Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin, 3-15-2015
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

March 15th, 2015

Today’s Services:

9:30 am.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. The Marriage of The King's Son -- Matthew 22:1-14

10:00 am .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Jacob Was Left Alone -- Genesis 32:24

Birthdays: March: 17th -- Ricky Polk & Allec Bobbitt, 18th -- Hannah Stalnaker, 28th -- Davis Torrence

Nursery: 1st Service: Aimee, 2nd Service: Jill, Alt. Wendy

Church-house Cleaning: This Week - Fannins-Pendrys, Next Week: ?

F Lord willing, I will be preaching tonight in Kingsport.

***SPRINGMEETING -MAY 1-3,Speakers are:Joe Terrell,Todd Nibert,Tom Harding________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Broad Road To Destruction

" . . . Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat" -- Matthew 7:13

I was out on Scuffling Hill Road the other day and saw a little dog out in the middle of that busy road. I tried to call that dog, but she just barked at me. Then I tried to chase her out of the road, but she just ran down the middle of that road, barking madly at me. Although I was trying to save that foolish dog, it just barked at me and ran from me, headed for certain destruction. No matter what I did, I couldn't make that dog listen to me or come to me. I was powerless to get her out of that broad road and out of harm's way. But, lo and behold, her master came! Her master called her name and that little dog went running to its master, who picked her up and saved her from certain death on that broad road.

All sinners are like that stupid dog, headed down the broad road of sin and rebellion; the road widely traveled by all men and women by nature. If you read this article and are not found in Christ, are not in the narrow way (Christ is the Way); if you are out in the world, think only of the world, making your way in the world, following the world, love the world, friends of the world, pursuing only the things of the world, with little, if any, thoughts of God, Christ, death, eternity; then you are in the broad road of destruction! And if the Lord does not have mercy on you, you will certainly be destroyed, maybe soon! You need to call on the Lord right now, from your heart, to put you in Christ the Way.

We preach and witness to sinners, who are in danger of destruction, but they just won't listen. We tell them their soul's are in danger and unless they repent to God and come to Christ, asking for mercy and salvation in Him, they will surely perish. But all folks do is bark at us, scoff and mock us, forsaking their own mercy. The Lord said: "With man it is impossible". It is impossible for usto open blind eyes to see danger; to open deaf ears to hear of the Word of God which warns of that danger and tells of the only refuge of safety. With man it is impossible to get a sinner to come worship God, thank God , come to hear Word of God, come to Christ. But there is hope; hope in God's sovereign mercy. If that sinner is one of God's elect; if they belong to Him and were given to Christ, they will come! He may use you to speak to them, to bring them to hear the gospel, and in time the Master Himself will come, just in time, and they will hear His voice. He will call them by His powerful Word of Truth, they will run to Him for mercy, and He will receive them in His gracious arms; out of harm's way, safe and secure . . . out of the broad road that leads to destruction.

Don't despair of anyone. Keep warning, talking and speaking to them, and if they belong to the Lord, He will call them, just as sure as His Name is Jesus Christ the Saviour.

The Constant Foolish Talk of This Sinful and Foolish Generation

What a talkative day this is. Everyone has something to say, and it is mostly foolishness and blaspemy against God. Talk radio, T.V. talk shows, computer forums and websites full of endless, foolish talk of fools. O' let us, the people of God, be known as 'swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath' . . . let our words be few, gracious and worth hearing.

" The Mouth of Fools Poureth Out Foolishness" -- Proverbs 15:2

" In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise." - Prov.10:19

" God is in Heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few." -- Eccl.5:2

" A fool's voice is known by multitude of words." -- Eccl.5:3

" A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards." -- Prov.29:11

" The heart of the righteous studieth to answer." - Prov.15:28

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