Central Bulletin - 8-16-2015
Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin - 8-16-2015
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 16 th , 2015

Today’s Services:

9:30 am ………………………………………………………The Son With The Silver Cup (Christ Made Sin) – Genesis 44

10:00 am …………………………………………………………The Great Multitude Against Christ – Matthew 26:47-56

Wednesday 7:30 …………………………………… Matthew 26:57-75 or Genesis 45 or John 7:46 (read all and be blessed)

Birthdays: August: 18th -- Kelly Parks, 19th – Henry Mahan, 20th -- Madelyn Holland,

21st -- Lily Parks, 31st -- Roberta Sword & Betty Hodges

Cleaning Schedule: This week - Pendrys

Nursery Today: 1st Service – Tammy , 2nd Service – Robin, Alt. -- Debra

"THERE THEY SHALL SEE ME" -- Matt. 28:10

Here the Lord Jesus Christ calls His people "my brethren,, gives instruction for them to meet Him, appoints a well-known place for them to meet and promises to be there! Who in their right mind would be absent from such a conference with the crucified and risen Master? And yet Christ does this same thing every week, and sinners are neglectful to attend. If our services are mere social gatherings with folks from the community to catch up on current events, then let's consider our time better spent elsewhere. If, however, they are worship services unto the Lord in which He Himself communes with and instructs us, then let us not only show up; but let us do so with joy, anticipation and great thanksgiving unto Him. Yea, let us fellowship heartily around the gospel and be edified, encouraged and comforted in Him.

What condescension on His part to gather with us, and yet it is His delight to do so. He "seeketh such" sinners to worship Him, who do so with prepared and anxious hearts. Marvelous grace for Him to say, "there shall they see me." How important is it to you to see the Master? You answer that question each week by your attendance as well as your attitude. It was so important to one woman that, weak and ill though she was, she broke through the pressing throng in order to touch His garment. Zaccheus climbed up a tree determined to catch a glimpse of this Great One. The two Mary's in our text came "as it began to dawn" (v. 1) to His tomb. When they learned He was risen and met Him, they "held Him by the feet and worshipped." Would to God we were all this desirous to see Him and this pleased when we do. - Chris Cunningham

Where Do We Find Real Help?

There are millions of so-called self-help, and how-to books out there. Men and women offer all sorts of information on how to help yourself. Brethren, vain is the help which man offers. Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? Psychiatry leads every other profession in SUICIDES! Those who pretend to help others cannot even help themselves. And religion is the worst. Like the woman with the issue, who sought many physicians but was only made worse; religion is not the answer, but is the problem. Here’s real help. . . “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. MY HELP COMETH FROM THE LORD, which made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2). Shouldn’t creatures seek their help from the Creator rather than the creature? Shouldn’t the helpless seek help from the only Source of help?

God’s Infinite Mercy And Invincible Power To Save

John Newton, a great preacher and writer of many great hymns, such as Amazing Grace, was talking with a preacher friend of his, William Jay. Mr. Jay was telling Mr. Newton how encouraged he was in the conversion of a notorious rebel they both knew, whereupon John Newton replied: “Since the Lord saved ME, I have despaired of no man living!” And I am quite sure there were many who despaired of ever seeing me saved. How about you?

The salvation of notorious sinners is a tribute to God’s infinite mercy and invincible power to save. The thief on the cross, Mary Magdalene, the Gadarene demoniac, Saul of Tarsus, and so many others, will forever be trophies of the Lord’s power to save. Though “with man it is impossible” (you and I can’t save or even convince one person of anything), yet “with God ALL things are possible” . . . yea certain if it is His will. So take courage people, in the hope that God saves even the chief of sinners. As long as the gospel is being preached, as long as there is hope of someone hearing that gospel, there is hope of their salvation. So keep praying for that friend or loved one, keep giving out CDs, keep inviting to hear the preaching, for it may be . . . in the Lord’s good time, the Lord will cause them to come, hear, and be saved. It happened to some of us didn’t it!

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