Dr. John McKnight will be ministering the Word at both the morning and evening services. Please remember we wil be having a communion service following the morning worship.
The Graduation Service for the seminary students will be at 4:00 p.m. Dr. John McKnight, the minister of Evangelical Methodist Church in Darlington, MD, will be bringing the commencement address. All are invited to a reception in the gym...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Rev. William Beattie, from Dunmurry, N. Ireland, will be with us to minister the Word in the morning worship service. In the evening, we will be having a Praise Service to introduce the new hymnals. Following the service, there will be a light...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There will be a drop-in baby shower for Leigh Ann Bockle from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the home of Linda Byers. The ladies will find invitations and directions in the library.
There will be a church-wide ice-skating fellowship on the evening of April 26 at the Pavilion (from 9:30pm-11:30pm), with a sneaker hockey challenge between the College & Career and the Young People at the half-time break. The cost is $5 per...[ abbreviated | read entire ]