Bethel Church
Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
1233 American Legion Dr.
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"Great Sermon!"
Sabino Cardoza from California
Jesus Christ ! Thank you for your blood Thank you for your Truth Thank you for my salvation Thank you for not destroying...
Mike Hoggard | Pastor Mike Online
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Sermon9/24/19 1:06 PM
Samantha  Find all comments by Samantha
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Mike Hoggard
“ Heartfelt Sermon! ”
Praying for you and your family. Thank you for this sermon, it was an eye-opener and such a Blessing to us in the Lord. Love you Brother and stay strong in the Lord.

Sermon9/17/19 10:42 PM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Crispr Christians
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
God showed me that when you gain too much lift in your efforts, the the bigger fowls will devour you. Your good efforts are not going un-noticed and other spirits are pecking at you. God bless you and your family. I pray that Lisa will recover physically and emotionally.

Sermon9/16/19 9:16 PM
Michelle Campos from Griffin, GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michelle Campos
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Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor! This message was for me !! I needed to hear it! It came right on time Praise the Lord! Thank you again for sharing Gods Word. I want to cone out of Babylon.

Sermon9/16/19 1:26 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Crispr Apocalypse
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
There is a cartoon called Phineas and Ferb. Phineas's head is in the shape of a triangle.

Blog8/27/19 1:48 PM
Cathy McMahon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cathy McMahon
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Your 8/27 pastor Mike just went offline.
The move broadcast????? Shucks

Blog8/18/19 7:13 PM
Anthony McCool from North Holland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony McCool
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your destiny is on your hands

Sermon8/12/19 1:36 PM
Josh T from Blue Ridge Mountains, NC  Find all comments by Josh T
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The Price Of Sin
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much Pastor Hoggard! I’ve listened to so many of your sermons through the years, but have to say that this one truly touched me! Your honesty to the Word and your heartfelt rebuke, followed by a great edification was on point. The Holy Spirit was all over this message, and oh, how needed. Praise Him for His Mercy, His Grace and His message that was given, to you, His servant, to share with the broken. Praise Him for He is Worthy!!!

Blog8/11/19 7:24 PM
womaninchains from PA  Contact via emailFind all comments by womaninchains
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Pastor, thank You for being a faithful steward
of Gods Word. God know what we need to hear.
God bless! Pray that god rebukes the devil for
he continues to block the site. God gave me the
wisdom to get around it earlier but this
evening service is blecked.

Sermon7/10/19 8:41 AM
MSJ from Zambia  Find all comments by MSJ
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The Babel Conspiracy
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hey Bro Nick,thanks for sharing that.

Sermon7/7/19 2:26 AM
MSJ from Zambia  Contact via emailFind all comments by MSJ
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The Battle for Independence
Mike Hoggard
Pastor Mike, this sermon was such a liberating experience. I am grateful to God for you. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Hearing this sermon is a comfort because it makes me know that I am not alone in my beliefs and as a consequence sufferings. Your continued encouragement to living a holy and gospel worthy life is valued. Your study of scripture and current affairs issues is appreciated and motivates me to study more.

Sermon6/28/19 9:47 AM
Wendy O’Neil from Dallas. Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wendy O’Neil
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Cheese For The Mousetrap
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! So glad to have found this pastor ”
Lord bless this man. Build him up. Fill him with health and energy and love and shield him under your feathers. Give him energy help him to inspire many people to take the word of God forth that it may cover the entire world. Since I found these sermons , A little over a week ago I have listened to them 2 to 5 sermons a day or more and some of the sermons I have listened to two or three times. I prayed for this man and also for sermon audio that has given me so many great sermons over the years. This is the best preaching I’ve ever heard and I have been listening to sermons for 20 years.. Praise God -I do think the Lord almost daily for Mike the pastor so blessed that God. Has created this man. Wendy

Sermon6/25/19 10:21 PM
GRD from Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by GRD
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The Serpent's Root
Mike Hoggard
“ Serpent's root and Christian ”
Does the Serpent's root abide in a blood washed redeemed child of God?

Sermon6/22/19 12:30 AM
Aaron Marshall from Northfield, Minnesota  Protected NameFind all comments by Aaron Marshall
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Sunday Night 6-9-19
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good stuff. Just want to mention that when I was lost I believed that the Mars missions were designed to 1. Study the environment. 2. Manufacture a microbial lifeform that can live in it. 3. Plant the lifeform. 4. "Discover" the lifeform. I believed it was to guarantee funding for NASA but now I believe it is a more wicked agenda.

Sermon5/26/19 9:19 PM
ernie pforr from usa  Find all comments by ernie pforr
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“ reg kelly ”
yes, jason cooleys message was great, but you also say reg kelly was spot on also. Ican'tfind reg's sermon. was it mislabled, or just forgotten?

Sermon5/16/19 11:06 PM
Ann from Virginia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ann
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The Hypocrites
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon pastor Mike, but the ending was cut short, would love to hear the prayer at the end of the service. May God bless you, your family, and ministry. Amen

Sermon5/6/19 1:44 PM
Nick Moore from Panhandle of Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nick Moore
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The Babel Conspiracy
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Bro Mike enjoy your messages. I'd like to chime in nd give you an insight as to why Lucifer is referred to as the morning star. He is given this title because of his former estate. He used to be the light source of the more adamite world or more genesis 1:1 world. In that world, there was never any darkness until the day Lucifer ascended into the recesses of the north to try and tke the throne. In our world there us no such thing as a morning star as they are only visible at night if that makes sense. Lucifer was in eden the green of God according to Ezekiel nd every precious stone was his covering. The reason dinosaurs had such plentiful food source is because of this. Lucifer illuminated that world for millions of years prior to his rebellion nd ascension . When he left, light left nd extinction of that world ensued. His name Lucifer literally mens light bearer and since it was perpetual day with no darkness t that time that is why he is called the morning star.

Sermon5/3/19 9:35 AM
Steve Welch from OR  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Den of Dragons
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Look up the band call Incubus and check out some the Their lyrics. The name alone means Sons of God/Daughters of men

Sermon4/19/19 4:12 PM
Vijaya Valentina from Malaysia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Vijaya Valentina
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The Babel Conspiracy
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
A very good interesting analysis of world events and interpretation of the scriptures. Thank you Pastor Mike.

Sermon4/19/19 4:40 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Jezebel Week!!!!
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I regret missing this as well.

Sermon4/17/19 4:07 PM
Judy Perez from Pennsylvania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Judy Perez
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brain Computer Interface is being done already, Many were held captive through it without their knowledge and used and abused and all it took was one rebellious act against GOD, many were taken and held as guinea pigs, slaves controlled by the wicked inventions of men and their sick imaginations living their sick desires through the bodies of the prisoners. Thank GOD the living GOD, for his mercies, through christ Jesus our savior making us free GOD BLESS

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