Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
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"Great Sermon!"
Mrs Kathy L Cummings from West Virginia
Very informative-think it's been determined that the Lutzes made up the Amityville "horror" (the DeFeo murders did actually...
Mike Hoggard | Watchman Broadcast
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Sermon1/14/14 12:29 PM
Michael Schuck from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, I can only agree to everything, you have said! Thank you again! Sincerely in Jesus, Mike Schuck

Sermon1/8/14 9:18 PM
marlanea bridgewater  Contact via emailFind all comments by marlanea bridgewater
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Pastor Mike Online 1-7-14
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Your message was profound Mike. Thank you for it my friend..Supernatural schools, supernatural know what one of the letters to the seven churches in Rev. is CLEAR, that was in grave error, on that church that taught the secrets of SATAN, and what the consequence would be, oooops i guess thats one of the verses Pentecostals choose to ignore, as they ignore others that expose their error, and diverse lusts same as gays so they BETTER NEVER point the finger at other sinners EVER, when they do the same things just as paul said. Amazing how its these who say cheap watered down grace is wrong, and preach holiness, sinlessness, and look at them. 24 minutes ago · Like Marlanea Bridgewater Thats what makes me sick the most,, how all these various churches and denominations take a stance against this or stance against that which gives them the appearence "of holiness, or rightousness" yet THEY have their own wickedness, idolitry, eastern mystic gnostic witchcrafts of all sorts....WHAT a JOKE. 22 minutes ago · Like Marlanea Bridgewater Well all i can say is this, almost the ENTIRE evangelical society, organized religous institution is being EXPOSED and rightly so, but each needs to look in their own hearts, houses FIRST and all should come to repentence

Sermon1/8/14 12:23 AM
marlanea bridgewater  Contact via emailFind all comments by marlanea bridgewater
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Pastor Mike Online 1-7-14
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you mike for todays message and sure you are spot on that the formerly holy objects, are hidden, but they will be revealed again soon enough. I see big fish hats, and apostates all looking forward to going back under the law...Various denominations are all now at the same time putting alot of focus on EACH of the ten commandments, a whole day sermons on each one. I believe it comes from starting the 'alpha program", peace programs, or whatever program thats being downloaded and distributed from seminaries. They all seem to be following the same program, no matter what its called, first they talked of the atributes of god, and now just finished the whole ten commandments, and now moving into 'HOW JESUS PRAYED" and say we need to pray as he did....wonder if its an introduction to contemplation. Im waiting and listening. Thanks for your message today, very much enjoy your teaching. Especially when i hear you say things that i have felt for a long time.

Sermon1/5/14 2:13 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 1-2-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again a very important message, very important(brain-left-and right), and brought in a way to be understood by everyone! Thank you ! Praise the Lord! Sincerely in Jesus! Mike Schuck

Sermon1/4/14 2:30 PM
Michael Schuck from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again thank you so much, and again it's a darling to see the little snowman, remembering your little granddaughter, allready in heaven! Have a grest and thoroughly blessed New Year! Sincerely yours from Bavaria,Munich Mike Schuck

Sermon12/24/13 9:44 PM
Charlie Schafer from New Castle, Delaware  Contact via emailFind all comments by Charlie Schafer
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Sunday School 12-22-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great preachin as always !!!! Pastor Mike ..Not Many good Preachers left in this country preachin God's Word; outta the King James Bible . our Lord's inerrant & Infallable Word . Thank You; Wen down inthe grass ur'e sermons always lift me up// & their Free Amen !!!!!

Sermon12/20/13 8:37 PM
Ginger Stephens from TN  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ginger Stephens
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Pure Bible Study 12-18-13
Mike Hoggard
“ sermon ”
I really wanted to listen to this but it cut in and out so much, I couldn't follow it.

Sermon12/18/13 3:08 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, Wonderfull! Right on! Praise the Lord! Thank you so much!!! Sinderely in Christ Jesus! Mike Schuck

Sermon12/14/13 9:47 PM
marlanea bridgewater  Contact via emailFind all comments by marlanea bridgewater
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Wednesday Night 12-11-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike, how come nobody in the church today, or very few do like the first church did, especially with the kiss of charity, i think pride gets in the way of us being more like the first church.. I have never heard the KISS of CHARITY ever been taught. Much talk on loving the brethren, but not the holy way, however i do see this kiss of charity in what we may call apostate groups.

