Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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"Super relevant"
Wendy from Dallas Tx
Super relevant for today—2 different ways
Mike Hoggard | Revelation
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Sermon7/10/15 12:02 AM
Rhonda Stone from Pevely, Mo  Find all comments by Rhonda Stone
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For Those Who Struggle
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I needed to hear this. I thank God for you and your ministry daily.

Sermon7/1/15 9:44 AM
Linda from Toronto, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Linda
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The Rainbow of Sodom
Mike Hoggard
“ Days of Lot ”
Thank you for another good one! Always grateful to Azureceu, too, for letting me know of your site early last year. (Azureceu, if you happen to see this, hope all is well .. multiplied blessings to you, and Maranatha!)

Sermon6/28/15 9:33 PM
David Wiebe from BC Canada  Find all comments by David Wiebe
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The Water of the Word
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Just Great! I pray that folks will listen to Pastor Mike, his teaching proves to me beyond any doubt, that the KJV is the absolute, inerrant, Word of God.

Sermon6/25/15 7:15 PM
Ed Bailey from Willis Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ed Bailey
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Pastor Mike Online 6-23-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I really enjoy all your videos learn so much thank you I thought you might find this interesting read computer screen about 10 min. 40 sec.God Bless.

Sermon6/5/15 8:22 PM
David Wiebe from BC Canada  Find all comments by David Wiebe
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Pastor Mike Online 6-2-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You PM for sharing with us on difficult subjects. Undoubtedly the spirit of Jezebel is now working at a fever pace, the deaths of Pastors and Christians world wide is the sad evidence.

Sermon5/31/15 12:59 PM
Lottie from Ohio  Find all comments by Lottie
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“ Great Information! ”
Interesting information (about 37 minutes in) about the shekinah glory and about the Lord's people using rabbinical teachings on the Holy Scriptures. Of course the whole show is worth listening to.

Sermon5/24/15 2:57 PM
Linda from Toronto, Canada  Find all comments by Linda
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“ Great insights on this ”
We are truly "..fearfully and wonderfully made.." Psalm 139:14

Blog5/24/15 11:05 AM
Angel E from Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angel E
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Thank you for sharing Pastor Mike with my husband and I. We have changed much of our theology and learned so much from you Pastor Mike. Blessing in Jesus name to you all!

Sermon5/12/15 1:44 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Babylon Is Finished!
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again thank you so much! Praise the Lord! A total Blessing, an eye-opener again, a real gift! GOD BLESS! Sincerely in Christ Jesus and the KJV, Mike Schuck

Sermon4/30/15 6:02 AM
Darcy Lee from New Zealand  Contact via emailFind all comments by Darcy Lee
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“ Spot On Brain Computer Interfaces. ”
Hi you guys are spot on about the brain computer interfaces and hive mind. I have encountered it but not a soul believes. It is exciting to see the church believing and preaching in things like this. Please read my blog at more specifically the terrorist owned linked. I just remembered a direct link to it try this: This has my experience with brain computer interfaces and hive mind matrix virtual reality. I was going to be the one to break it to the world. You would've believed the money. Please read my blog anyhow. Brain computer interface. SPOT ON. 100% Darcy Lee

Sermon4/28/15 5:34 AM
Gen Eric from Murrells Inlet, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gen Eric
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“ Modern Day Plagues Are Happening ”
Would you like to see an example of a series of modern day plagues, which are occurring now? Example: Published(time stamped by Yahoo) three days before the worst earthquake in Japan's history, the mega tsunami, and triple reactor, nuclear meltdown at Fukushima. The Latin Reads ... Incipio = present active "I begin" Venir = first person singular "To come" Divello = present active "I tear apart" What you're looking at is the 7.3 foreshock, discovered only AFTER the megaquake and tsunami. There are a lot more of these, written in similar fashion. Haiti, Hurricane Ike, the meteor which hit Russia ... etc. Ask the question, would God send something so terrible without warning? We're already here, and this is just the warm up. The question I have for you, is do I need an exorcism of the Holy Spirit? Please contact me if you think I do. The plagues are happening now. Gen Eric

Sermon4/24/15 2:02 PM
Dave Tremont from Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dave Tremont
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Be Not Deceived
Mike Hoggard
“ Wow ”
Today God gave me a blessed assurance that I am saved thru this discussion on Words. Thank you Pastor Mike.

