Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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"The Wrath of God has come upon them to the uttermo"
Robert Dennis Barrack junior from Texas
Matthew 23:33-38 [33]Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? [34]Wherefore, behold, I...
Mike Hoggard
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Sermon7/18/13 4:54 PM
Darlene Slavujac Thau from Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Darlene Slavujac Thau
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike: Excellent Job of connecting the dots! Truly an expose of media imbedded into the minds of children. It's amazing this phenomema hasn't been revealed before!

Sermon7/18/13 1:48 PM
Alana Vavricka from Wisconsin  Find all comments by Alana Vavricka
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“ Great Sermon! ”
God bless you and your family! I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ continues watching over you and your family! In Jesus Name I pray! Amen!!

Sermon7/18/13 12:38 AM
David Mobley from KY  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Mobley
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“ Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.....God in the flesh! ”
I believe God teaches His plan of salvation from Genesis to Revelation. As I have heard you say, we have to believe in what He says. A believer is a doer of God's Word. If we do what God says in His Word, then we will be found righteous in His Heavenly court through His Son by means of The Cross because He is our advocate to the Father. Repentance and Faith are required for eternal life. Holy Spirit brings life.....sin brings death . We have to believe Jesus because He is the Word of God and therefore since Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, when we believe Jesus, we are believing God and therefore are saved the same way Abraham believing God..I certainly have a lot to say on this topic, but there's not a lot of room. Read Romans 8:28,29 and 30. I believe they sum it up pretty well. Stay in the Faith...keep preaching the Gospel......Genesis to Revelation. Jesus is LORD! Love ya Brother

Sermon7/17/13 10:31 AM
melanie from conroe  Contact via emailFind all comments by melanie
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Pastor Mike Online 7-16-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
google "Lean" drug made with Skittles and Airzona watermelon tea and codine popular among teans

Sermon7/16/13 9:25 PM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Pastor Mike Online 7-16-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon7/16/13 7:33 AM
Mrs. Ricky Gouda from The Netherlands  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mrs. Ricky Gouda
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The Savior of the Woman
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good preaching Mike ... I still miss my earthly husband, but I am so thankful to have my heavenly husband my Lord and Savior who is always present and never fails me !

Sermon7/13/13 5:35 PM
Lady_Virtue from OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Marriage - Good For The Man
Mike Hoggard
“ Excellent, Timely, and Necessary! ”
Thank you for this message. I particularly appreciated you pointing out the necessity of husbands and wives to be careful not to spend too much time apart. The mention of singleness being normalized by the mainstream media is also spot on. Since many professing Christians absorb so much media, churches too buy into this unbiblical mindset. Lastly, thank you for not including the depressingly obligatory claim about God intending for some to be single. Singleness is not Biblically normative; marriage is. I know that offends some singles, but that offense is for our good and our correction. God bless.

Sermon7/11/13 11:32 PM
paul uk from uk  Find all comments by paul uk
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Pastor Mike Online 6-20-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
have you seen the movie "paul" about 2 english guys go to usa and meet up with an alien? this cam ourt jsut as i went to usa to do route 66 incidentally the word route=6 so you have the 3 six and obviously the alien paul in that movie is the devil dressed up looking like he is the good guy its a fun film for entertainment but it is def a new age eveolutionary based movie with referances to hollywood movies sigourney weaver who in aliens battles the beast area 51 take a look

Sermon7/11/13 11:26 PM
paul uk from uk  Find all comments by paul uk
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Pastor Mike Online 6-20-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
of course the real number 911 means the real christ but they have replaced him with there antichrist chaldean numerology alpha=9 Omega=20 or 11 zero has no value Christ is the first=9 and the last=11 Jesus =9 but the word anti=11 in you get reverse 11-9 God was showing me this before years ago so i could understand what the world leaders are up to I dont use this for my own benefit of course there are that so they use it like astrology ie your birth number and name number ect have you ever seen that film "know=11 9=ing about random numbers with meanings staring Nicholas cage? God bless you mike

Sermon7/11/13 11:07 PM
paul uk from uk  Find all comments by paul uk
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Pastor Mike Online 6-20-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
the number 666 is one more 6 than the 66 which adds to Gods perfect gov number 12, books of the KJV this extra 6 is the beast beast =6 Chaldean numerology,(now look at revelation 12-6) the other added 6 to 66 you get the number 72 which represents the languages of the world and the 72 names of god in Judaism which is really a cover for the 72 demons Solomon was supposed to have used to help build the temple God is 2 antichrist is trinity 3 God uses the two witnesses 2 olive trees they will rival the false prophet the man of sin and the dragon with the 3 spirits rev 16:13

Sermon7/11/13 10:55 PM
paul uk from uk  Find all comments by paul uk
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Pastor Mike Online 6-20-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
2045 this is my point on chaldean numerology they use the number 911 alot here it is disguised but 20=2-11 and 4+5=9 and if you want to know why 911 is used as an emergence number split 11 into 7 and 4 then times 74 by the nine =666 of course splitting Gods command to keep the sabbath is the fourth law of the seventh day

Sermon7/8/13 12:56 PM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Marriage - Good For The Man
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon7/5/13 2:36 PM
mirta hernandez from United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by mirta hernandez
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent word from God. The Lord has opened up a chest of treasure in this chapter. I can't wait to here more from God. My Bible students are going to love this message.

Sermon7/5/13 2:30 PM
mirta hernandez from United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by mirta hernandez
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Pure Bible Study 12/29/2010
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
great message. I have never read the revelation this way before, and i have read about the book of revelation and Daniel from many sources. I plan to study your passed lessons and future of the book of revelation

Blog7/2/13 2:43 PM
Bend Oregon Street Preacher from Bend Ore  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bend Oregon Street Preacher
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There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
neither bond nor free, there is neither
male nor female: for ye are all one in
Christ Jesus.
And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the
Galatians 3:28-29 (King James Version)

Sermon6/30/13 3:42 AM
ben s from uk  Contact via emailFind all comments by ben s
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King James Bible
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
they know that YHVH = 611 and they mimic this number in various ways and check this out the "big 6 bang 11" theory has Gods number this chaldean or Babylonian chart is literary covering the english language alpha 9 bet 11 it is a code and a counterfeit to God meta 95 physics6 911 is the study of the spirit world and this number is all over the large hadron collider experimants in geneva

Sermon6/30/13 3:31 AM
ben s from uk  Contact via emailFind all comments by ben s
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King James Bible
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
hi paul from England before i was called out i studied this numerology chaldean numerology chart the powers that be use this numerology code and its all over the English language for instance Jesus says hes the alpha and omega using this chaldean numerology chart alpha - 9 Omega =20 =11 hes the first and the last first = 9 last =11 you can look this chat up for yourself but they use this code in news paper headlines and Hollywood movies like "know =11 ing =9

Sermon6/27/13 10:02 AM
Myrna Crittenden from Mississippi  Contact via emailFind all comments by Myrna Crittenden
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Pure Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike, this blessed my soul. I am enjoying your series. You are teaching me how to study in a way I never knew and I am so blessed for The Lord to have mead me to your teaching, I appreciate you so much and pray Gods protection for you and Bethel Church.

Sermon6/24/13 10:42 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany/Bavaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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Pastor Mike Online 6-20-13
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, thanks again, beside other Blessing - f. i. the truth concerning "Superman" - , for unmasking Tolkin and Lewis!!! In Jesus Christ Sincerely Mike Schuck

Sermon6/22/13 4:00 PM
Barbara Stephenson from New York city  Contact via emailFind all comments by Barbara Stephenson
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“ Great Sermon! ”

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