Sermons by Bob Vincent and Others
Bob Vincent  |  Texarkana, Texas
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Pastor Robert Benn Vincent
Trinity Presbyterian Church
2623 N Robison Road
Texarkana, TX 75501
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"Great Sermon!"
Diane from AL
It is good to hear a preacher not try to explain this away as so many do in our day. Especially us in the Reformed camp. My...
Bob Vincent | Are These Fallen Angels?
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Sermon11/25/06 12:59 PM
Bob Vincent from Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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The Legacy of Anti-Semitism
Bob Vincent
“ More on Luther ”
I agree with you that Martin Luther did not hate all Jews, but he did make some terrible statements about them as a people, statements that Satan has used in an evil way ever since. Luther was mightily used by God to present the gospel of Christ, but, like the rest of us, he was not a perfect man, especially in his words. I, too, have said things for which I have had to repent, and I believe that's true of us all. In this sermon, I quoted from Martin Luther's writings, and they are also posted in the second of the two blogs connected with the message. Thank you for your comments. Cordially in Christ, Bob Vincent

Sermon11/25/06 8:15 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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The Legacy of Anti-Semitism
Bob Vincent
“ Interesting Sermon! ”
Thank you for this wonderful message! Very interesting! However, my view is that Martin Luther did not "hate all Jews"...for in his excellent work on the Book of Romans, he clearly taught that God would call and save a remnant of people from the Jewish nation - according to God's election of grace! For this reason, the gospel was to be preached to the Jew first. Also, if Luther were living today, I think that he would speak more clearly on this matter, and say to all of us living today that he does not "hate the Jewish people" as such, but he hates their *vain, false religion* ..(it had a "show of wisdom" because it was outwardly prosperous)....see Galations 1:13-14.. Even the Psalmist once said..."I hate every false way"...etc. Also, once Luther's eyes were opened to the true gospel, he could clearly see that any false religion (without Salvation) is damnation. Luther knew that even in his time, many would be deceived and lost forever because of following a false religion of doing good works, etc.

Sermon11/24/06 8:46 PM
plw from Mo  Find all comments by plw
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The Falling Away
Bob Vincent
“ Couldn't agree more....... ”
We enjoyed this message. Not only do we think what you said was true, but we also wonder if satan and all his have been let lose to do their last damages. As always, your messages are easy to understand and biblical. Thank you for being one of Gods servants. May we encourage you to keep up the great work.

Sermon11/24/06 5:08 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Powerful Message! ”
Hear this wonderful message! No jokes here or funny stories to get the people to laugh...etc.

Sermon11/24/06 8:48 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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The Olive Tree
Bob Vincent
“ Wonderful Message! ”
Thank you for this wonderful message! Be sure to hear this one! The truth found in Romans 11 is made clear here for all to understand! Praise God, our Salvation is of the Lord!

Sermon10/16/06 1:01 PM
Joe Bedale from DFW, Texas  Contact via email
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Why Does God Hate Divorce?
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks, Pastor Bob! This series is the best, most biblicaly grounded and practicle series I have ever heard. No fluff allowed. A "Must" for all couples and people who give marital counseling. Joe

Sermon9/14/06 6:29 AM
Joe Bedale from Dallas TX  Contact via email
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Is Israel Secure?
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
"DING!" That was the sound of Bob Vincent hitting the mark with this sermon! I am concerned about the possibility that we have fallen in love with common escatological teachings. We have, in doing so, set our faith on interp. and not on the Bible and God. That is a horribly dangerous error! Thanks, Pastor Bob!

Sermon9/12/06 7:56 AM
david puline from finland  Contact via email
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The Unequal Yoke
Bob Vincent
“ Insights That Should Be Taught In Every Church! ”
As an American living in Finland, I have met and talked with some Finnish women that have "Unequaly Yoked" with Muslim men. What heart-ache...they descend into darkness. Met many Muslim men, who have married Finnish women and they, too, do not stray too far from Islamic teachings. Blessings to you and your churches who are staying the course of Reform theology. Yours in Him, David.

