Sermons by Bob Vincent and Others
Bob Vincent  |  Texarkana, Texas
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Pastor Robert Benn Vincent
Trinity Presbyterian Church
2623 N Robison Road
Texarkana, TX 75501
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"Humbling Message"
Bob Vincent from Boyce, Louisiana
Sandy and I heard this sermon at the Friday night worship service of the Presbytery of the Gulf South. Instead of a rushed, dry...
Scott Castleman | John 3:30
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Blog3/30/06 5:29 PM
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Removing my comment eh, for what?

Sermon3/30/06 3:14 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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The City that is to Come
Bob Vincent
“ Wonderful Message! ”
Thank you for this wonderful message! Sad to say, liberal, modernistic, humanistic "preachers" hardly ever mention our eternal home in heaven!

Sermon3/30/06 8:22 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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The Sons of God, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for these excellent messages! Pastor Vincent is not afraid to "tell it like it is"...!

Sermon3/21/06 8:31 PM
Noah Malgeri from Heidelberg, Germany  Contact via email
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The City that is to Come
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Vincent prays at the beginning of this sermon for the Holy Spirit to move him out of the way so the truth may be told merely through him. Well, his prayer was answered - Brother Vincent preaches an absolute must-hear sermon of truth, warning, and ultimately beautiful encouragement for all who plead nothing but the blood of Christ. Listen to this and forward the link to everyone you know.

Blog3/18/06 6:24 PM
Bob Vincent from Alexandria, Louisiana  Contact via email
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Dear Isaac,

I thought that I was expressing the exact opposite of what you believe that I was stating. Consider, for example, these statements from above:

'Soon every man who has never known God's grace in Jesus Christ will join hands with Satan and all the demons in hell to attempt to damn such a God to the very hell he has allowed to exist. But I won't, nor will any who have come to know his sweet grace. I will not sit in judgment of this high God. . .

'I do not question this God, because he is the God who is and there is no other. He can cast me into hell. He creates weal and woe. (Isaiah 45:1ff.) It isn't that I don't have all these feelings, but I choose not to indulge them, remembering that I am dust -- fallen, fallible and finite in the totality of my being, in the totality of my capacity to reason.

'And truly -- I take an oath -- as God is my witness -- as I have lived in this world, wandering in the mad labyrinth of the human mind -- my own and others -- I have concluded that I deserve no less fate than to burn in hell forever. . .'

God bless you,
Bob Vincent

Blog3/18/06 4:44 PM
Isaac from  
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It sounds like you have your own ideas of what's right, and are standing over God in the judgement. I'll pray for you.

Blog2/7/06 2:22 AM
Jean-Martin  Contact via email
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Great post. Thank you for your willingness to examine all things biblically.

Sermon2/4/06 6:22 PM
Mike and Monica Cook from Fort Worth, TX  
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The Law of God, 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Bob, the family listened to this teaching one Sunday morning when we couldn't go to church. What a blessing it was.

Sermon1/1/06 5:02 PM
plw from Mo  
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Plutophilia, 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful message! We all fall into this category at one time or another. This is a message for everyone. Pastor Bob has a wonderful down to earth, easy to understand, plain and simple way to explain to us what the Bible teaches. Keep the sermons coming pastor, you are refreshing to listen to no matter what the subject is. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours.

Sermon9/14/05 8:30 PM
Gene from New England  Contact via email
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A Trip to Job's House
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
I listened to this excellent sermon today. Not only was it a fascinating account of the Pastor's journey to New Orleans and his first hand account of the situation there, but his biblical examination of Job and the corresponding examination of the three biblical reasons for all suffering was very thought provoking. I found especially revealing the notion that the three causes (natural, satanic/demonic, sovereign predestination by God) are not mutually exclusive. I so appreciated this fervent examination of the truth as found in God's word vs. what I/we in the natural would like to believe because it is "easier" and better fits into our preconceived notions. Thank you Pastor - God Bless you.

Sermon9/3/05 6:06 PM
Jeremy Brick from Logan, IA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon brother!

Sermon8/21/05 2:38 AM
Jay Mathis from Waco, TX  Contact via email
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The Church of Pergamum
Ritchey Cable
“ Great preaching! ”
I have known Ritchey since he was in college. I am so blessed by his serious study of God's Word and how he succeeds at bridging the gap between the Bible and the world we live in today. He "preaches between two worlds" very well. We can learn much from the churches in Revelation and Ritchey shows us how.

Sermon8/19/05 2:04 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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The Sons of God, Part 3
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for these excellent Bible studies! All three of these lectures(about the "sons of God") are very interesting! This church is very blessed by hearing sound, inspirational Bible teaching!

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