Sermon12/14/13 9:39 PM
marlanea bridgewater  Contact via emailFind all comments by marlanea bridgewater
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Wednesday Night 12-11-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Oh Mike, i see God is doing a work on your heart, I especially enjoyed your sermon wed. night. 12/11/13. Im so happy to see you working on the fruit of spirit and teaching on brotherly love, loving those that we dont like...or our flesh dislikes, above all this paying attention to the different parts of the body. I love you good guy, even when your flesh dont line up with your spirit..may the Lord bless you in all that you do..sincerely marlane'a bridgewater up here in tri lakes indiana.

Sermon12/12/13 12:26 AM
David Wiebe from Canada  Find all comments by David Wiebe
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Pastor Mike Online 12-10-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great teaching!! If anyone has had questions about Mandela, and wondered about where he was at spiritually, then this has some astounding information that Pastor Mike has put forward.

Sermon12/11/13 2:53 PM
Anne Marie Kam from Oregon  Find all comments by Anne Marie Kam
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Pure Bible Study 12-11-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Thank you Pastor Mike! ”
Comforting message, The Word of God is my Shepherd. Thank you for teaching Pure Bible Study.

Sermon12/9/13 8:47 PM
marlanea bridgewater  Contact via emailFind all comments by marlanea bridgewater
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Sunday School 12-8-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Loved your sermons always seen to have the right message, right on time. Im so glad to of found you and your little church, may the lord bless and keep you and continue to guide your steps....and thank you most of all for your humbleness, and willingness to show your weakness and struggles, gives us all hope.

Sermon12/8/13 10:35 PM
terry evans from fort walton beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor, Quite a stretch, the numerology is over the top. You stated that your use of it, and lets call them satanic writings has no effect on you. The irony. 2 Peter 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. Im afraid you could be wrong and the use of that material hides some truth from you. When you preach strictly from scripture without the use of those things you let scripture speak. Can you show me in scripture where we are to use such things? Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. In this you say that the Lord has a different plan for Israel?? Galatians 6 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon THE ISRAEL OF GOD. Isaiah 41:8 But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. Galatians 3 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. One Plan for One people

Sermon12/7/13 2:29 PM
Stephen big swan from AB, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Stephen big swan
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Pastor Mike Online 12-5-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Pastor Mike, Thank you for your teachings and the stand that you take for the KJV. Understanding that God has provided us with a perfect word. Is now teaching me to discern between clean and unclean. Also, months ago I asked you advice on whether I should start my own church. Because I could not find a KJV only church(Not really wanting to because I know that I have not matured enough in the word). You said you couldn't really tell me what to do but that you would pray about it with me. Well praise the Lord. I have found a King James only Church. Thanks again

Sermon12/6/13 11:50 PM
Texas_Ted  Find all comments by Texas_Ted
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Pastor Mike Online 12-5-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I gots no idea what pastor mike was on about in this episode, but he sure can preach!

Sermon12/6/13 7:45 PM
Texas_Ted  Find all comments by Texas_Ted
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“ Aint' been had! ”
Ain't none like'a study that be's pure! yaww hoo!

Sermon12/5/13 10:47 PM
terry evans from fwb fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Pastor Mike Online 12-5-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen, don't let them get you, I don't agree with everything you say and I have yet to find a person that believes everything I say. I think the Lord keeps us humble that way. A good thing. Acts 15:7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. People remove books, chapters or even just a few words from the scriptures to make what they "feel" believable. In Genesis 3 satan says: Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden Took away words, like the "new versions" do. God said Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But...and Eve I think was the first to add some words, neither shall ye touch it Satans MO is the same, if what you believe is untrue, he has something to build on. Pastor Mike, you think Leanne would marry a born again really good looking, healthy retired AF guy in his 50's like say me. Sounds desperate huh, but a woman who loves the Lord is hard to find Or do you think I should repent for even noticing her behind you. She is a cutie. Thanks, for just reading the Word. I need it

Blog12/5/13 2:26 PM
MarkC from at work  Find all comments by MarkC
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During the Trib, isnt not taking the MARK a work? You hace to be saved AND not toake the Mark of the Beast correct? So doesnt that make it a work during the Trib?

Sermon12/5/13 3:21 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, thank you again very much! In Jesus! Mike Schuck

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