Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
Pastor Patrick Hines  |  Kingsport, Tennessee
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Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
108 Bridwell Heights Rd.
Kingsport, TN 37664
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"Great sermon pastor Patrick"
Very useful, thanks
Patrick Hines | The Justification Controversy
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Sermon2/5/2022 1:27 PM
Kristian from U.S.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kristian
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Francis Chan & the Gospel
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
So glad to hear someone addressing false teachers and gospels. Just because someone is smooth talking, and appears caring and loving, doesn't mean they bring you the gospel. Or the truth! It's scary! I lost a gospel believing friend to modernism because she loved her gay brother and couldn't reconcile his sin with the gospel of repentance, and holy and blameless living (Eph 1:4). Thank God that us "EX GAYS" have finally begun to come out and demonstrate the power of the true gospel. Thank you for fighting for the TRUTH, our JESUS and Him alone! NO COMPROMISE!

Sermon1/24/2022 8:20 PM
Les Wilwerding from Hudsonville MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Les Wilwerding
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The Reformation of the World
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for your very good sermons .

Sermon12/1/2021 2:30 PM
Benjamin Formerly Mephibosheth from The King’s Table  Find all comments by Benjamin Formerly Mephibosheth
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Biblical Manhood, Part 1
Patrick Hines
“ Very Grounding ”
An excellent 5 part series on Manhood. Pastor Patrick also has an Excellent 5 part series on Womanhood. I listened to them both. Then i texted and emailed them to everyone I know. Very Enriching. Very Grounding.

Sermon9/12/2021 10:10 PM
Les Wilwerding from Hudsonville MI  Find all comments by Les Wilwerding
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Assurance: Inward Evidences
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for a very searching sermon.

Sermon7/26/2021 7:09 AM
Jonathan from Tennessee  Find all comments by Jonathan
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Prevailing with Devout Prayer
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon on prayer and evangelism

Sermon6/10/2021 11:15 AM
Mike from Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike
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Pain is God's Megaphone
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
One of the best sermons from you I have heard. Not that all of them are not great, but this one resonated at this point in my life. I have listened to it with my wife several times and my mother-in-law has listened to it a couple of times so far. I had a kidney transplant years ago ( after being on dialysis for six and a half years). I'm doing really well, working full-time and started a family. I am really appreciative for the word of God and oh, how I love his law. When people questioned God on my life because of what I was going through, I told them that what I am enduring was absolutely necessary. Through no fault of my own, (that I know of) I endured everything and the Lord saw me through the way He decreed. Praise His name. Thanks Pastor for being hermeneutically sound, when nowadays the Bible is twisted to fit self instead of the truth

Sermon6/3/2021 12:56 PM
Pastor Patrick Hines from Kingsport, Tennessee  Protected NameFind all comments by Pastor Patrick Hines
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Pastoral Care for LGBT Issues
Patrick Hines
“ Hi Starr ”
We've been lied to by a cultural revolution whose spokespersons repeat the same thing over and over again about sexual orientation being a real and fixed category of human personhood. The revolutionaries repeat the same thing over and over again like nuts. It is going to take refuting it over and over again to overturn it.

Sermon5/25/2021 9:27 PM
Les Wilwerding from Hudsonville MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Les Wilwerding
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the good instructions especially about the sacraments.

Sermon5/24/2021 1:36 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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“ Biblical Creation vs Theories ”
An excellent discussion on biblical creation versus scientific theories and the very bad attempt to reconcile the two with The Gap Theory. Young Earth, the catastrophic flood, fossil records, geology are compatible with scripture without erroneous exegesis. Good and easy listening, recommended to share.

Sermon5/23/2021 10:14 AM
Pastor Patrick Hines from Kingsport, Tennessee  Protected NameFind all comments by Pastor Patrick Hines
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“ Response ”
Galatians 3:1; 5:1-5, 12. Please read these. I’m sure many gave Paul less than 7 minutes.

Sermon3/31/2021 10:20 PM
C. Nicotra from NYC  Find all comments by C. Nicotra
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Lessons from Nehemiah
Dr. Henry Krabbendam
“ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ”
Very challenging to my soul.

Sermon3/28/2021 5:11 AM
John UK from Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Misusing Reformers for Piper
Patrick Hines
“ Exposing misquoters! ”
It's a good lesson for wannabee heresy hunters. There is much research and time involved in this sort of thing, and Patrick here has carefully and painstakingly exposed the wickedness of partially quoting great Reformers, the cause of which was to deceive others into thinking John Piper's stance was an historic one in terms of Reformed thinking. Clearly - thanks to this excellent message - it is not, but rather a grievous error and a false gospel. The church needs deep thinkers to counter this sort of thing, and we should praise God for them.

Sermon3/27/2021 8:30 AM
John UK from Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Clear Gospel, Piper v WCF
Patrick Hines
“ Refuting Error! ”
Comparing what John Piper preaches against the timeless WCF is actually quite a good way of exposing his error, and makes me appreciate the work that men of God did in formulating the great confessions. Going through the fundamental doctrines of justification, sanctification and saving faith, along with looking at the relevance of works performed by God's elect, I found to be most profitable and heart-warming, which the gospel of Jesus Christ always is. Thanks!

Sermon3/26/2021 1:26 PM
Paul Garvey from Hull England  Find all comments by Paul Garvey
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Clear Gospel, Piper v WCF
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great teaching from Pastor Hines. Keeping the flock safe from false gospels.

Sermon3/14/2021 2:45 PM
Pastor Patrick Hines from Kingsport, Tennessee  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Pastor Patrick Hines
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“ Timely warning on such a vital topic ”
This sermon needs to be heard! Believers need to understand how this issue is infiltrating the church.

Sermon2/25/2021 6:11 PM
Nathan Dominique from Notre Dame  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nathan Dominique
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“ Thank you ”
Nathan from Notre Dame, Indiana (PCA) Thank you for your continued service to our God. Your podcasts are a wonderful resource for faithful teaching from a reformed perspective when more mainstream podcasts, e.g. Ligonier, appear to be moving in a more inclusive direction by having more Baptist ministers on. Your plain teaching is a breath of fresh air in this culture.

Sermon1/14/2021 7:42 AM
Roger from Kingsport  Find all comments by Roger
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Christians, Government Tyranny
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good refocus. Thanks for your insight.

Sermon12/13/2020 11:51 PM
Art Shannon Jr from Kingsport  Contact via emailFind all comments by Art Shannon Jr
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Joy's Immovable Anchor
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging, Thank you!

Sermon12/9/2020 3:47 AM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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America As The New Athens
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good. Very sad. yet encouraging to me with my small light in the winter years of my obscure life. Thank you.

Sermon12/9/2020 12:07 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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Misusing Reformers for Piper
Patrick Hines
“ Great Sermon! ”
I do not agree with Claudia from N.C.. I see no harm in pointing out heresy. When I read or hear from men or women who misconstrue God’s infallible word with doctrines of demons, I cringe and I painfully cry out to God in pity for the insanity going on in HIS church. I encourage those men who will stand up boldly for our God with the truth! This is one of the myriads of reasons why our Lord stands outside the Laodicean church of today, knocking on the door of our hearts. We are either in a lethargic sleep, dead, insensitive to the Holy Spirit Of God, or just too caught up in our own crumbling, hopeless world. Oh God, send more men who will stand for truth in righteousness! Because the battle for truth is almost a comedic joke!

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