Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
Pastor Patrick Hines  |  Kingsport, Tennessee
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Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
108 Bridwell Heights Rd.
Kingsport, TN 37664
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"Great Sermon!"
Louis from Texas
Spirit filled message. Spoke to me wonderful the great scope of the Lord’s dealings with His people and the nations. For His...
Neil Dotson | Zephaniah
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Sermon10/18/2020 4:39 PM
Jonathan from Tri-cities  Find all comments by Jonathan
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Rejoice! Have Babies!
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
An excellent, convicting, and moving sermon. Thank you Pastor Hines for this much needed message.

Sermon10/6/2020 2:51 AM
Starr Anderson from CT  Find all comments by Starr Anderson
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Pastoral Care for LGBT Issues
Patrick Hines
“ Hub ”
He repeated the same thing over and over again like a nut.

Sermon6/21/2020 2:40 PM
Barbara Hammond from Pennsylvania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Barbara Hammond
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Brother, I agree with you. However, your constant interruptions, during the playing of Piper's message, was so extremely frustrating. I wanted to hear what he had to say, and you kept stopping the tape every few seconds! You could have waited until the excerpt was finished, and then made your points.It was very distracting, had my stomach in knots. I am not intending to be harsh. I have listened to you before and enjoyed it. I will continue to listen, because I find your teaching doctrinally sound and edifying,over all a blessing.

Sermon5/24/2020 3:00 PM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Excellent Eye-Opener! ”
God has been and is so good, because He remembers we are but dust and when He has elected you to be His own, He’ll draw His own like a perfect Fisherman unto Himself! Amen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! He’s great!

Sermon4/21/2020 6:37 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I’ve listened and am loving these wonderful lessons in rightly dividing the truth. The need for standing up to and for truth, still rings with painstaking clarity and I love the sound of its pings. God bless you continually in your stance for truth and righteousness!

Sermon2/16/2020 5:35 PM
Mark Wiley from Circleville, Oh  Find all comments by Mark Wiley
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You Pastor for your faithfulness to the Gospel of Christ!

Sermon2/4/2020 9:03 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Food For The Soul! ”
When I saw the title; ‘Profane Audacity’ I knew then I was in for a strong stance on God’s infallible sovereignty expressing His absolute reign over the lives and eternal lives of men. You’ve put it succinctly for a even a new born babe in Christ to grasp, ‘putting the cookies on the table so the kids can enjoy.’ I know there are many who reject God’s sovereignty over His creation, even today I am amazed at many Bible teachers who seem to bash the doctrine of election. I was brought up Baptist and I remember even as a child there were certain scripture which stood out to me, where I would question the doctrine of ‘man can choose salvation on his own’ I’d ask my mother, she’d say, “God gives man the choice to choose heaven or hell.” I never understood that, it never made sense in light of scripture especially Romans 3; Psalm 14:1-3; Acts 13:48 and a plethora of other scripture which loudly proclaim this universe belongs solely to the eternal One and we have no say so in the affairs of His Majesty.

Sermon1/16/2020 11:47 AM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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Clear Gospel Preaching
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent. Thank you.

Sermon1/8/2020 3:10 PM
Canaan from Blountville tn  Find all comments by Canaan
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How to be a Happy Person
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon12/14/19 6:01 PM
Clara Morton from NB Canada  Find all comments by Clara Morton
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Man Of Sorrows What A Name
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this message it brought my heart into worship and adoration of my Lord and Saviour. Shared this with several who were touched as well

Sermon11/25/19 11:20 PM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow, it IS war.

Sermon11/9/19 8:21 PM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent! Thank you!

Sermon11/9/19 8:20 PM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Minister Hines, I am so glad to hear you preach on this subject, oh the importance this knowledge holds for the believer. We must believe the whole counsel of God or quit. It is by faith we believe not by sight, it is not our Lilliputian sized knowledge that will sustain us, it’s knowing we live in a fallen universe and God still has it in His control.

Sermon10/20/19 9:51 AM
JD from Florida  Find all comments by JD
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There is no LGBTQ Community
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
AMEN!!! Preach! Thank you for preaching so boldly against this abomination that is now being accepted as normal even by some CHRISTIANS!

Sermon10/6/19 5:59 PM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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How God Cannot Win
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
So very true. So deeply sad.

Sermon9/16/19 10:25 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Beautiful Sermon ”
Minister Hines, God has His powerful hands on your ministry, I pray you will continue to honor Him in humility. The trials of this life God uses that breaks us into the image of His Son, what a glorious privilege to be used of God. Keep preaching God’s majestic and authoritative truth!

Sermon9/15/19 7:07 PM
John Bradshaw  Find all comments by John Bradshaw
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The intro itself is so clear in explaining the deity of Christ. An amazing concatenation of the Scriptures to make the point!

Sermon9/5/19 10:15 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
I’ve listened to this sermon over and over, my, my, my, to God be glory! You’ve unpacked God’s truth with diamond cut precision and I was elated to hear someone breaking down the true meaning of Lordship salvation. For the life of me I have never understood why such men as Zane Hodges, Dr. Andy Woods and others vehemently speak against this doctrine. I’ve heard many of them say, repentance and acknowledging Jesus is Lord and how being accountable to our Lord In obedience is somehow a distortion of the gospel. If anyone would know the distinction between works and grace, a reformist would. No matter how you slice it, Jesus is still Lord and repentance is a component of God’s grace, if we cannot grasp that truth, then something’s terribly wrong.

Sermon9/2/19 4:28 PM
Greg McDougall from Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Greg McDougall
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Man Of Sorrows What A Name
Patrick Hines
“ Thank you ”
Thank you for these wonderful messages of truth.

Sermon8/26/19 11:09 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Minister Hines, I truly rejoice when I hear a servant of our Lord speaks truth, when many fail to take a stand for righteousness. I remember during the time my brother pastored a PCUSA congregation here in Memphis, he spoke to the general assembly the evils of accepting homosexuals as clergy, well, you know the rest of the story. My brother resigned from that position because the majority of the elders said, ‘my brother voiced his opinion on the matter, but they had their own opinion and there was nothing wrong with allowing such evil to breed in God’s church. I was minister of music there for awhile after my brother left, and I saw things that never promoted the word of God, but the ways of men. I left that church some years ago when the Spirit Of God taught me the importance of 2 Corinthians 14:-18, being unequally yoked with unbelievers. The coup’de grâce was in 2015 at the PCUSA general assembly, there was an Iman from the Muslim religion to open up the services in prayer, in the name of the moon god, Allah. I knew then, what God and others whom God sent to encourage me to trust God, step out on His word, and go out from among them. I thank God for your stand for righteousness, keep plugging for the truth, because only truth will win in the end, God’s truth.

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