Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
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"I love hearing pastors call out false teachers."
Can we do one on the Bethel church in Sacramento CA!
Mike Hoggard
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Sermon5/6/14 11:11 PM
alana from wisconsin  Find all comments by alana
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Pastor Mike Online 5-6-14
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this and God bless You!!

Sermon5/6/14 10:41 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, thank you again very, very much! A gorgeous Lecture!!!! Sincerely in Christ Jesus and our KJV, Mike Schuck

Blog5/4/14 11:31 AM
Maria from Sweden  Contact via emailFind all comments by Maria
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Mr. Hoggard, I just send you an email entitled "I am not ashamed of the gospel...", please read it and get back to me. Regards Maria

Sermon5/4/14 6:30 AM
marie from singapore  Find all comments by marie
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon5/1/14 7:11 PM
edmond thomas from uk  Contact via emailFind all comments by edmond thomas
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Pastor Mike Online 4-29-14
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am Edmond Thomas from UK. Since the Year 2005 life has been up and down for me and my precious Wife Tricia. I had Colon Cancer and my wife Trina has Ovarian cancer, this diseases has been with us for the past 10 years, we undergo Chemo and Radiation just once and we were advise by the Doctor not to go for more Chemo and Radiation. Lucky for us, we heard about Rick Simpson Oil which so many people have testified to have cure their cancer within some period of time. Got connected with a lot of people and was then recommended to Dr.oliva for procurement of Hemp Oil medication. It is with Great joy from my heart and that of my wife that we want to inform you all that my colon cancer and my wife Tricia Ovarian cancer has been cured within the Treatment period of 4 months. We got our medication from Dr.oliva who was recommended to us by several people that cannabis oil from him, so also am recommending you all to procure you Rick Simpson cannabis oil from him, contact:([email protected] ), we are now a happy family with total unity and love in us. don't allow this diseases to ruin the joy of your life, Hemp oil is the Best medication ever

Sermon5/1/14 6:37 PM
Mark in Virginia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark in Virginia
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If God Be For Us
Reg Kelly
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hey folks, I was introduced to this sermon via a truckstop ministry tape. Now though this is a shorter version of the sermon originally heard? matter, The main points are here. Enjoy. May GOD Bless you, Encourage you, Bolster you with this sermon. ps: Thank you Liberty Faith Church. Thank you Pastor Reggie Kelly. Can't tell you how much I appreciate this. This sermon put it so simply, and in a way that i, me, yeah speechless me can understand and pass on.

Sermon4/30/14 4:59 PM
Angela from NC  Find all comments by Angela
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Pastor Mike Online 4-29-14
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
The teaching from Romans 7 was a HUGE blessing to me. Thanks be to God for using you to help us come to a better understanding of the scriptures.

Sermon4/30/14 10:32 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 4-29-14
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, super again! Thank you so much! Sincerely Mike Schuck

Sermon4/29/14 2:56 PM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, a total Blessing, thank you so much!!! Mike Schuck

Sermon4/24/14 2:33 AM
Rebecca from Singapore  Find all comments by Rebecca
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“ Great Sermon! Preach it Pastor! ”
"He brought me out of a horrible pit,out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm"

Sermon4/22/14 12:49 AM
Saved by the Blood from Thailand  Find all comments by Saved by the Blood
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Prise God who gave you this message for us!!!!

Sermon4/21/14 4:09 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, all this is awsome and mind-blowing and eye-opening and a blessing all over; and all this is so true, and it would be so important for so many misleaded people to know! But: How long will the time of grace last!!????! Im so very grateful, to get to know all that over the past years, or being able to hear it again, conc. specific items! Praise the Lord! Sincerely in Christ Jesus and in the KJV; may God bless and keep you, your family and your ministries!!! Mike Schuck

Sermon4/18/14 3:49 PM
Barbara Hughes from Roswell, NM  Contact via emailFind all comments by Barbara Hughes
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your time in research. I try to be a good Berean and check out the spoken word. Do you know anything about Rabbi Schneider, his program is Discovering The Jewish Jesus? I saw him use the sign of "Spock" in doing the blessings but he stopped using it in later broadcasts. His teachings seem to be alright but the sign you spoke about triggered my mind to his programs. Also, can I get Heb and Greek on Pure Bible? How can I find any info on "last trump" that doesn't point to the 7 trumpets of Rev.? Any and all help will be appreciated. Thank you again so much. What is a good Heb/Jewish site to look things up on. BH

Sermon4/17/14 7:26 AM
David Wiebe from Canada  Find all comments by David Wiebe
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike has once again done a great expose on the false teaching of the heretic Hebrew roots movement and this blood moon garbage. We Christians are saved by Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone. We cannot perform the laws of the old testament, nor does God require that we do, because he knows we cannot! Hebrew roots is at it's core - Kabalistic witchcraft, it has to be avoided at all cost because God is not in it. It is man inspired by wolves in sheeps clothing, just like the Jdub's and SDA's, LDS and every other cult out there. Please stay clear of these false doctrine, your soul is at stake. And thank you again Pastor Mike for teaching this critical exposure.Pastor Mike has once again done a great expose on the false teaching of the heretic Hebrew roots movement and this blood moon garbage. We Christians are saved by Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone. We cannot perform the laws of the old testament, nor does God require that we do, because he knows we cannot! Hebrew roots is at it's core - Kabalistic witchcraft, it has to be avoided at all cost because God is not in it. It is man inspired by wolves in sheeps clothing, just like the Jdub's and SDA's, LDS and every other cult out there. Please stay clear of these false doctrine, your soul is at stake. Thank you PM

Sermon4/17/14 2:51 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again I am most grateful to you, Praise the Lord,, being again confirmed in my relationship towards Israel. Everything outside of the KJV-view of our Lord is not right! God Bless! Sincerely Mike Schuck

Sermon4/16/14 1:18 PM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, conc. "Hebrew roots movement": how right you are again; thank you again! Mike Schuck

Sermon4/16/14 11:30 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again a BLESSING!!! And thank you so much vor ACTS, 12, 4! Phantastic! Praise the Lord! Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus and the KJV! Mike Schuck

Sermon4/12/14 11:33 AM
Mike Humphrey from Taylor, Mi  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Humphrey
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The Beast From the Sea
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike I have to say the first time I listened to this Beast From the Sea I was completely confused and could not understand what you were trying to get across. After listening 3 more times and praying It finally clicked. If I understand it correctly, We the believers are the sand and the beast at this time is still being held back by us all from all over the world. Then it accrued to me that with all the new bibles being presented in the world today the sands (believers in KJV) are being worn away but God has His People where he wants them and he has placed us on the Rock (Jesus) with a firm foundation (The KJV) That the sea can go no further. This is why us KJV only Followers are so dangerous to those that are being lured away with other versions. There was more but that was part of what God gave me from this. I hope I got it right and that was what you were trying to get across if not I will pray further about it and listen again. I love how our Lord uses you to get these messages across to us. I pray he continues to do so and for this country everyday, that we will withstand this attack on Jesus and return to him and rid this country of those that defile Gods word and the Laws of this Nation. God Bless.

Sermon4/12/14 4:55 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, that's how it is! Thank you again so much!!! I watched a lot of Bundy-material in a Dr.-Scott-Johnson-newsletter from 04.11.2014. And again needed badly your point of view: Not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces..! All the same, God has established authorities and rules conc. man and land, of course, too! As Canada is the 51rst and Germany is the 52ond state of the USA, the Nevada-turtle will soon "flood" over...! Sincerely in Christ Jesus and the KJV Mike Schuck

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