Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
1233 American Legion Dr.
Festus, MO 63028
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"Great Sermon!"
Allan Revoy from Alberta, Canada
Thank You Pastor Mike, try to catch you live, but have been moving off youtube, FakeBk, other social platforms. So have been...
Mike Hoggard
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Sermon8/12/2020 12:23 PM
Candy Olson from Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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Does Baptism Save Us?
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
We are baptized with the Holy Spirit & drink the LIVING WATER, which is the LIVING Word of God that sustains us for all of eternity. The Holy Spirit is who manifests fruits from the Vine of Christ in us. I am a born again believer in the simplicity that is in Christ.

Sermon8/3/2020 9:55 AM
brian johnson from NE  Find all comments by brian johnson
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“ WOW! ”
this message should be subtitled, "The old 96er" if you know what I mean

Sermon7/27/2020 12:39 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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The 4TH is With Us
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Father, Word, Holy Ghost, are One

Sermon7/18/2020 8:15 AM
Joy Floyd  Find all comments by Joy Floyd
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Pastor Mike.. thank you for posting your sermons.. you're a blessing. (Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.) I think you said Festus in your sermon. God Bless- Joy

Sermon7/9/2020 5:32 PM
Curtis from Broken arrow  Contact via emailFind all comments by Curtis
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ALIENS: The Phoenix
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Do you know if sexual sins can be one of these “door openers”?

Sermon7/2/2020 10:26 PM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Devils Fear Christ Always
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Lion is a Predator that eat meat, Ox is Prey that eat grass, Eagle is airborne that eat meat, and Man is grounded that eat both grass and meat.

Sermon6/30/2020 4:26 PM
Candy Olson from Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am with you on 90% of this PMO. However, I would like you to research President Trump telling the world that he "Does not feel the need to repent." It is my belief that Trump is a New Ager/Gnostic. We are told not to follow the world - this includes Gnostic leaders. I believe that both parties are wings of the SAME BIRD & that bird is the double-headed & ill-fitted Phoenix. God bless.

Sermon6/28/2020 10:44 PM
Ann from Virginia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ann
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Daniel 3- Better Together
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Hoggard, would you please add the video to the above sermon. (Daniel 3 Better Together). Thank you. May the Lord continue to keep you, your family, and ministry blessed.

Sermon6/25/2020 7:02 PM
Indiah C  Contact via emailFind all comments by Indiah C
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“ Concerned ”
Preacher I have been a long time listener, but lately you have had a callous tone towards issues concerning the black community and it's image and perception. Please remember that though we may not have been enslaved for sometime in this country, we still have experienced many slights and injustices, big and small. Please try to sound kinder when discussing issues that you cannot empathize with. I say this in love, thank you

Sermon6/16/2020 6:09 PM
Hie  Find all comments by Hie
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Revelation of Apostasy
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/14/2020 4:41 PM
T & J Crosby from Toronto Canada  Find all comments by T & J Crosby
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Untitled Sermon
Unknown Speaker
“ Great Sermon! ”
We are a couple who have been blessed by your Preaching and we have made Bethel our Online Church; every Sunday we try to be with you for service. God bless you all

Sermon6/13/2020 10:04 AM
Candy Olson from Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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The Cut-Offs
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
God has blessed America for many years, but America has taken Him out of everything. Chaos continues to get worse and worse, which shows you why few will be saved. People neither love nor fear God Almighty anymore, and it is heart wrenching to witness. More importantly, they reject God’s only begotten Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. Most people are following their flesh – their creature – and not their Creator. God, forgive them, if possible.

Sermon6/11/2020 10:51 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
As Society slips into lawlessness, the Word is our Ark. On another note, the Book is the body of God looking at us. Even the physical position of the 4 Gospels is simular in relation to the position of the heart in our body.

Sermon6/11/2020 9:27 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
It's "Homo Cuomo" as his Twitter pic displays him in a parade holding up a rainbow flag.

Sermon5/23/2020 2:19 AM
David Wiebe from Left Coast of Canuckland  Find all comments by David Wiebe
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Mike is doing great work exposing the occult activities of Nazi Germany. This, imho, is more relevant today than it has ever been. Vicious fascism that Hitler could have only dreamt of is a primary tool of political parties, for instance the Democrats, Liberal party of Canada, the Stazi (nazi) Angela Merkel etc..

Sermon5/20/2020 8:11 PM
Bill Rushing from Alma, Arkansas  Protected NameFind all comments by Bill Rushing
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon5/15/2020 1:31 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good information! Years back I had seen a meme on FB that in short said that the Frankist Jew is to be wicked to invoke the Messiah to come faster. This PMO gave me validity to the meme and understanding to the polygamist as to why they think that way. The big picture just becomes clearer and clearer as time goes on. Thanks

Sermon5/10/2020 1:14 AM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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The Gospel Is No Secret
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Since following this Ministry, I have been able to better put 2 and 2 together. I notice in commercials and entertainment in general, that the harlet in scarlet is being promoted. Such as a lot of red headed main characters and even the Baroness for Red Baron pizza these days. I was puzzled as to why the Orical in the Matrix was a femal, now I know. Learning about the Word will definitely give understanding of the world. May God bless you folks and thank you.

Sermon5/7/2020 2:08 AM
Noah from Las Vegas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Noah
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The Mystery
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Mike has matured so much this is a truly tremendous sermon literally one of the top ten I've ever heard his command of the scriptures and themes is so effortless and enjoyable

Sermon5/6/2020 10:50 PM
Steve Welch from Aloha Oregon 1611 1911  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Welch
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Satan's Footprint Part 2
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Just last week FOX news reported 33 sailors on a naval ship had contracted the virus. What about Epstein leaving everything to his brother in a Will, before he died? This may point to a fake death.

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