Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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Faith Free Presbyterian Church 1207 Haywood Rd Greenville, SC 29615
Faith Free Presbyterian Church
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Greenville, SC 29615
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"Great Sermon!"
AmandaT from Newstead VIC Australia
Rev. Armen Thomassian | FFPC Sermon Clips
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Sermon4/13/02 9:18 PM
Jim spannagel from NEW HAMPTON, NEW YORK  Contact via email
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The Lamb of God
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Great Sermon! ”
I thank God for Dr. Paisley and his faithfulness to God's word. I thank God for men like this who preach in the power of the Holy spirit and encourage the Joy of Our Salvation. "Behold the Lamb of God". God's lamb who takes away my sin.

Sermon4/11/02 1:24 PM
Bob  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Is there any way to pause and restart these sermons so as not to miss any of the content when going in and out of the room?

Sermon4/7/02 12:24 AM
Bessie Alcantra from Singapore  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an anchor you don’t want to miss. It is a manual on how to die. It is a heartening message from the mine of Dr Cairns to begin an intimate and steadfast walk that would train us in preparedness for the final step into eternity. No need to tremble at the gate of death. Embracing the exhortations from Dr Cairns pithy message will earn for us the embrace into the Everlasting Arms. I never thought so much could be gained from a 25-minute hearing. I'm going to listen to it again and often. Thank you.

Sermon4/1/02 10:43 AM
Philip & Carol Larson from Taylors, South Carolina  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a blessing to hear Christ exalted from Revelation 4-5!

Sermon3/28/02 11:02 PM
Deb from Texas  
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Classic Sermon About Marriage
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Wow! ”
I highly appreciate the serious and thought-provoking way Dr. cairns speaks of marriage in this ceremony. Too many preachers take it lightly as a covenant. Many Thanks!

Sermon3/27/02 4:33 AM
Dennis Kabingue from Singapore  Contact via email
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The View From the Other Side
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Salvation Belongs Unto The Lord ”
Praise the Lord for this message!!! Those who are discouraged for stubborn love ones and friends to the Gospel Call, we still have the hope in our God. Let us press on in bended knees. And the Lord will have His way.

Sermon3/24/02 8:43 PM
Bessie Alcantra from Singapore  Contact via email
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20th Century: Back to Babel
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr Cairns gives an outline of the march of history of the last century and tells of the sinister buildup of forces bent on the elimination of the true gospel. He brings into focus the various groups that deny the true gospel, largely the ecumenical movement, leading in part to the culmination of the present-day apostasy. What can Christ’s follower do to oppose the enemy? “For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Feed your faith. Listen to this sermon commendably presented by Dr Cairns. Thank you.

Sermon3/24/02 1:09 AM
Jerry Bouey from Kelowna, BC, Canada  Contact via email
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“ Exhortation For Fighting The Battle ”
A sermon well worth hearing to exhort us to keep being faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, remembering who and what our enemies are, and remembering the glorious cause of Christ we serve and stand for. I was blessed and given more strength for the battle.

Sermon3/23/02 9:38 AM
Bessie Alcantra from Singapore  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr Cairns shows how we can usher ourselves into the presence of the Father and how to cultivate and maintain the route. The discipline, challenge and empowerment of meeting our desire to pray are covered in this compelling capsule of a message. Dr Cairns has opened yet another vista of kingdom living. Thank you.

Sermon3/17/02 8:59 PM
Mr./Mrs. Robert & Marjorie Vidal from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon For the Battle Worn! ”
Dr. Cairns, This sermon was a blessing and encouragement, and we thank the LORD for listening to it today when we needed it. It confirmed a lot of battle worn symptoms that we have been going through. May God bless you in service unto Him. Sincerely in Christ, Robert & Marjorie Vidal Psalm 119 KJV

Sermon3/7/02 7:03 PM
ovi from Arad, Romania  Contact via email
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“ Excelent Sermon! ”
It really changed the way i used to look at music. Until now i though i know why the foundamentalist christians fight against the rock music in the churches but i didn't. i just realised how important is to keep the churche pure without the influence of world in it. after i listened this sermon,i preached in a litle vilage churche and my pastor told me: i am proud of you. This is your first real sermon. This sermon just changed me at all. Thank you and God bless you. I am very happy

