Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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"Great encouragement."
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania
Great call to faithfulness, to stand for His Word and for His standards.
Dr. Alan Cairns | Genesis 49
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Sermon6/3/08 1:18 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Blood of the Lamb
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Precious blood! ”
Sinless blood, incorruptible blood, poured blood, substitutive blood, propitiating blood, sprinkled blood, seen blood, saving blood.

Sermon6/2/08 5:36 PM
Peter J Gordon from Helensburgh, Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter J Gordon
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Dr. Michael Barrett
“ Teaching on repentance ”
Thanks for this clear and accurate teaching on repentance, I listened to the live message last night while in bed with my headphones on. I think to get the best benefit its worth being in a quiet place where you are less likely to be disturbed so you can really meditate on what’s being said. It would be good if this comes out in PDF or in a book form to help Bible college students.

Sermon6/2/08 2:46 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Roadmap of Romans
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ A key for Romans. ”
Pastor Cairns found the key for Romans in chapter 5:12-21 - sin, death, wrath and condemnation in Adam (1:18-3:20) and justification and life in Christ (from 3:21 onward). Convincing argument based on the discussion of Romans 5:12-21.

Sermon6/1/08 11:10 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Faith of a Fundamentalist
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Gospel experienced. ”
Evangelistic sermon: Paul knew the power of the Gospel by experience, the Gospel changed his life. Before meeting with Christ, he hated the Lord. So the substance of his Gospel is Christ.

Sermon5/29/08 4:06 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Excellent! ”
The Gospel is a divine revelation, is a revelation of God's righteousness; this righteousness is received by faith alone; and the man who receives it by faith, shall live.

Sermon5/28/08 4:52 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Let Us Go On
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great encouragement. ”
Excellent message of encouragement to go on in the Christian life! The message is for the church in Greenville, but I take it as God's word for me, as His call to persevere, to progress in knowledge, experience and in serving, and to grow to maturity.

Sermon5/27/08 11:05 AM
charles quinn from ballynure northern ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles quinn
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To Be a Christian
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
dear sir have just listened to your sermon and was encouraged by it God bless Your bro in Christ charles quinn

Sermon5/26/08 7:36 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Changed By Grace
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great encouragement. ”
Encouraging message about the Lord's deliverance of His people, the Lord's dwelling with His people and the Lord's dominion over His people.

Sermon5/22/08 4:43 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ What a serious message! ”
What a serious message: the coming of Christ will be a glory for His people, but a sealing of the eternal curse of God for those who do not love Christ! And the tragic reminder that in the churches, as in the church at Corinth, there are people who make a profession of faith, but are not saved, they do not love Christ!

Sermon5/21/08 3:38 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Knowing the Gospel. ”
Knowing the power, purpose, scope, content, simplicity and effects of the Gospel, Paul was not ashamed.

Sermon5/20/08 2:14 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great passion for the Gospel. ”
It is true: when a person experiences the power and the blessing of the Gospel, when that person admires it and glories in it, when He understands it, when he loves Christ's incarnation, sufferings, salvation, justification - only then has he the passion to spread that Gospel. The passion for spreading the Gospel grows from knowing it well in the heart.

Sermon5/19/08 8:21 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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A Cry from the Edge of the Grave
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Call to commitment. ”
A call to commitment, to fervency in the work of God, knowing that our lives are short. If we are not seeing a mighty work of God through us soon, we will never see it

Sermon5/17/08 5:56 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Reign Of Terror - 2
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great sufferings, great steadfastness! ”
The story of the persecution of the Huguenots from 1534 to 1572 (The Saint Bartholomew Night). The power of darkness couldn't conquer the Gospel, but France brought judgment on herself by rejecting the Gospel.

Sermon5/16/08 10:33 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Day Of Visitation - 1
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great tragedy! ”
A message about the tragedy of rejecting the day of grace. For Paris this was the year 1533, when it rejected the Gospel preached by the reformed preachers. Another important subject: the reformation in Meaux, under ministry of Lefevre, Briconnet, Roussel.

Sermon5/16/08 3:30 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great life through the Gospel of Christ. ”
Paul's task: evangelism, establishment, mutual edification, enrichment. A church that loses the passion, the burden for evangelism, loses the reason to exist.

Sermon5/15/08 4:48 PM
Peter J Gordon from Helensburgh, Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter J Gordon
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“ Great Work! ”
This is a great work you are doing, thanks for the presentation on-line.

Sermon5/15/08 5:20 AM
charles quinn from ballynure northern ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles quinn
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“ Great meeting ”
Dear Bro. I have watched your video and I enjoyed every minute of it.May God richly bless the work in Liberia,and keep the people safe and going on with the Lord. Yours in Christ. Charles Quinn

Sermon5/14/08 2:39 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Prayer and preaching in Paul's life. ”
A message about Paul's thanksgiving and testimony. About Paul's life of prayer and preaching. In his life, Paul united preaching the Gospel before men with pleading for it before God. This is needed in every minister's life.

Sermon5/13/08 2:33 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great God. ”
A message of encouragement to saints, a word of hope for burdened souls and a word of warning for obstinate sinners.

Sermon5/12/08 2:45 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Powerful Gospel of God. ”
The Gospel is powerful to succeed in the lives of every kind of men, because God has His elects in the whole world and He will call them to salvation in Christ, as He done in the pagan Rome.

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