Central Baptist Church
Central Baptist Church
Lonnie Moore  |  Ocala, Florida
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"Very helpful sermon."
Scott S. from Ocala, Fl
This is a very informative message on the challenges our children meet on the internet today. So many ways Satan is trying to get...
Paul Bloom | Matthew 24:43
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Sermon10/31/11 2:49 PM
Jon  Find all comments by Jon
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The Pre-Tribulational Rapture
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Wonderful ”
Enjoyed this very much. Lots of meat and well to partake.

Sermon10/2/11 8:26 PM
Gary R. Peterson from Omaha, Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gary R. Peterson
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Dr. Lee Roberson
“ Good Sermon! ”
Pastor Roberson passed on to heaven in April 2007 at the age of 97. In this sermon he mentions being 85, which would place this sermon around 1994. For a man of 85, he still has a lot of power in his preaching, though longtime listeners familiar with Pastor Roberson may find he has mellowed (not to be confused with compromised!). His sermon calling for compassion is a welcome one. This was the sole sermon by Lee Roberson I could find on SermonAudio, a shame because Roberson's brand of biblical preaching is needed now more than ever.

Sermon8/5/11 12:47 AM
Samantha M  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Marriage And America
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Awesome!! ”
Dr. Bloom this is truly message for us today in Living America...God will judge us all..Powerful sermon...

Sermon7/22/11 3:04 AM
Samantha M  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/15/11 10:58 PM
Samantha M  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Returning To Israel!
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
A must hear!...Wonderful teaching on Israel..I truly believe that some of our devestation in America is due to our leaders decisions to go against Israel.

Sermon1/17/11 1:48 PM
Alice DelaRosa from Grand Rapids, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alice DelaRosa
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Psalm 119 9th Part Pt 10
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, I prayed with you, and my heart was in this prayer. There is an anointing on your ministry, no doubt. Thank you.

Sermon11/30/10 1:54 PM
Alice DelaRosa from Grand Rapids, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alice DelaRosa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We do not use "dispensations" when speaking of the COVENANT and the Promise. Born again Jews from Africa have taught the truth, this is GOD speaking to us and we need to pull together in order to stand as the whole church rather than attack ourselves with divisive doctrines. John Calvin is right, the religious Calvinism, is abusive; this I will agree with.

Sermon11/11/10 11:23 AM
Pete from Idaho  Find all comments by Pete
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“ Good prophecy info! ”
Although I felt that the political message at the end wasn't really necessary, I really enjoyed the prophecy information in this sermon. Thanks!

Sermon10/18/10 4:05 PM
Genti from eastern europe, Albania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Genti
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon9/20/10 1:27 AM
Kailash Agnihotri from Noida, U.P. India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kailash Agnihotri
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Memorial Of A Hero
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Most esteemed Sir, Now this is a good sermon challenging us for who our heroes were. I could avouche for the Babylonians' power, Habakkuk 1:6, as a source of hostile power in the world. It is divided into two camps from etymology of peoples, dating from the Christian : Those that have relations by blood but go back to hatred, Genesis 4 and those that got no relations with blood but go back to where it was shed : Calvary. I am supremely elated to learn you got to preach JESUS CHRIST, and there is no other hero but One. I myself only lately got to the level of Romans 6:7,11 having an experience of 1 John 2:15 in the offing of worldly experiences, even getting to know God from the point of view of the world but to have the Mind of God is only His to give. Not all our mind approaching God from our mind's point of view is likely to succeed. But thanks to them the donors of scripure, 1 Corinthians 2:16.

Sermon12/27/09 3:49 AM
Norman Smith from New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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The Faithful God Pt 1
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Thankyou brother Bloom ”
Dear brother Bloom, thankyou for the lamp and light radio broadcast...i am listening to it,and being encouraded. May God bless your congregation, i have never met them,but love them all in the Lord. May you be encouraged in this labour of love,which is not in vain in the Lord. All good wishes for 2010 ,if we are spared to see it. Yours in the name of our wonderful lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus. Norman.

Sermon10/17/09 5:06 PM
Pauline Clark from Polly Clark  Contact via emailFind all comments by Pauline Clark
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Reformed Truth
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the word of God. Its great to be in God's word and doing His work His way. God Bless

Sermon6/9/09 2:51 PM
wgkj2594 from ocala, FL  Find all comments by wgkj2594
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God Is The Majority
Matt Lahmann
“ Great Encouragement!! ”
I was there the night Pastor Lahmann preached this message. I was encouraged then and I am encouraged now. Great sermon to listen to in order to get to your full potential for God.

Sermon5/17/09 4:29 PM
polly clark from ocala, fl.  Find all comments by polly clark
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“ Great Sermon! ”
this was great to hear jerry banks, and then your sermon. its not as good as being in church, but it will do. GO BLESS

Sermon1/13/09 1:16 PM
Eric Boggs from Bucyrus, Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Eric Boggs
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A Dependent Baptist Church
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ True Teaching! ”
I enjoyed your message my friend. I am thankful I live for Jesus Christ, and as a minister, I am so thankful I understand that in the end I will only answer to one, and that is a Holy God, and not some so called leadership group sitting in an office somewhere thinking only for themselves. God bless you my friend.

Sermon4/27/08 1:58 AM
Norman Smith from New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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The Effect Of The Gospel Pt 3
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon!(52nd on my odyssey) ”
Thankyou brother Bloom for the light and lamp ministires. I am on an odyssey of listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible,preached by a person whom i have not heard before.This is a blessed venture. may it please the Lord to bless your ministry to the glory of His name.Thankyou again for Sermonaudio for being able to choose from thousands of sermons by hundreds of speakers...and all are being used to benefit the Lords people ,and being a witnessing to the lost. Awesome !

Sermon2/20/08 11:47 AM
Butch Boruff from Urbana, Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Butch Boruff
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There's A Great Day Coming
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Good Watchman on the tower message ”
This type of message should be a calling our from every pulpit today. Maranatha!

Sermon1/25/08 10:35 PM
Daniel434 from Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Daniel434
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A Disciple Of Jesus Christ
Matt Lahmann
“ Great Sermon! ”
Another great sermon by Pastor Matt, which I can relate to and apply these issues to my own life. I really enjoyed this message, keep up the great work.

Sermon1/25/08 10:33 PM
Daniel434 from Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Daniel434
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Salvation Day
Dan Hawtree
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Beautiful Sermon Pastor Dan!

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