Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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"Bread and Circuses"
Tiffany from Washington
Most people want bread and circuses , from Infotainment to church services . Pastor Cooley put me on that concept . The KJV is...
Mike Hoggard | Pastor Mike Online
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Sermon3/22/15 11:11 PM
David Wiebe from BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Wiebe
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6 Changes Everything
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike warns against those who say you can be saved even though you have taken the mark of the beast - great advice, you cannot be saved after that.

Sermon3/22/15 3:21 PM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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6 Changes Everything
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, just for the records: FLONASE has the german word for nose in it: Nose in German means Nase, pronounced appr. like N-ah-s-e(the e like in garden) Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus Mike Schuck

Sermon3/20/15 11:54 AM
Serge from mini sssota  Contact via emailFind all comments by Serge
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6 Changes Everything
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! That's very interesting thought and excellent job done by pastor Mike!

Sermon3/19/15 8:07 PM
Maryann from Boston  Contact via emailFind all comments by Maryann
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The Devil's Horns 3-8-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Learned a lot, thanks Pastor Mike.

Sermon3/14/15 6:36 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 3-12-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again thank you so very much!!!Everything is so important and revealing! Sincerely in Christ Jesus Mike Schuck

Sermon3/7/15 6:31 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, exactly right! Thank you so much!! In Christ Jesus, Mike Schuck

Sermon3/6/15 4:15 PM
Christopher Monkus from United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christopher Monkus
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Thank you, Thank You! For exposing these twisted men.

Sermon3/4/15 5:22 PM
Jakob Breker from West Coast  Find all comments by Jakob Breker
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“ Great Sermon! ”
There are those who say that Netanyahoos talk to congress was political theatre that had been contrived back in 2009, for a variety of political agendas. To paraphrase, Let God be true, and every man a Liar. It seems to me that above all, Jews as at all time, need to be saved through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sermon3/4/15 3:23 PM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Babylon's Mystery Part 5
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, important and awesome and a blessing, as usual! Thank you so much! Praise the Lord! Greetings from Munich/Bavaria/Germany and sincerely Yours in Christ Jesus and our KJV Mike Schuck

Sermon2/27/15 10:49 PM
Zach kesslwr  Find all comments by Zach kesslwr
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“ what do you think about this ”
Hello, This is a qoute, unquote, revelation that I noticed the past few day. Think of 2 Thes. 2-3 as I tell you what I noticed. First I saw that Madonna fell of stage at an award show. I am sure you are already aware of this fact. Well then today on the news it stated that the leader in all of the ISIS propaganda videos, his identity is ow known. Finally, tomorrow Feb. 28Th is going to be what ISIS has stated "the national day of blood" . You can look up all of this just by a few clicks of the mouse. Now look at this verse in the bible.....let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Zach kessler

Sermon2/24/15 7:37 PM
jon cramer from oxford, Ala.  Contact via emailFind all comments by jon cramer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike: Don't think polygamy is for the Morons{Mormons} but for the muslins so they can have multiple wives in this country.

Blog2/24/15 2:44 PM
daniel E. mayon from Houston, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by daniel E. mayon
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Blog2/24/15 2:42 PM
daniel E. mayon from Houston, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by daniel E. mayon
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I love Jesus! How can I show my love for HIM,
to HIM? KJV ONLY, agree with Pastor Hoggard

How does one get a membership on your website
and does the money go to your church?

Sermon2/20/15 2:15 AM
Michael Schuck from Munich-Bavaria-Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 2-19-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again you are absolutely right!! GOD BLESS! Mike from Bavaria-Germany

Sermon2/19/15 4:01 PM
Loudmouth from In A Maze  Contact via emailFind all comments by Loudmouth
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No Private Interpretation
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amazingly, the perverted NIV is the only version of the Bible that the Salvation Army uses. Why do we, churches and Christians, support this organization where the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ is seldom mentioned and their preaching(?) appeals to the emotions of their members? Oh, I know. "We're helping the homeless, etc."

Sermon2/15/15 12:57 PM
Mike mitchell from Greenville il  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike mitchell
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Things Not Seen 2-12-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Untempered Mortar You were talking about 70 years is 70 years Why can't week be week ? I used your pure Bible Search and In Gen. 29 27'28 .A week there is 7 years . Mike I like your Bible study. and like you have a real hard time witnessing .I do hand out the word .Thanks for saying you have a hard time witnessing . Mike

Sermon2/12/15 8:37 PM
josephmummenschanz from San Diego  Contact via emailFind all comments by josephmummenschanz
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Things Not Seen 2-12-15
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Mr. Hoggard.i enjoy your discussions very thing I would appreciate,sir,if when you discuss Pastor Dale you would quote him in context and cite the page numbers where you get your information.i would like to verify some of your comments by actually going to the reference location.location based quotes would be very helpful. Thanks...Joe Faulkner

Sermon2/11/15 1:02 PM
Robert from Clovis Ca  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Powerful message! ”
I am in number person I love math. So I had wondered in the past last year of 2014 why Ash Wednesday and Easter didn't match to 40 days. It can either be 46 or 47 days. So I googled it before. Supposedly and I believe it's the Fridays that you don't have to do your 40 days of fasting. Then it adds to 40 days. But for example if you were fasting from soda or ice cream and you go to someone's house and they offer you a soda or ice creme on your fasting days you are obligated to take it because the gift of hospitality and you are not breaking your fast. But I haven't finished listening to the message yet I'm 18 minutes into it.

Sermon2/8/15 8:26 PM
Alfred Thames from United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alfred Thames
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The remnant in Rev 12:17 and the saints in Rev 14:12 are the same, Israelites/Jews. They keep the commandments of God and the faith and testimony of Jesus. These are converted Jews and Israelites, from all 12 tribes converted by the 144,000 from all 12 tribes. This is the New Covenant spoken of by Jeremiah. The Church, I believe doesnt fall under the new covenant. Because, we were never in the Old covenant. To be in something new, you had to be in something old, right. We have Jesus, he is our salvation, AMEN

Blog2/8/15 8:13 PM
Ann Waller-Leitgeb from Tampa, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ann Waller-Leitgeb
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Please be encouraged that we (Your
congregation there at Bethel and Online)
pray for you and ask the GOD give you
strength,understanding, and a tender
heart to even those who oppose you.
Just keep preaching and teaching the
PURE WORD of GOD, please. . . We all
have had Judas' in our lives and it
hurts deeply, but GOD has a special
healing process for you and a blessing
comes when we endure hardships and
trials for JESUS CHRIST sake. . . .
This was such a good service and a
blessing to me. THANK YOU for being
such a good shepherd. You and your
family are greatly loved.
May the LORD bless you in a special and
surprising way.

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