First Baptist Church Las Colinas
Robert Rohlin  |  Irving, Texas
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Should pastors be commenting on economics?
MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2016
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BLOG ON: SERMON Prudent Preparations
First Baptist Church Las Colinas
Robert Rohlin
A few weeks ago I spoke on how to prepare for the coming currency collapse. I spoke on such topics in 2011 and encouraged people to buy silver at $19 / oz. I later sold mine for $42 / oz. before it topped out at $49 / oz. I'm not interested in being an investment counsellor. I am interested in helping people succeed in life and to be good stewards of the resources God has given them. I am convinced that we are on the cusp of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of mankind. And it will eviscerate most of the middle class in America.

Within 2 weeks of my presentation, Brexit happened. The result over the next couple of days was watching gold break through the $1300 / oz. ceiling, stocks plummeting, and people wondering what was next. Some sense of normalcy will return, but overall, the market is in decline. And I believe gold and silver are in a bull market for at least the next 4 years. (The average bull market for precious metals is just over 3-1/2 years with a 253% average increase in the price of gold.)

Yesterday someone asked me if I knew of any Christian financial counselors to whom they could speak. He was trying to get some confirmation of my opinions. Not a bad thing to do. Even when I preach, I want people to be like the Bereans and search the Scriptures for themselves. "In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let every word be confirmed." I told him the name of one couple I could remember. But most financial counselors are set in the traditional mold of telling you to buy mutual funds, wait a long time, and things will take care of themselves. Dave Ramsey is still encouraging people to do this. It has been great advice in the past. But I believe that method of preparing for retirement is not likely to work for the next few years. I believe anyone who lost a lot of money in 2008 will lose even more this time and it could take decades to recover.

Then I remembered something that Jesus said. He was telling to the story of a steward that had not handled well his master's funds. So before the master fired him, he went and negotiated with those that owed his master money. He offered them a discount in return for immediate payment to settle their debts. The master commended the student for this wise action (Luke 16:1-8). Jesus commented "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." In matters of finances, don't limit your counselors to only those who share your theological convictions. Instead, look for those who have a great track record of success over a long period of time. You can still maintain your own priorities about giving to God's work. But listen to those who are successful with money (not your broke brother-in-law) to know how to save and invest for the future. As long as what they tell you isn't contrary to God's Word, then you might be smart to follow those who in financial matters are "wiser than the children of light."

Also, pay attention to Proverbs 23:23: "Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding." It is worth paying for someone's expertise if they really know what they are doing. I purchased subscriptions to several highly successful investment advisers. Their advice has paid for itself. The second phrase in that verse says, "and sell it not." While cannot legally pass on specific investment recommendations, I can teach the principles I've learned without charging for it so that people will at least have some general guidelines on how to be good stewards. If they want more information, I can recommend some of the same newsletters and services to which I subscribe.

In the Old Testmaent, people went to their priests when they were sick. Priests were taught some specific symptoms (for example, those associated with leprosy) to observe and knew health precautions they were to take. In the New Testament, Christians are told that when they are sick, they call for the elders of the church to come anoint them with oil and pray for them. Today, most people never even think about seeking out a pastor when they are ill. And unfortunately, many pastors don't take the time to learn about principles of medicine or health. Similarly, pastors should be authorities on stewardship. There is an average of one financial principle for every page of the Bible. Matthew -- probably because he was a tax collector -- is replete with financial principles for those who will look.

It is the job of pastors to seek out God's wisdom in every area of human endeavors from the pages of Scripture. We should be students first of the Word of God to find His principles. Then we need to learn from others who are successful in various areas and see what we can learn from them that does not conflict with God's eternal principles. So can a pastor be a competent guide in matters of finance. He can. But finding such a pastor may be a difficult matter. Many preachers have bought into the idea that they should confine their comments to theological matters only. But the Bible was meant to be practical rather than theological. The Bible was not meant for ivory-tower debates, but for insight into how to conduct every area of our living.

I'm so thankful for people like Ron Blue, Larry Burkett, and Dave Ramsey that have given us a great wealth of knowledge on how to conduct our financial matters. But I am equally thankful for others that do not have a Christian perspective but whose counsel has helped me make profitable investments at the right time.

"In the multitude of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 15:22). Always let the Bible be the final rule of faith and practice in all matters. Let the Holy Spirit "umpire" in your hearts (Colossians 3:15) so that you do not do anything that destroys your peace in the Lord (or do anything that destroys your spouse's peace either). But remember that in some matters, it may be that the children of the world are wiser than the children of light (Luke 16). Don't limit yourself to counsel only from Christians. Learn from anyone that is successful but let the Bible and the Holy Spirit be the final arbiters of all decisions that you make.

Category:  Economics

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