Sermon4/14/15 11:11 PM
Delivered from On My Knees  Find all comments by Delivered
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“ Highly Informative & Imaginative ”
FAR OUT! But worth thinking about. I lost many friends years ago speculating on these things. It is highly probable your on the mark. Who hath believed our report.

Sermon4/13/15 5:53 PM
Aussie Steve from Queensland  Find all comments by Aussie Steve
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“ Unbelievable ! Amazing research ! Information +++ ”
This is one riveting presentation, only someone with an insight into the scriptures from the index to the maps, paralleled with a insight of what collectively, scientists today are up to, could have possibly explained in some much detail, the end game for humanity. Never before in mans history could this have been possible to understand and predict, mankind is about to have the "web" offer forbidden fruit. The conclusion is staggeringly sobering. Pastor Mike a huge effort from you, thank you.

Sermon4/6/15 5:26 PM
Aussie Steve from Queensland  Find all comments by Aussie Steve
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Wednesday Night 3-25-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Awesome message, bold courageous preaching. ”
I am convinced as this message so Biblically reveals, that the vast majority of those people who have been born again and faithfully attend a local fellowship, especially the mega-churches, consciously or sub-consciously believe that the last days false teachers and false prophets are outside the church. Not realising that their deception started when they heard a message that was only 1 Deg, off course, maybe just one word in total that was not Authorised. And if these same people aren't faithfully reading the only bible that never changes, and not the shifting sands, they will never know, until they arrive at the end.

Sermon4/5/15 10:24 AM
Linda from Toronto, Ontario Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Linda
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“ 2 Vines - 2 Manuscript Lines ”
Hi Pastor Mike - a lot of great points raised! In your next sermon, would you also consider doing a brief talk on source manuscripts for the 2 vines, to help show how one line of manuscripts was more reliable than the others (for KJV vs other bible versions)? Agree with you btw. Many thanks, God bless, and Happy Resurrection Day!

Sermon4/2/15 5:31 PM
Linda from Toronto, Ontario Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Linda
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Can the Bible Ever Be Wrong?
Mike Hoggard
“ 2nd try - Excellent topic - KJV translation ”
So glad you raised the important topic of the 2 manuscript lines for Bible version translations. Interesting to know that the KJV bible translation was based on a very different line than all the others. I hope your Thursday PMO sermon will further elaborate on these 2 lines. This topic is so crucial to answering the question "which bible should I use?", that it would also be great if you would post a brief summary of this (say, a few paragraphs about the 2 lines of translation derivation?) on each of your websites. It may really help clarify some things for people on all of this. God bless!

Sermon4/2/15 3:08 PM
Linda from Toronto, Ontario Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Linda
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Can the Bible Ever Be Wrong?
Mike Hoggard
“ Excellent Topic - KJV Bible ”
So glad you raised the important topic of the 2 manuscript lines for Bible version translations. Interesting to know that the KJV bible translation was based on a very different line than all the others. I hope your Thursday PMO sermon will further elaborate on these 2 lines. This topic is so crucial to answering the question "which bible should I use?", that it would also be great if you would post a brief summary of this (say, a few paragraphs about the 2 lines of translation derivation?) on each of your websites. Who knows? It may even help some of the scoffers and scorners to repent. God bless.

Sermon4/2/15 11:09 AM
Linda from Toronto, Ontario Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Linda
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Can the Bible Ever Be Wrong?
Mike Hoggard
“ Excellent Topic - KJV vs. other translations ”
Great that you raised this topic, Pastor Mike! On Thursday, I hope you'll spend more time explaining the 2 manuscript lines that were used, i.e., 1 as the basis for the KJV vs the 2nd for all other translations. Also, it would be helpful to a lot of people if you'd consider doing a brief summary (on each of your websites?) on the 2 manuscript lines, showing the basis for KJV vs all others. (Who knows? Maybe it will even help some of the scorners to repent.)

Sermon3/25/15 1:43 PM
Linda from Toronto, Ontario, Canada  Find all comments by Linda
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Pastor Mike Online 3-24-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor Mike, for your bible-based (KJV) teachings - always a pleasure to hear the truth explained and defended so clearly and insightfully from scripture. Glad you exposed the "faith healers" today, too, that is, those who keep people in bondage saying if they become or remain ill, it's their fault for not having enough faith. Also appreciate your wonderful humour! (A merry heart doeth good... Prov.17:22) God keep and bless you and yours.

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