Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
1233 American Legion Dr.
Festus, MO 63028
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"Doctrine Still Matters"
The pastor gave a very bold and truthful message about the importance of True Bible Teaching and following the Bible in all...
Mike Hoggard | 1 Corinthians Bible Study
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Sermon6/19/13 12:26 PM
Michael Schuck from Germany/Bavaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 6-13-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, Praise the Lord; it' s good to see you so well and right on, beside the great sermon again! In Jesus sincerely Mike Schuck

Sermon6/14/13 1:14 PM
talsa from michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by talsa
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Pastor Mike Online 6-13-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
For some reason the newest Paster mike online will not download. however other sermons are downloading so something is wrong. Please help if you know what's going on thanks Chad

Sermon6/12/13 4:15 PM
Angela from NC  Find all comments by Angela
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“ Great Sermon! ”
One of THE best Bible studies I have ever heard in my life!

Sermon6/11/13 4:10 AM
Brian from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Brian
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I remember trying to run from a whipping once... once

Sermon6/10/13 1:41 PM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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The Gift of Miracles
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/9/13 3:30 PM
Michael Schuck from Germany/Bavaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 6-6-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, second letter: I am remembering something from the Nazi-Torturers, in regard to the theme "Blood": they said, that one of their goals allways was, to beat until blood was flowing. That of course, beside other rituals, fits into the horrible esoteric background of the Nazi-Religion. God Bless Mike Schuck

Sermon6/9/13 2:55 PM
Michael Schuck from Germany/Bavaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 6-6-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, again gorgeous; thank you so much! God Bless und good health!! Yours in Jesus Christ from Germany Mike

Sermon6/9/13 9:58 AM
Constance Xing from Bordeaux, France  Contact via emailFind all comments by Constance Xing
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The Babel Conspiracy
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Honorable Pastor Hoggard , I have recently discovered your sermons .By listening to them , I have finally learned many thing that reminded confused about my previous Bible study, which consisted of memorization without understanding .You are the the kind of Pastor that we need more of . Thank you Constance XING

Sermon6/3/13 1:18 PM
Mike Humphrey from Detroit  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Humphrey
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“ Great Sermon! ”
PM this has been an awesome series. God has given you such insight into his word and I thank the Lord that he has. your video's have been an inspiration to me and helped me to understand things I read 50 times and it just didn't make sense it has all come together now and I understand much more and happy in my heart that God found you a just enough man to show these things to. I will pray he continues to do so and I will be making cds and passing them out to others like myself who have questions. TY and God Bless you and those around you.

Sermon5/27/13 9:32 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany/Bavaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, total Blessing again! Praise the Lord! Thank you so much!!! Yours sincerely Mike Schuck

Sermon5/22/13 8:43 PM
terry evans from fwb  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Pastor Mike Online 5-21-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Those cities were and example, not a prophecy for moore ok. 2 Peter 2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; Where does it say in scripture that God will take out His wrath on sodimites or any specific group of people before the tribulation of the last days. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. Could God send a tornado to OKC, sure. And if He did, there would be no doubt it was His doings. But as Pastor Mike always says, show me in scripture where it says He would. I love my Lord, and when psators blame Him for all the bad things in the world, I get upset. Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Bad things happen on this earth to all, both saved and lost. Its a broken world, not the same after Adams sin. Tornado's thunderstorms, things like

Sermon5/22/13 1:44 PM
Lisa from Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Pastor Mike Online 5-21-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
A thought after terry Evans from fwb comment... Sodom and Gomorrah ??????

Sermon5/21/13 7:27 PM
terry evans from fwb fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Pastor Mike Online 5-21-13
Mike Hoggard
“ What ”
OKC is in "tornado ally" tornado's have been as common in that area as snow is to Alaska. Those who say haarp caused this are as confused as saying this was Gods judgement on Moore. That area is no more, or less rightioues then any other city on earth. All deserve death. Scripture is clear when His judgement will come on nations. To say this was the result of a gay parade that happened the day before is saying if their was no parade then there would be no tornado's. Truth is, if it wasn't for mobile home parks, there wouldn't be tornado's. God created and set things in motion, I don't see in scripture where the sun, rain, weather to include the wind has to be told daily what to do. Will God use the wind, water and earth for judgement, yes. But scripture is also clear when He will do that. Correct me if Im wrong , but in the NT the only prophacy that has been fulfilled of a city or nation being destroyed for wickedness is Jerusalem and Israel. But the UN put it all back together in 1948. A gay parade is no differant then an abortion clinic or Jim Staley, sin is sin. Even in Festus Mo I bet their is sin, and judgement will come to your town when it comes to the rest of the earth, not before. Why do the wicked prosper? Same area had storms before, maybe they should build elsewhe

Sermon5/21/13 9:50 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany/Bavaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, right on again! Very important subject and very well prepared to be understandable and understood! Thank you again so much! Praise the Lord, sincerely Yours in Jesus Christ Mike

Sermon5/19/13 4:27 PM
David Wiebe from Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Wiebe
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great uplifting sermon! We all need a spirit of prophecy. Thank you Pastor Mike.

Sermon5/18/13 5:08 PM
Ann from Va  Find all comments by Ann
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The Chastening of God Part 2
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike, could you please add the video of The Chastening of God part 2. Thank you for all you Sermons they are just wonderful.

Sermon5/17/13 12:32 AM
Lee Spencer from Tucson AZ  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lee Spencer
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The Chastening of God Part 2
Mike Hoggard
“ video... ”
it'd sure be wonderful to have video at the same time the audio shows up! =D

Sermon5/14/13 6:15 PM
Matthew from Monterey California  Contact via emailFind all comments by Matthew
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“ Hungry? ”
I hope people bring their appetite. A hunger for Jesus Christ and his perfect King James Bible. This also made me hungry for hot dogs!

Sermon5/14/13 3:48 AM
terry evans from fwb fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A very good presentation All who hear it should pass this on to everyone they know (although most will not like it) scripture is clear many are bad and teach a perverted gospel let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Amazing part, scripture is also clear how that Christ died for our sins The Gospel 1 Corinthians 15

Sermon5/9/13 6:14 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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Pastor Mike Online 5-9-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe they stopped using the KJV only when the 33 1/3 LPs were starting to dimish--somewhere around the 1980s and not before. Other groups looked at the other bibles, but only used them to 'understand' the language better. They started to change the DEITY OF CHRIST in those other translations. People wouldnt believed those bibles, but not they do since they are being read more than the KJV. Even Charlie Brown Christmas, when they used Luke 2, used the kjv

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