Sermons by Bob Vincent and Others
Bob Vincent  |  Texarkana, Texas
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Pastor Robert Benn Vincent
Trinity Presbyterian Church
2623 N Robison Road
Texarkana, TX 75501
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Bob Vincent from Boyce, Louisiana
The Open doors website has an excellent update on Pastor Brunson's circumstances.
Bob Vincent | A Day of Prayer and Fasting
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Sermon4/10/2022 1:18 AM
Jenny from Greeley, CO  Find all comments by Jenny
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very insightful

Sermon9/17/2021 11:10 AM
Monique from WV  Contact via emailFind all comments by Monique
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“ Thank you for this! ”
I am wrestling with whether to be buried or cremated when I die. A member of a reformed group I'm in on Facebook shared this sermon to help me in my search for biblical, God-honoring answers.

Sermon2/16/2021 9:08 AM
Bob Vincent from Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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The Sons of God, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Memory Failures ”
Dear Diane, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Because I don’t read my notes when I preach, sometimes I slip up with ages and dates. When I catch that I try to correct the mistake. That’s what I am doing now. God bless you, Bob

Sermon2/15/2021 3:39 PM
Bob Vincent from Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Hair and Covering ”
Dear YoungMan, Would you care to prove from Scripture itself why you are dismissive of what I regard as a very straight-forward command that women wear their hair longer than men and why they should cover it in worship? Thanks so much. Cordially in Christ, Bob (OldMan)

Sermon2/9/2021 10:01 PM
YoungMan from US  Find all comments by YoungMan
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“ Spiritual battle ”
Key, here, is to stay focused on where the real danger is: in the spiritual realm. It's not just about some length of hair or material covering. It's about having the state of mind which is honorable to worship God. Paul says that the head of every woman is man. So how then can the mark of authority be referring to her own, material head? No, it is spiritual. Is the uncovered head of man referring to the material? Not that either. The meaning is that a woman keeps silent for the sake of her husband - although this is contrary to her fallen nature - and a man speaks words for Christ - against his fallen natural inclination. If a man is in his heart afraid to witness for Christ, how can he please God? And if a woman is rebelling against her husband, how can she please God? You say that a woman may speak in church as long as having the proper outer attire. I say that a woman with the proper inner attire will simply not speak in church and instead confer with her husband at home, even if it is to her discomfort. Again, a man would often be tempted to defer to the council of other people. But scripture here commands that he bravely bare the Word of Christ, even if it hurts or is uncomfortable. This is the corrective paradigm that would have spared Adam and Eve their folly in Eden.

Blog1/18/2021 2:13 AM
ronaldo rossi from New York, New York, USA  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by ronaldo rossi
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hi!!! I am surprisingly encouraged with your
structure aptitudes furthermore with the format
on your site.

Sermon11/30/2020 12:13 AM
SPQR3 from Pac NW  Contact via emailFind all comments by SPQR3
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was so glad to see you are still preaching. Thank you for this timely message on Satan and government (all still under the sovereign God). This helps also to guide my prayer as we see the chaos unfolding in the US post election.

Sermon1/4/2020 10:08 AM
Samantha  Find all comments by Samantha
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Why I Don't Preach Tithing
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon1/3/2020 8:33 AM
Diane from AL  Find all comments by Diane
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The Sons of God, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is good to hear a preacher not try to explain this away as so many do in our day. Especially us in the Reformed camp. My only two objections to what Bro Bob says is in regard to Sarah’s age. She was not 88 or 89. Chapter 17 tells us in verse 17 Sarah was 90 years old. Let’s not change what God has said. Also, when Jesus said “they are like the angels” he went on to clarify with the words “in heaven”. Those angelic beings who did not leave their first estate.

Sermon10/27/19 2:38 PM
Larry A from Southern California  Find all comments by Larry A
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The Sons of God, Part 1
Bob Vincent
“ Great Study! ”
Thank you for allowing God to work through you to put all this together. All the references, cross-references and “therefore” conclusions are a wonderful balm for the wondering searching soul. I’ve been on this walk many years and the more I learn, the more I realize there is so much more I don’t know and likely won’t understand this side of heaven. Thank you again. I really appreciate your closing story and reminder in the last session. God Bless you as you have blessed others.

Sermon9/11/19 4:33 PM
Marcia Montague from London  Find all comments by Marcia Montague
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Prayer, the Key to Victory
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Immensely helpful. Thank you

Sermon3/22/19 7:36 PM
Angelica  Find all comments by Angelica
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon8/31/18 7:56 PM
Harry J  Find all comments by Harry J
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Why I Don't Preach Tithing
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is such a breath of fresh air on such a widely preached topic that still remains misunderstood. Give this a listen. You won't be sorry! God bless you exceedingly and abundantly Pastor Vincent for your courage!

Sermon7/17/18 11:28 AM
SPQR3 from Pac NW  Contact via emailFind all comments by SPQR3
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Jesus Will Return
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Tremendous blessing to hear Pastor Bob's sermon. Simple Bible exegesis challenged several things I have been taught about the coming of Christ. It helped me to put off my biases and wrestle with the texts. Great encouragement also for why believers have great and real hope even in the face of death. Thank you.

Sermon4/18/18 1:13 PM
Bob Vincent from Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Update ”
The Open doors website has an excellent update on Pastor Brunson's circumstances.

Sermon1/3/18 1:51 PM
Maria from New Zealand  Find all comments by Maria
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The Widow of Zarephath
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, this sermon was very encouraging.

Sermon9/18/17 7:59 PM
Lottie from Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Lottie
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The Sons of God, Part 3
Bob Vincent
“ Good Information! ”
You know, I had forgotten that there are different kinds of angels, that they have different forms. Thanks, Bro. Bob, for this reminder. Most pictures have all angels looking like male humans with a couple of wings on their backs. All three parts of your "Sons of God" series were interesting.

Sermon9/18/17 6:06 PM
Lottie from Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Lottie
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The Sons of God, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Good Information! ”
Thanks for the additional information, Bro. Bob.

Sermon9/18/17 6:03 PM
Lottie from Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Lottie
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The Sons of God, Part 1
Bob Vincent
“ Informative! ”
Thanks for your research, Bro. Bob.

Sermon8/9/17 9:08 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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The Sons of God, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this insightful message. I'd begun looking into these passages because of our Lord mentioning in Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-27; As in the days of Noah,I began to ponder, what were they specifically doing in the days of Noah? Lord, were You making reference to all that went on? Are we to literally expect the same things which occurred then could happen again? As God led me to study certain passages which pertain to the subject matter, I found Jesus does not have to mince His words, He speaks with authority and truth, I believe Jesus is warning us, history will repeat herself.

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