Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin, 1-18-2015
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

January 18th, 2015

Today’s Services:

9:30 am ....................................................................................................The Great Servant - Matthew 20:20-28

10:00 am.....................................................................................Two Blind Men By The Way Side - Matthew 20:29-34

Birthdays: January 18th-- Cody Groover, 31st -- Robin Pendry

Nursery Duty Today: First Service - Tammy , Second Service - Janine , Alternate - Debra

Church Cleaning: This Week: Fannins

True Desires For Christ

One of the old writers asked 5 questions of ‘Those who have an interest in God’s Mercy and Grace.’

  1. Are my desires for Christ genuine and sincere?
  2. Are my desires for Christ honoring to His great Name?
  3. Are my desires for Christ permanent or is this religious interest a mere passing fancy?
  4. Do my desires for Christ lead me to seek Him only where He is manifested and found in His Word?
  5. Will my desires for Christ know no rest until I cease from my labor and rest in Him?

Philosophers Or Fools?

They call themselves “philosophers,” don’t they? Their proper name is “fools;” for the fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” The sheep know when rain is coming, the birds foresee the winter, even pigs, they say, can smell the wind. How much worse than a brute beast must he be who lives where GOD IS EVERYWHERE present, and yet sees Him not!

The Same Things

“To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous (tiresome), but for you it is safe” (necessary). – Phil.3:1

We never grow weary of preaching and hearing the Word of our Lord, the gospel of His grace: and we never tire of gathering together in His Name to worship, pray and fellowship with His people. The old story is forever NEW; the familiar scriptures are FRESHER AND SWEETER with every taste.

  1. To often hear His Word preached is to keep our hearts and minds on Christ, the fountain of life.

  2. To often hear His Word preached is a safeguard against false doctrine and false teachers. An untaught child is more easily led astray than one “taught of God.”

  3. To often hear His Word preached guards against self-righteousness. No danger of a person who is often in the presence of HIS HOLINESS seeing any merit in himself.

NOAH went into the ark BEFORE ONE DROP OF WATER FELL! If he had waited until the rain commenced, he would have been joined by thousands of false converts. True faith believes the promises of God and warnings of God BEFORE they come to pass. A refuge built or entered during the storm is usually forsaken when the sun shines again. Be wary of those who seek the Lord when their flesh is pained. – Henry Mahan

Willing And Able

Our Lord is both WILLING to save sinners and ABLE to save them. If He is willing but not able, we have no hope; or if He is able but not willing, the result is the same. But if He is both willing to save and able, by His perfect sin-offering, there is no reason for me to despair. -- unknown

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