Sermon8/19/06 10:01 PM
plw from Mo  
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Is Israel Secure?
Bob Vincent
“ Get your Bible out on this one!! ”
This message will give you something to think about!! Something you don't hear from our pulpits today for the most part. What if.............yup, it could happen. Wouldn't be the first time and may not be the last. Interesting, very interesting. We are always blessed by the messages the Lord gives you pastor Bob!! Look forward to more.

Sermon6/18/06 12:31 AM
Noah Malgeri from Fairfax, VA  Contact via email
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Complete in Christ, 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wrote my first comment to this sermon while I was still listening to it. This is really a sermon that could be about five sermons. Please listen and hear how brother Vincent totally brings the incident with Elijah and the Baal worshipers alive and makes it real for us today. There is a fantastic and fearless exposition of an Old Testament story that makes it completely contemporary and much more relevant than I ever knew.

Sermon6/18/06 12:05 AM
Noah Malgeri from Fairfax, VA  Contact via email
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Complete in Christ, 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesome sermon from brother Vincent again. Fantastic antidote to the renewed spirit of gnosticism and the "health and wealth" spirit moving through the Church today. "Complete in Christ" Huge fundamental that we need to hear again and again but unfortunately is not often preached. "You want to know the secret of contentment? It isn't a secret: everthing you will every need AND EVERYTHING YOU ARE GOING TO GET is in Christ. And there is alway more than you already know in 'the treasure of all wisdom and knowledge.'" Thanks for this sermon.

Sermon5/18/06 10:21 PM
Noah Malgeri from Fairfax, Virginia  Contact via email
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Sarah, Our Mother
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Fantastic sermon that is just plain truth. Brother Vincent preaches a powerful and fearless message all about the one and only way of salvation. Please listen.

Sermon4/24/06 5:09 PM
plw from Mo  
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Fellowship, Part 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
You know if more churches did what you preached in your message here......I think "the church" would be a whole lot different than it is today. Wonderful biblical advice Pastor Bob. Thank you.

Sermon4/4/06 7:36 PM
plw from Mo  
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The City that is to Come
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well if this doesn't stir you up inside, nothing will!! I'd say the prayer was answered that the Holy Spirit spoke through you Pastor Bob. Wonderful message!! I think about the words, eye has not seen, ear has not heard........and get excited. If He says you're just going to be amazed, then it has to be beyond our wildest dreams. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for another uplifting sermon.

Sermon4/2/06 3:22 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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Hold Fast to the Basics, 4
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hear this interesting, timely message, and be prepared to weep as you will see (with your eyes of faith) Christ on the cross, and learn about how He suffered "Outside the Camp" for our eternal salvation (and you will never be the same)...

Sermon4/1/06 2:04 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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Hold Fast to the Basics, 2
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hear this wonderful message!

Sermon4/1/06 12:55 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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The Sacrifice of Praise
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! Hear this great sermon! Thank you for this wonderful message! Romans and Hebrews are also two of my favorite books in the Bible!

Blog3/31/06 12:02 PM
Bob Vincent from Alexandria, Louisiana  Contact via email
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Dear Comedian,

I didn't remove it. Someone else must have. But I will say in response that we must temper our judgments about people in the past by remembering that we are all creatures subject to time, and we can only see our sins and errors as God shows them to us. No time period on our planet is perfect. We in the early twenty-first century have insights that those in early and mid twentieth century did not have and vice versa. We must remember that we, too, have our blind spots, just as did they.

The spirit of an age profoundly affects how those living within it look at reality.

God bless you.

Cordially in Christ,
Bob Vincent

Sermon3/30/06 8:28 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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Adoption, Part 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Adoption is one of my favorite biblical topics. Everyone should hear this wonderful message!

Sermon3/30/06 8:24 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via email
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Christian Liberty, 2
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Much Wisdom here, excellent advice! Everyone should hear this one!

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