Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 14th 2022

9:30 am ----------------------------------------------Who Can Tell Us? – Ecclesiastes 6:12

10:00 am -------------------------------------------The Saviour in Stormy Seas – John 6:15-21

There are several Bible Conferences coming up this fall: Lexington, KY, Kingsport, TN, Spring Lake, N.C., College Grove, TN, Lewisburg, AR, Rocky Mount, VA. I will try and post all the information on the bulletin board downstairs.

Help Thou Mine Unbelief- Mark 9:24

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Having some small degree of faith, this poor sinner did not boast of his believing, but with tears repented of his unbelief. In a day where religious men and women brag of their great faith, the true child of God repents for their lack of it. The greatest desire of every believer is to believe and trust more in their glorious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. They have faith enough to know that they need more. They have faith enough to ask for more. They understand enough to know who to ask for faith. Even though they believe, their chief concern is their UNBELIEF. Their desire is for HELP with their unbelief, for they know that Christ is worthy and deserving of love from their whole being. It absolutely breaks the believer’s heart to give Christ any less than ALL! Is it so with you? If it is, then simply pray, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” -- David Eddmenson

Real Trials -- “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into different trials . . .” – James 1:2-3

David said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes.” Martin Luther declared, “I never knew the true meaning of God’s Word until I came into affliction. I have always found trials to be the best schoolmaster.”

1). Real trials touch us PERSONALLY – our flesh, our hearts, our homes, our children! This is not something we read about concerning others and then offer high-blown advice, but something we EXPERIENCE.

2). Real trials go to THE ROOT OF THE MATTER and reveals the truth of our nature. It shows whether repentance, faith, love for Christ, and confidence in His purpose and providence are realities or whether they are pretense. Trials do not produce faith; rather, they either reveal the faith that is there or they reveal sham and hypocrisy.

3). Real trial tests A MAN’S GRACES. We talk of love for one another, but not until real trials come can we be sure that we do love. We talk of forgiveness and mercy, but not until forgiveness is needed and mercy is required can we be sure that we have it to give! Some of the best religious “talkers” are the poorest “doers” when it comes to putting their theology into practice.

4). Real trial gives us AN OPPORTUNITY TO MINISTER TO OTHERS: first, by equipping us with necessary abilities. None can enter into a brother’s sorrow like one who has actually been in the same situation. Second, by bringing us to the brother’s side at this particular time. “I’m sorry that you are burdened in such a way, but I rejoice that the Lord affords me the OPPORTUNITY AND PRIVILEGE of helping you bear your burden.”

My brethren, don’t fumble the opportunity to relieve the distressed, forgive the fallen, or feed the hungry. You just may not pass this way again. (Read immediately Matthew 25:41-46). – Henry Mahan

Painful Loss

All have experienced some physical pain and suffering; some sadness and sorrow over many things, but one of the most painful, sad and sorrowful things of all is to watch professing believers fall away; depart from the living God. It is painful and sad to lose a family member or church member in death . . . and very sad indeed to lose a member and brother to this world (for that is usually what takes them). To see those you love and thought loved God, Christ, and His people . . . to see them leave the gospel and leave those they professed to love. . . is one of the most painful, sad and horrible things of all. It causes sleepless nights, tears, and a sense of shock that someone could live a lie for so long, turn their backs on the Truth and go back to the world. To have someone you love and thought loved you, gradually (for it is always gradual and subtle) turn on you and turn from you is painful and sad indeed. To leave the gospel and the church is to say, ‘I don’t care about Christ and I don’t care about you.’ There is nothing sadder and more painful. It is both a divorce and death of a loved one.

It could happen to any of us. That is why there are so many scriptures that warn us and urge us to watch and pray. . . to examine ourselves whether we be of the faith . . . to know ourselves whether Christ be in us except we be reprobates. . . to take heed (to the Word) lest there be in us an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God . . . take heed lest we fall.

O may we be in a constant state of prayer and watchfulness, calling on our God, our Saviour, Who alone can keep us from falling. O may we be watchful of our hearts and minds lest the god of this world tempt us and allure us away from Christ with his lies and deceptions; for it is always the world that a pretended believer goes back to. The world, not Christ, was in their heart.

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