Central Baptist Church
Lonnie Moore  |  Ocala, Florida
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Central Baptist Church 1714 SE 36th Avenue Ocala, FL 34471
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MyChurch Code#: 55036
      Basic Information      

Welcome to Central Baptist Church where every visitor is an honored guest and every member is loved as a part of the family of God. Central Baptist Church is a Biblically traditional in family, worship, and the use of the King James Bible. It does Not adopt the contemporary marriage, lifestyles, families, morals, and worship methods of the day. In keeping with Scripture, we are wanting to build your personal walk with God, build your family is a godly and moral way, and to teach you to worship Scripturally in a way that is holy and acceptable unto God. It is our chief aim to prepare each person for eternal life in heaven. Teaching and Preaching the Truth in Love. We believe that the bible is the verbally inspired and infallible, authoritative Word of God and that God gave the words of Scripture by inspiration without error in the original autographs. God promises that He will preserve His Words. Jesus said, "but my words shall not pass away" - Matt. 24:35. We believe God has kept that promise by preserving His infallible Word in the traditional Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and that the Authorized Version (KJV) is an accurate English translation of the preserved Word of God.

Service Times
Sunday Services 9:20 am Men's Prayer Time 9:20 am Ladies Prayer Time 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Evening Service Wednesday Services 6:30 pm Kid Glow K 3 - 6th Grade 6:30 pm Living Proof 7-12 Grade 6:30 pm Mission Prayer Band 7:00 pm Prayer and Bible Study
Primary Speaker:
Lonnie Moore

Bulawa, Tony • 5 sermons | new!
Bloom, Andy • 6111 sermons
Group Baptist
Attendance 250-500
Bible Version KJV
Total Sermons 7,123
Live Webcast Live H.264 Video + Mobile + TV
Member Since May 2006
When our church signed up for SermonAudio ten years ago, we never imagined that we would have more than a few hundred downloads a month. Then we hit 2000 a month and now God has continue to grow our listener base so that we have 3000 downloads a month. Ten years later, we humbly praise God and are stunned that we have experienced 450,000 downloads from 187 countries on over one million computing devices. Last Sunday over 380 computers were accessing our worship service via livestream. We are committed to the verse by verse exposition of God’s Word and people are hungry for this all around the world. We hear from pastors who never were able to attend Bible college who regularly listen and learn God’s Word more thoroughly through our site on SermonAudio. We also heard from a missionary about some churches who didn’t have pastors at the time, so men in the church took turns preaching. These men often listened to our sermons via your site, took notes, and then preached them to their congregations. These are men with no formal education in a country most people have never heard of. We support a lot of missionaries but SermonAudio allows us to reach areas of the world where our missionaries could never go. I received a note from an anesthesiologist in another state who wrote to tell me he came to know Christ through preaching on the site. Another listener wrote to tell me that he had gotten his life right with the Lord after a period of backsliding. This is what God has done through our partnership with you. To Him be the glory!
      Contact Information      

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Website http://www.centralbaptistocala.org
Twitter twitter.com/cbcocala
Facebook facebook.com/centralbaptistocala
Location Ocala, Florida
Country United States
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Central Baptist Church 1714 SE 36th Avenue Ocala, FL 34471
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