Central Baptist Church
Lonnie Moore  |  Ocala, Florida
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Central Baptist Church 1714 SE 36th Avenue Ocala, FL 34471
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"Great Sermon!"
MsE from Florida
I agree with Brother John Voges. AMEN!
John Hamblin | Fall Revival 2016
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Sermon12/23/07 8:27 AM
Daniel M Lattieri from Pennsylvania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Daniel M Lattieri
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Today preachers like Bill Graham and now Pastor John Hagee are preaching contrary to Gods word. I believe they are afraid to speak the truth for fear they will loose their riches. History proves that when men of God preach the truth, these men are condemned as haters or fanatics and their following isn't very large. Few if any at all. Todays preachers equate riches with godliness. The bible says, "Godliness with contentment is great gain".

Sermon11/30/07 7:39 AM
Daniel434 from Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Daniel434
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“ Terrific Sermon, Terrific Series! ”
A great edifying series, teaching the Bible literally, opposing all those New Covenant/Replacement Theologies. It is very refreshing to hear a preacher teach the Bible well, literally, and on our view of the nation-state of Israel as Christians. Thank You Pastor. Am Yisrael Chai! (The People of Israel live!)

Sermon10/22/07 12:18 PM
T. Hall from Wilmington, NC  Contact via emailFind all comments by T. Hall
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Prophetic Opposition
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Excellent Reminder! ”
All who hold the blessed hope should take heart in this encouraging message from the scriptures! This greatly blessed my soul!

Sermon10/18/07 6:10 PM
T. Hall from Wilmington, NC  Contact via emailFind all comments by T. Hall
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The Pre-Tribulational Rapture
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ A Wonderfully Preached Exhortation! ”
I am so grateful for such faithful ministers as Dr. Bloom whose messages ring with the truth and comfort of God's word for such a time as today when so many are abandoning the blessed hope of our Lord's coming. Thank you for your faithful stand! Even so come Lord Jesus!

Sermon10/4/07 2:50 AM
Daniel434 from Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Daniel434
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The Doctrine Of Election Pt 5
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
A great end to a great series rebuking the greatest fallible doctrine in the Church: Calvinism and Hyper-Calvinism. Keep up the good work Pastor, I'm so glad there are people will who take a stance on this erroneous doctrine. If anyone is unsure about the doctrine of Calvinism please listen to this sermon, Pastor Bloom provides great, simple, and easy illustrations matching it with the Word of God straight from the Bible. No theological spin or fancy words, but an easy to digest series that does not cause any confusion. Thank You Pastor!

Sermon7/26/07 12:10 AM
Donnie  Find all comments by Donnie
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Regrets Of The Heart
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon gave me so much hope. If there are any out there who have regrets about past sins, etc., this sermon must be listened to. I have been very depressed lately because of regrets, etc. I can't go back and undo those things I wish I never had done. What hope I got from this message and servant of God!

Sermon4/29/07 10:44 AM
Sandra from Georgia  Find all comments by Sandra
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The Pre-Tribulational Rapture
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon on the Biblical, Pre-Trib Rapture! Jesus IS coming to get us before the Tribulation period and before His wrath begins. Just as God shut the door of the ark after Noah and his family were safely in it, and just as God's angels safely escorted Lot outside of Sodom before He began pouring out His wrath; Jesus is going to safely escort His saints off of this earth before the wrath begins. As we get closer to that day, I notice that fewer, and fewer preachers are preaching this wonderful truth. So, I hope you keep on preaching it sir. Thank you again for this sermon and comforting & edifying the saints. God bless.

Sermon4/27/07 2:23 PM
Pastor Jon Cardwell from Scammon Bay, Alaska  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Pastor Jon Cardwell
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The Pre-Tribulational Rapture
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Excellent Exposition! ”
As a missionary family in bush Alaska, we are grateful that we don't have the distractions of television and a lot of secular radio stations where we have been called to minister. Therefore, when we are not ministering to the folks of the village, we get to read the Bible as a family, and once a week, we all listen to a message (or two, or four) that we've downloaded from SermonAudio (plus it gives my family a break from having to hear me preach with a stammering tongue all the time). We so very much appreciated Dr. Bloom's exposition of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and grateful to the Lord for SermonAudio!

Sermon4/6/07 2:51 AM
Nancy Gill from New South Wales, Australia.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy Gill
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thankyou for your good sound bible based teaching. I really enjoy both Dr Andy And Dr Jesse Blooms preaching. I want you to know you both and all good faithful preachers are always in my prayers. May the Lord bless you. Your sister in Christ Nancy

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