Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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Greenville, SC 29615
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"Intro to sermon"
Proverbs 24-17-18
Dr. John McKnight | Reformation Conference 2023
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Sermon5/29/03 11:32 PM
Chris Curtis from San Diego, CA  Contact via email
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The Drama of the Day of Atonement
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Blessed by this message on Lev 16 ”
Dr Barrett, I was truly blessed by our message on Lev 16. I listened to it to prepare for a sermon that I'm doing this upcoming Sunday. Praise the Lord for such fulfillment, that that which could not fully do away with sin was accomplished by Christ on the cross. I recommend that everyone listen to this message! By His Grace, Chris Curtis Real Truth Radio

Sermon5/28/03 7:57 AM
Aleksej Kolesnikov from Vilnius, Lithuania  Contact via email
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The Gospels' Portrait of Christ
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for telling about the gentleness of the touch of the Jesus's hands. Realy we have enough facts in the Gospel to feel his love towards us, His openness to the poor and needy. Let God also help us to see His eyes when He looked upon the farisees with anger when healing the man with the sick hand. Let us hear Him both quiet and loud as Niagara waters. But let us hear Him! I Would reccomend to listen to this sermon to everyone who wants to see the face of Christ without looking to the idolatoruos icons and images of Jesus in both Catholic and Orthodox churches. When I listened to this sermon I realised that Jesus really sees me through, that there are no things I can hide from Him. Praise God and Jesus Christ His Son!

Sermon5/26/03 9:09 PM
S. Gysler from Redlands, CA  Contact via email
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“ Yes, a great sermon..... ”
...for the most part; then Dr. Cairns lumped Wesley in with Whitfield and the Reformers (a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump). Mr. Wesley was the one who altered Toplady's translation of Zanchius' 'Absolute Predestination' making Zanchius' book out to be in harmony with arminian soteriology. In fact, Mr. Wesley fought against the Doctrines of Grace throughout his life. His confession, in a tract reproduced in Girardeau's 'Calvinism & Evangelical Arminianism' is telling; "The Scripture tells us what predestination is : it is God's fore-appointing obedient believers to salvation, not without, but 'according to his foreknowledge' of all their works..." p. 21 You want to die with that confession on your lips? 'Separate yourselves' is a good maxim.

Sermon5/22/03 7:40 AM
Aleksej Kolesnikov from Lithuania, Vilnius  Contact via email
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“ Good background for the Gospel of God! ”
Hallelujah! This one really showed me that God was revealing his wrath during the history of Israel and there is even more wrath to come in the Judgement Day of Christ. That is really the best background to preach the Gospel of our precious Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for saving us by his atoning Blood from that great wrath to come!

Sermon5/22/03 7:35 AM
Aleksej Kolesnikov from Lithuania, Vilnius  Contact via email
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“ His wrath is really fierce and holy ”
This is one of the best explanations of the need of the gospel I've ever heard! The wrath of God is really burning to the lowest hell and blessed is the man who will flee to Christ from His wrath to come. I would reccomend to listen to this sermon to those who want to understand more the nature and power of God's wrath.

Sermon5/13/03 12:29 AM
Bessie Alcantra from Singapore  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr Ng’s message is a great outpouring of blessing and encouragement. A real regal message wrapped in sheer simplicity. It touched me tremendously.

Sermon5/4/03 9:15 PM
Nicholas Cellini from Greenville, SC  Contact via email
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“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
wonderful sermon i was there to listen to it in person and was a blessing to my heart

Sermon4/30/03 5:21 AM
Dennis Kabingue from Singapore  Contact via email
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The Bible, Our Greatest Treasure
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Thank God we can trust in the Lord ”
I am very happy to hear and know that Dr. Alan Cairns is holding on to the Doctrine of the Preservation of the Scriptures. He is one of my favourite faithful preachers of the Word and it is a great blessing to me that he adheres to Christ's promise that "heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away". May the Lord continue to bless His faithful men who holds the fort.

