Faith Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Armen Thomassian | Greenville, South Carolina
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Special "Hymnal" Services
Rev. William Beattie, from Dunmurry, N. Ireland, will be with us to minister the Word in the morning worship service. In the evening, we will be having a Praise Service to introduce the new hymnals. Following the service, there will be a light reception in the gym. Please plan to bring either sandwiches, dessert, and a drink or a salad, dessert and drink. Thank you for your help with this.
Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 01/12/12 - Prayer Meeting Cancellation 10/09/11 - Watch a Live VIDEO Webcast of our... 08/28/11 - Worship Services - August 28, 2011 12/26/10 - FFPC Church Services Only at 2pm 01/31/10 - Due to weather, all services cancelled... 12/02/07 - FFPC Sunday Morning Webcast Temporarily... 08/05/06 - Wedding Video Webcast at FFPC 06/02/06 - Geneva Reformed Seminary Graduation 05/13/06 - Wedding Video Webcast at FFPC 04/19/06 - 2006 Easter Convention Services at FFPC 04/10/06 - American Council of Christian Churches... 03/26/06 - Dr. Ian Paisley to be our special guest... 03/19/06 - Student speakers Dyke Habegger and... 11/05/05 - Wedding Video Webcast at FFPC 10/21/05 - Live Video Webcast of Covenant FPC... 07/14/05 - FPC Youth Camp 2005 Chapel Service 07/13/05 - FPC Youth Camp 2005 Chapel Service 07/12/05 - FPC Youth Camp 2005 Chapel Service 07/11/05 - FPC Youth Camp 2005 Chapel Service 07/06/05 - Day 6 - Watch Video Webcast of Open-Air... 07/05/05 - Day 5 - Watch Video Webcast of Open-Air... 07/04/05 - Day 4 - Watch Video Webcast of Open-Air... 07/03/05 - Day 3 - Watch Video Webcast of Open-Air... 07/02/05 - Day 2 - Watch Video Webcast of Open-Air... 07/01/05 - Day 1 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 06/04/05 - 2005 Geneva Reformed Seminary... 03/30/05 - FFPC Easter Convention Service with... 03/29/05 - FFPC Easter Convention Service with... 03/29/05 - Funeral Service for Johnny Gresham... 01/30/05 - Morning Worship Service Cancelled 01/15/05 - Join Us for a LIVE VIDEO Wedding... 12/31/04 - Adult Fellowship New Year's Eve... 12/20/04 - Christmas Party 12/19/04 - Special Service Lessons and Carols... 12/06/04 - Ladies' Christmas dinner 11/12/04 - BJU concert 11/08/04 - Rescue Mission 10/20/04 - Dr. Panosian's First Person... 10/15/04 - Adult Fellowship 10/13/04 - Dr. Panosian's First Person... 10/08/04 - Soccer Game 10/05/04 - Baby Shower 09/18/04 - Young Adult Fellowship Cookout 09/10/04 - Youth Group Outing at Frankie's 08/20/04 - Young People Fun Night 08/17/04 - College & Career Prayer Meeting 08/06/04 - Day 7 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 08/05/04 - Day 6 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 08/04/04 - Day 5 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 08/03/04 - Day 4 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 08/02/04 - Day 3 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 08/01/04 - Day 2 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 07/31/04 - Day 1 - Watch Live Video Wireless... 05/21/04 - Youth Group Induction Dinner 04/21/04 - Funeral Service at FFPC 04/16/04 - FFPC College & Career Cook-Out 04/12/04 - FFPC Easter Convention Day 4 04/11/04 - FFPC Easter Convention Day 3 04/10/04 - FFPC Easter Convention Day 2 04/09/04 - FFPC Easter Convention Day 1 04/02/04 - FFPC Young People trip to... 03/28/04 - Dr. Brian Green Ministering at FFPC 03/27/04 - FFPC Adult Fellowship Work Day 03/26/04 - FFPC Youth Group Bible Study 03/25/04 - FFPC Ladies Prayer Time 03/22/04 - FFPC Homeschool Group 01/30/04 - Annual Church Meeting and Dinner 12/06/03 - Young Adult Fellowship & Young People... 