related to Catholics than COCs, in many important respects (such as hierarchical church 'authority', creeds, etc.)

Sermon1/5/05 11:18 PM
Judy Harrington from West Coast  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am speechless and full of thanksgiving to God who has brought this message into my life. Please listen.

Sermon12/18/04 9:44 AM
E.Scott from Alabama  
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For Behold, I Am For You
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Cairns does an excellent job conveying through this text how blind we are and how much we need to see our own cleansing from God. It begins with each one of us. Until we see our need we will have to await the fulfilment of God's promise to revive and restore us in the Free Church. Oh what a joy to know God is still speaking to His children.

Sermon12/4/04 2:09 PM
Peter Van Dorn from Niwot, Colorado  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Adam S, I weep for you. You need to listen to this sermon at least once a day until you actually hear what Dr. Cairns is saying!!! Drop the defensiveness, and drop to your knees and repent! Get your eyes back on Christ, find a church that will feed you the law and the gospel, not entertain you.

Sermon12/2/04 2:24 PM
Donnell from Washington, DC  
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Spirit Stirring Sermon ”
God...Help us! Help thou my unbelief! While on others thou art calling, do not pass me by.

Sermon11/28/04 12:25 PM
Beth from US  
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Rearing And Educating Children
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Reverend Ivan Foster, I was somewhat disapointed this morning when I woke up to my youngest child being sick with a cold and therefore not being able to attend Sunday morning worship. Well, I must say that the LORD truelly blessed me because I was able to hear this message. I have seen the blessings of the fruit of sparing not the rod with both our boys but it is such a good reminder to hear scripture concerning this topic. I was at a church fellowship just last week and the subject of disciplining children came up. I stood and listened to another church member talk about how she felt spanking just broke a child's spirit and how she thought it was not beneficial. I was very surprised to hear this from a church member with a large family but I just stood there and didn't say a thing! God is certainly not silent on this subject. After hearing your message I wish I had opened my mouth and shared the little I knew of God's command to spare not the rod and to demand obedience from our children. I Thank you on my children's behalf for such a timely and loving reminder.

Sermon11/13/04 5:19 AM
Andrew Hall from Worcester, United Kingdom  Contact via email
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The Future of the Reformation
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Hear this and act on it! ”
This is an inspiring message for all who prevaricate in carrying out the work of God. It puts everything in its correct light. That we work for God is our supreme goal. That the walls of reformation must be constantly kept up and rebuilt. Our earning jobs are given to us by God in order that we may have food and shelter to sustain us in His work - and in so doing we must work as unto Christ. When Christ went into the temple and overturned the tables, it was the zeal for his Father's house. May that same zeal fill our hearts to go out and overturn the tables of the enemy of the gospel by preaching the Word of God on every street corner, at every opportunity. There are many who listen, many who criticise, but where are the people who take the word of God out? Thank you, brother Cairns, for this good message of encouragement and exhortation.

Sermon11/6/04 4:54 PM
Andrew Hall from Worcester, United Kingdom  Contact via email
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“ Please listen to this. ”
This series on prayer is very important. This particular message is indeed a wake-up call - to me and I hope to many others. I am guilty of neglecting prayer from time to time when it should be our utmost priority before going into any situation. Thank you pastor for this message - it affirms and confirms much that I have been feeling and reading in the scriptures lately. This exhortation and encouragment to prayer will challenge any who hear it.

Sermon10/28/04 9:38 AM
A Listener from USA  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Keep this in check!

Sermon10/25/04 8:24 PM
Grace Rustand and Rusty from Chestertown, Md. USA  Contact via email
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Unready for the Grave
Rev Maurice Roberts
“ Very Fine Sermon ”
We were greatly blessed by this message and the emphasis to "be ready" at the Lord's coming or at our departure. It is a joy to know that dying in Christ is far better than not being ready and so it is needful to hear sermons like this to enable us to examine ourselves.

Sermon10/3/04 8:01 PM
Stephen Alligood from Atlanta, Georgia  Contact via email
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The Cry of the Captive
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Some men have created principles to deal with sin and the struggle with sin. However, as Dr. Cairns points out in The Cry of the Captive, "Every attempt to be holy by law will lead you to bondage." Mere adherence to men's principles will leave us defeated prisoners in the war with sin. At the end of trying to be good on our own, we realize our failure and cry, is this the best there is? No, God has a better way for us! Listen to this Christ-exalting message by Dr. Cairns and hear about the victory we can have only in Jesus Christ.

Sermon9/27/04 10:30 PM
AM from Illinois  
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“ Terrific Sermon! ”
Excellent description of what makes Presbyterians distinct. He notes 3 things that identify a true, visible church: 1. The true preaching of the Word of God. 2. We don't take the sacraments lightly and they have to be administered correctly. 3. The faithful exercise of discipline. That is, it's the responsibility of the church to maintain the purity of doctrine, the purity of the fellowship. But Scripture tells us the wheat and the tares will grow together. He closes with a welcome reminder that being a Presbyerian isn't what gets us to Heaven, it is being part of the Church, the body of Christ, 'the "invislbe entity that is so very special to God." The purpose of the church is to edify the believer, to be a place sinners can come to find Christ, and, finally, we exist for the purpose of His glory. Amen and Amen! Thank for preaching such a sermon. It has been a blessing. What a gold mine on the Internet sermonaudio is!!!

Sermon9/26/04 1:22 AM
Steve Downie from Kansas City MO  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have listen to many different Bible teachers (approx 150+), but I must say Dr. Cairns is in my top 5 list. He is so blessed and has so much GOD given wisdom. Get as many sermons from him, you will not be disappointed.

Sermon9/25/04 9:20 PM
Stephen from Atlanta, Georgia  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
In "Having Clean Hands and a Pure Heart", Dr. Cairns again delivers a very relevant sermon that drives right to the heart of what we need. I praise the LORD for this servant of God who declares the Gospel in such a clear manner.

Sermon8/30/04 10:56 PM
Stephen Atkins from Toronto Canada  Contact via email
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The One and Only Apostolic Gospel
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
I plan to listen to the entire series as a study in the book of Romans. Dr Cairns is fast becoming one of my foavourite preacher and I am a Reformed Baptist and Not King James Only but I have truly been blessed by Dr Cairn's preaching

Sermon8/24/04 3:47 PM
Barb Johnson from Carthage, Tennessee  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We have been studying the apostles in our sunday school class and have been listening to your messages along with our study. I have enjoyed your messages and the additional insite you have given myself and our class into the life of these men. Each week the class asks if I have listened to your message and what you had to share that our book doesn't mention. It has been a blessing. Thank you

Sermon7/27/04 9:16 PM
Stephen Hamilton from Pennsylvania  
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Dispensationalism Refuted #1
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Much -needed refutation ”
A very much needed refutation of a system which is entirely heretical. Falsely dividing the word of truth as Dispensationalists have consistently done has caused serious damage to the sanctity of the Lord's Holy Day, among other things.

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