Sermon2/24/03 3:17 PM
Mark Jones from New Brunswick  Contact via email
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The Rich Young Ruler
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Fine sermon ”
Dr. Cairns is one of the finest preachers in the United States. His sermons should be listened to by all. This sermon cuts it straight; he brings out so much in this text that it makes you feel guilty for not seeing all the warnings given to us by God in these texts. God is an economical God, he does not waste a word, and there is much to be learned in these stories, esp. that of the rich young ruler.

Sermon2/10/03 6:57 PM
R. Myers  Contact via email
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“ My eyes were opened ”
Dr. Cairns, I was listenting to your message when the Holy Spirit showed me that God is Holy. Holiness matters to God. Spirtual affiliation does not impress God. It matters little if all I am is a hollow cheerleader for Jesus. God wants Holiness from me. And what God demands He has provided in Jesus living in me through the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your very powerful message. Rustin Myers

Sermon2/2/03 10:38 PM
Patty from PA  Contact via email
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A Layman's Look at the Problems in...
Rev. Reggie Kimbro
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon- done in great kindness and love. Has given me much to think about.

Sermon1/8/03 7:27 AM
Enrique Mata III from Travelers Rest, SC   Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerfull preaching. We need more messages like this one. If you can understand Spanish, I would greatly recomend the rest of Pastor Orozco's messages.

Sermon1/8/03 1:04 AM
Larry Gross from Klamath Falls, OR.  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a TOTAL blessing...not only called to know God, but to be known of Him and empowered henceforth.

Sermon11/12/02 5:45 PM
Melba   Contact via email
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Dining With Jesus
Rev. Reginald Cranston
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Rev. Cranston for reminding me that I can always dine with Jesus! I had turned away from my Savior and believed for a long time that I could never return to his loving arms. I was sitting at work when I heard this very encouraging sermon and it touched me dearly.

Sermon11/7/02 11:45 PM
Mark Overbaugh from Kansas  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was one of the finest sermons I have ever heard!

Sermon10/30/02 11:55 AM
Dr Raj from Toronto  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message has to be fearlessly proclaimed. The ecumenism promoted by US evangelicals is damaging the churches of developing countries too. Please try and make your voice heard elsewhere in the world as well. Send info to other presbyteries in the third world.

Sermon10/21/02 3:33 PM
Wylie and Lou Fulton from Forest City, North Carolina  Contact via email
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“ Clear and Powerful! ”
Needed information and a clear exhortation to SEPARATION! May God bless you as you hear this needed word concerning the ongoing Reformation of the true church.

Sermon10/18/02 6:19 AM
Irene Grothe from Ohio  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I want to thank you for standing for Jesus Christ and the infallible Word of God. I especially appreciate the fresh wind of truth as I am a former Roman Catholic. The church I meet with is firmly grounded in the truth of God's Word and our outreach is directed to all but specifically Roman Catholics. My Mother is 92 and her time on this earth is quickly slipping away. I can't begin to tell you how it grieves my heart that a priest visits her once a month. Never having been formally educated, she is steeped in the superstitions and herisies of Rome, I try to direct her to Jesus. What really makes me angry, and I have to hand it to Satan, is that the so called evangelicals are swallowing the lies of Rome. Because of all the dumbing down in our schools and pulpits over the last few decades we are losing our faith and freedoms. God help us! While these so-called christians are holding hands with Christ denying people, in the name of love, Rome is again rising. I share with anyone who is willing to listen that Rome is paganisim with just enough christianity covering her perversions to make her appear christian. It makes me want to vomit to see christians defending Rome as being a christian church. I try to show them that Rome is not the same in every country, that her dog and pony show changes according to her audience. Fools, so many fools. They can't see that the seeds of coming persecution have already been planted. There was a time that the average person had no access to the Word, God bless Martin Luther and the Gutenburg Press. Sad to say so many now, when the Bible is available to all, do not study to show themselves approved. God will bless you for standing for His Word and His truth. Political correctness be damned! Time is running short, there are so many souls to win to Christ. Onward Christian soldiers!!! Irene Grothe

Sermon10/16/02 9:36 PM
Jay Sanders from Fontana, CA. USA  Contact via email
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“ Must Hear SERMON! ”
Dr. Alan Cairns sermon on the Reformers separation from Rome is highly recommended. Please hear this sermon. Church History is so important. Thank the Lord for Pastors that will speak the truth and remind us of our roots.

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