Great Sermon! Here is a message that will stir your heart, exalting the Sovereign Electing Grace of God ... showing that our LORD IS ALL in anyone's salvation who is ever saved. Praise the Lord!
Popery: Legacy of Rebellious Nimrod Every Roman Catholic pope has continued the legacy of the rebel Nimrod. Nimrod, as we know, was a mighty one on the earth (Genesis 10:8), mighty hunter before Yehovah (Genesis 10:9), and established a confederacy and formed powerful alliances (Genesis 10:11). As Nimrod united the people of the world in rebellion against Yehovah in Genesis 11:1-9, so the Roman Catholic popes also unite the world in rebellion against Yehovah. Nimrod's rebellion against Yehovah only foreshadowed the rebellion against Yehovah under the leadership of the Antichrist in Revelation 13:1-18. This is because the Beast of Revelation 13 has the name of blasphemy upon his heads. The name of blasphemy upon the heads of the Beast denotes his rebellion against Yehovah and His Anointed Messiah, Yeshua. This sermon shows why this rebellion against Yehovah by the popes is really intended on preparing the world for the reign of the Antichrist, who is a rebel himself.
Great Sermon! This was so refreshing and helpful!
I so appreciated the strong words on how pornography is in the category of adultery. It does destroy marriages. It does defile the marriage bed. Thank you!!
Great encouragement. This message encouraged me today. Satan was putting doubts in my mind that it is of no avail to seek revival and refreshment or consecration. I thank the Lord for this timely message!
Vital teaching In a day of eroding definitions, the phrase 'sexual immorality' requires specific conceptual boundries to govern aright the God-given instincts, physiological processes, and activities connected with physical attraction or intimate contact between opposite genders.
Good Surely, the Sabbath was purposely made for man from the beginning, and significantly the Son of man when on earth took it that way, he being Lord of the Sabbath. Thanks for addressing the derogation of this topic.
Great Sermon! I have thoroughly benefited from your series on Job. The series has encouraged me and help to strengthen my faith and endurance to stand amid the tragedies I'm currently facing.
May God Bless you!
THANK YOU!! For posting the Sunday School lesson from last Sunday!! Had been enjoying VERY much the live stream on Sunday mornings... Pray you will at least continue to post up the audio for us? You are all in my prayers daily.
Great Sermon! Excellent commentary. Excellent point about our obligation to love our enemies and our obligation to love our spouses, whom we have vowed to love, even more so. I read Joshua Harris's book when I was a youth and I was greatly influenced by it. This news was very grievous to hear but apparently he has not just rejected his marriage but he has also denied the faith. A solemn warning to us all. Let us pray fervently for one another and for our children and let us keep our eyes on Christ.