Sermon2/16/02 12:34 AM
Steven Ritland from Rochester MN  Contact via email
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After Darkness, Light
Dr. Edward Panosian
“ Reflecting or Radiating God's Glory? ”
The sermon gave a good description of light using examples from the Scriptures, and showing how the Reformation brought the world out of darkness into light. I liked the quotation from Rev 21:23 -- And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Amen! I would take issue with only one assertion -- that Christians are to reflect the light of God. Let me comment on that by quoting from a page from my web site www.mysteryofGod.net: One sunny February morning in 1973, on a flight from Minnesota to Florida, I made the following attempt at poetry. As I look down from lofty heights, My eyes can see some brilliant lights. The source is not from down below, But up above -- the solar glow. The brilliance of the sun I see, In creeks and rivers, lakes and sea. The water moves along its way, Constrained by banks of sand and clay. May I reflect Your glory, Lord, As these things do the sun; And may Your Spirit guide my life, As on my course I run. This poem illustrates well the ignorance of the Mystery that was in me three decades ago, and I believe currently pervades the Church. Can you detect a difference in theology between the poem and the rest of the site? Hint: [Col 1:27] ‘To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory’. My prayer then was that I might reflect the Lord’s glory. That assumes that the Lord is external to the believer. Paul prayed that we might understand the mystery that Christ is in us. My prayer now -- for myself as well as you the reader -- is that we might radiate the glory of the indwelling Christ.

Sermon1/24/02 11:13 PM
Mike Betancourt from North Charleston, SC, USA  Contact via email
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“ A most sobering and powerful message ”
You will soon find your attention riveted to your speaker as Dr. Cairns expounds this text. I thought I could take care of some business while listening to his sermon in the background but soon found myself not being able to do anything but listen to every word he had to say. His comments about the Sept. 11 WTC bombing are particularly powerful. His eloquent application of the text is gripping and compeling to both sinner and saint to get right with God. This is a MUST hear message. Thank you, Dr. Cairns, for preaching it. That was absolutely tremendous and eye-opening.

Sermon1/23/02 12:19 AM
Bessie Alcantra from Singapore  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr Cairns' message is profound yet its meaning is clear and hard-hitting. With the pressing acceleration of world calamaties and disasters, we have never needed such a message as now to help us in our understanding of the times. It is a comfort to know we are not going to be run over. Thank God, He sent this timely message through Dr Cairns.

Sermon1/22/02 12:19 AM
Bro. Joe from Victorville, CA 92392  Contact via email
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon. Needs to be preached more often. i believe the present existing lifestyle has to many allurements that man thinks he he cannot do without or has not stopped to consider where and with who shall his moral account be settled at the end of his travel i believe more people should visit cemetaries more often and take stock of physical finality. all have an appointment there unless Jesus takes'one home suddenly,the catching up of the saints. Thanks for an excellent presentation. Our value system certainly need's an overhaul wouldn't you say ?? Bro. Joe

Sermon1/9/02 10:54 AM
Brian Kirkman and family from Mars Hill Fellowship -- Seattle, WA  Contact via email
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Sacraments and Baptism
Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Thank God!!! ”
Most of the points made in this series on baptism I already knew, but what Dr. Barrett adds to the debate between paedo and credobaptism is overwhelming grace and charity.

Sermon12/15/01 12:03 AM
Laurie P. Copeland from Seattle Wa  Contact via email
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Earnestly Contend for the Faith
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Excellent Sermon Sir! ”
Mr Alan Cairns, Hallelujah! This was an outstanding sermon Sir. Praise God that there are preachers in the world who will speak the truth as it is in Christ. Amen! We need to contend for the faith earnestly and vehemently. Thank you so much Mr. Cairns.

Sermon12/4/01 6:56 PM
Joe Chandler from Beckley, WV  Contact via email
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Storming the Kingdom
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was the first sermon from Dr. Alan Cairns that I had ever heard. The verses he expounded were made clear to me for the first time. I have been a Christian for 24 years and had read those verses often and wondered what they meant.

Sermon12/3/01 3:07 AM
Dr. Jim DeBruhl from Smyrna, Tennessee  Contact via email
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Incorruptible Salvation
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Incorruptible Salvation ”
Incredibly powerful sermon!!

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