Sermons by Bob Vincent and Others
Bob Vincent  |  Texarkana, Texas
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Pastor Robert Benn Vincent
Trinity Presbyterian Church
2623 N Robison Road
Texarkana, TX 75501
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"Great Study!"
Larry A from Southern California
Thank you for allowing God to work through you to put all this together. All the references, cross-references and “therefore”...
Bob Vincent | Are These Fallen Angels?
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Sermon3/27/11 11:30 PM
peter selak from Australia, melbourne  Contact via emailFind all comments by peter selak
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The Shaking of the World
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Br Bob Vincent, what a Blessing sermon, just listening to it changed me and really heated up my heart now that's a blessing to you.May God take care of his children All over the world.God Bless You and your Church and keep us all.amen

Sermon3/25/11 9:49 PM
Bob Vincent from Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Please Don't Give up on the Church ”
Dear Jana, Please don't give up on the Church. There is no perfect congregation on earth and there are no perfect pastors -- I certainly come short of being the pastor I ought to be and so desperately want to be. You and I need to be accountable to a local fellowship of believers if we are to grow and be what God wants us to be. Find a local congregation where the main teacher/pastor/preacher believes the Bible is God's Word and bases what he says on it, who proclaims the good news summed up in John 3:16: that we are right with God by grace alone, received through faith alone, in Christ alone -- is a man who loves the Lord Jesus and loves people, and who is a man of prayer. God bless you, Bob Vincent

Sermon3/23/11 1:19 PM
Jana Brown from Houston Texas  Find all comments by Jana Brown
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm 29yrs old & believe while heartedly that the church is extremely deformed. I believe and agree with all that was said! So much so that I have quit attending church & now do church at and Jesus! My prayer is that God will fix the body soon & that I find a pastor like u!

Sermon3/22/11 6:42 AM
Helen Tavares from Kenya  Contact via emailFind all comments by Helen Tavares
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have been very blessed by Bob Vincent's sermons. I appreciate very much the discernment God has given him. He is a blessing!

Sermon3/10/11 9:03 AM
Doug Mahady from Lewisberry, PA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Doug Mahady
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon2/26/11 2:09 PM
Alice DelaRosa from Grand Rapids, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alice DelaRosa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was born in the mid-fifties, and I remember my second grade teacher reading the Bible to us before quiet time, after lunch. I remember praying up to fifth grade. I truly see your point about women in authority over men nothing but insanity rules any position of authority where men are not over seeing, and women accountable to them. We are so easily deceived. One thing that I wish you would have brought out is that women are very beguiled, and led astray by wanting to know everything, and by spoken words against someone, or some thing. Doesn't it appear that our adversary only used words to beguile Eve? Leaving me the thought that wanting to know more than man, and GOD is a natural thing for women.

Sermon2/22/11 7:42 PM
Kay-too from Minneapolis area  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kay-too
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“ Utterly fascinating! ”
I will be mailing this link to MANY of my lady friends (in real love). This was truly edifying. Thank you and bless you. Will be listening to it again very soon. Kay

Sermon2/3/11 4:50 AM
M.R. Minkler from West Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by M.R. Minkler
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this wonderful sermon. My own emotions are blunted by too much hardship in life for too long which took a toll on my nervous system. I hang onto faith in Jesus each and everyday, standing on the promises in His word. This sermon was a tremendous help.

Sermon2/3/11 3:16 AM
M.R. Minkler from West Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by M.R. Minkler
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The Church of Philadelphia
Ritchey Cable
“ Wonderful Sermon!!! ”
Thank you so much for this sermon. It's exactly what I needed to hear tonight. You've encouraged me to be strong. Bless you.

Sermon1/7/11 8:52 AM
Joe Ketterer from Atlanta, GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Joe Ketterer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Woof! I needed to hear that. Excellent encouragement from the Spirit. Thank you, Bob.

Sermon12/24/10 7:44 PM
Alice DelaRosa from Grand Rapids, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alice DelaRosa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is so very informative. It seems that Presbyterian preachers that I have heard anyway, have a way of "rightly dividing the word of truth." Thank-you for teaching on this topic. Thank-you, I understand so much more now.

Sermon11/29/10 9:38 AM
Joe Ketterer from Atlanta, GA  Find all comments by Joe Ketterer
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How Did We Get Here?
Bob Vincent
“ Fantastic message ”
Excellent historical background and a great message of moderation. Thanks, Bob.

Sermon11/7/10 2:12 PM
Kevin O'Neil from London UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kevin O'Neil
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“ This is simple stuff. Thank God! ”
This sermon is food and drink. I would rather be living this truth than anything else. Bob Vincent, you are a man after my own heart (if I may say so), may God richly bless you and your family. Thankyou.

Sermon6/11/10 7:33 PM
sally apokedak from atlanta, GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by sally apokedak
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! This was so good, Bob. God has been telling me this exact thing over and over this week. We can be full of joy by the Spirit's power in the midst of trial. And it's not a gritting your teeth kind of fake joy. It's real joy.

Sermon6/11/10 8:37 AM
Peter Warton from England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter Warton
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The Gibeonites, Part 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Bob this series of two has made a deep impression on me through The Holy Spirit's application. Your teaching is truely anointed of The Lord and my wife and i are continually blessed through His wisdom speaking through your lips.You are often in our prayers.

Sermon3/18/10 8:48 PM
Noah Malgeri from Boston MA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Noah Malgeri
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The Commander
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Outstanding sermon

Sermon8/18/09 10:13 PM
noah from boston  Contact via emailFind all comments by noah
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The God of this Age
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
outstanding sermon

Sermon8/5/09 8:29 PM
Peter Warton from England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter Warton
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A trap many fall into,this sermon will keep you from that trap. Thx Bob,praying for you.

Sermon7/22/09 8:32 PM
Peter Warton from England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter Warton
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Tough Places, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW What Gr8 insite Bob has given here to all who Interceed in prayer. A must listen to any serious believer.

Sermon4/28/09 10:23 PM
James  Find all comments by James
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Be Happy and Thankful
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent stuff Pastor Bob! Give thanks in all things and be joyful! Amen and Amen.

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