12/05/03 - Christmas Dinner Invitation 11/29/03 - College & Career and Youth Group 10/31/03 - Men's Retreat to North Carolina 10/29/03 - First-Person Presentation of Hugh... 07/04/03 - Annual 4th of July Picnic 05/25/03 - Singspiration and Farewell for... 05/24/03 - Tract Distribution and College & Career... 05/09/03 - Churchwide Skating Outing 04/21/03 - Easter Convention Service 04/20/03 - Easter Convention Service 04/19/03 - Easter Convention Service 04/18/03 - Easter Convention Services 04/05/03 - Young People and College & Career 03/28/03 - Upcoming Events for All Church Groups 03/14/03 - Denomination Study: Presbyterianism 02/28/03 - Biblical View on Cloning Meeting 02/07/03 - Dr. Bill Jones: NY Gospel Ministries 01/31/03 - Annual Church Dinner 01/13/03 - Adult Fellowship - Rescue Mission 01/11/03 - Annual Combined Ski Trip 01/08/03 - Change in Missionary Prayer Meetings 01/07/03 - Jesus Christ Superstar Protest 01/05/03 - Early Communion Service 12/31/02 - Early Morning Prayer Meeting 12/31/02 - Adult Fellowship Progressive Dinner 12/24/02 - Early Morning Prayer Meeting 12/13/02 - Groups Meeting To Go Caroling 12/08/02 - Dr. Bill Jones and the NY Gospel... 12/07/02 - Youth Group Christmas Concert Outing 12/06/02 - Christmas Dinner and Party 11/30/02 - Young Adults and Young People Outings 11/16/02 - Upcoming Activites for Groups 11/08/02 - 'Ask the Expert' Meeting: Christian and... 11/01/02 - Youth Group Bible Study and Prayer 10/29/02 - Final Special Service with Dr. Paisley 10/28/02 - Special Meeting with Dr. Paisley 10/27/02 - Special Meetings With Dr. Paisley 10/26/02 - 25th Anniversary Dinner at BJU 10/12/02 - College & Career Activity 10/11/02 - Activities for Groups Today 10/07/02 - Adult Fellowship Dinner 10/06/02 - New Time for Communion Service 10/05/02 - Young Adult Fellowship Outing 10/04/02 - Young People Meet -- Charades 09/28/02 - Youth Group Outing to the Beacon 09/27/02 - Meeting for the Homeschoolers 09/27/02 - Adult Fellowship Work Night 09/26/02 - Ladies Prayer Meeting 09/20/02 - Study on Denominations with Dr. Sidwell 09/13/02 - Come Hear Dr. Panosian Talk About Islam 08/30/02 - Youth Group Attending BJU Services 08/24/02 - College & Career Boat Ride 08/23/02 - The Nature of Covenants Discussion 08/21/02 - Seminary Official Opening Dinner 08/10/02 - College & Career and Young Adult... 08/09/02 - Adult Fellowship and Youth Group... 08/05/02 - Adult Fellowship Covered Dish Supper 08/03/02 - Marriage: Paul Trimble & Christina... 07/31/02 - Larry Saunders at Prayer Meeting 07/12/02 - Invitation to a Wedding 07/08/02 - College & Career Outing 07/04/02 - Annual Church July 4 Picnic 06/02/02 - Dr. John McKnight Preaching Sunday 06/01/02 - Whitefield College Graduation Service 05/24/02 - Special Isle of Lewis Recital 05/19/02 - Special "Hymnal" Services 05/04/02 - Youth Group Meeting 05/02/02 - Young Adult Fellowship 04/30/02 - Baby Shower - Leigh Ann Bockle 04/26/02 - Church-Wide Ice-Skating Event 04/12/02 - Adult Fellowship Event 04/01/02 - Easter Convention Day 4 03/31/02 - Easter Convention Day 3 03/30/02 - Easter Convention Day 2 03/29/02 - Easter Convention Day 1 03/26/02 - The Happy State of Contentment 03/24/02 - Sunday Meetings with Dr. Paisley 03/23/02 - College and Career and YAF 03/23/02 - Tract Distribution For All Who Can Come 03/03/02 - Announcements for this week 02/12/02 - Pray And Expect An Answer 02/12/02 - Announcements for this week!