Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
1233 American Legion Dr.
Festus, MO 63028
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"Good sermon"
James Cantrell from Virginia
Thank you for sewing the good seed. I love you all there and pray that God will continue to bless and use you, for his kingdoms...
Mike Hoggard
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Sermon5/31/12 4:23 PM
David Wiebe from canada  Find all comments by David Wiebe
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Pride of Nebuchadnezzar
Mike Hoggard
“ Powerful Sermon ”
Pastor Hoggard has hit this one out of the park! Nebuchadnezzar was a rich character and Mike does him justice - I hope he has many more on this man and so much more we can learn through his power filled preaching!

Sermon5/21/12 3:26 AM
Charlie Schafer from New Castle, Delaware  Find all comments by Charlie Schafer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Keep delivering these great messages and exposing this harlot church that has came about from the pit of hell .!!! Will be prayin for you// God bless //. Charlie

Sermon5/21/12 3:23 AM
Charlie Schafer from New Castle, Delaware  Find all comments by Charlie Schafer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Keep delivering these great messages and exposing this harlot church that has came about from the pit of hell .!!!

Sermon5/11/12 6:30 PM
Vera M Cano  Contact via emailFind all comments by Vera M Cano
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is the word that needs to be taught, NOT the "I want you to feel good!" garbage that will take one's soul straight to the "garbage heap".

Sermon5/10/12 10:14 PM
Barbara from Mi.  Find all comments by Barbara
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The Giants Part 3
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
We sit spellbound hanging on to every word of each of your teachings. We thank the Lord for your character and your courage. We love and appreciate you more than words can say.

Sermon5/10/12 9:43 PM
Virginia Brown from Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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Bethel Sermon Series #3
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the LORD!!!

Sermon5/10/12 7:42 PM
John Carrell from Otsu, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Carrell
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It grieves me that America has gone this far. But I'm not surprised.

Sermon5/10/12 7:37 PM
Virginia Brown from Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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Bethel Sermon Series #3
Mike Hoggard
“ Witness on Facebook! YES!!!! ”
That's what I use Facebook for! WHAT a FANTASTIC WITNESSING TOOL!!! God's Word will NOT return void!!! And I can do that WHILE I listen to GOOD PREACHIN'! YES!!! I can be a missionary sittin' right here at my computer!!! I might be limited, but GOD ISNT!!! HALLELUJAH!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! GOD BLESS YOU, PASTOR MIKE, & OUR MINISTRY! :O)

Sermon5/9/12 10:30 PM
John Carrell from Otsu, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Carrell
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Revival at Bethel
Reg Kelly
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Kelly for God's word. I look forward to listening and learning more about God's word.

Sermon5/8/12 3:10 PM
Kathy from Ft, Myers Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kathy
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The Giants Part 1
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesome teaching on the giants! I've been studying this and similar subjects for over a year, and find it fascinating that the giants, Nimrod, pagan god worship, freemasonry, demons, and "ufos" are all related; all the pieces of the puzzle fit together and the picture becomes visible! In Genesis 10, you mentioned Nimrod; my phone app has the KJV with a Strong's concordance - Genesis 10:8 says Nimrod "began to be a mighty one." Strongs definition for "began to be" is "to profane, defile, pollute" ritually or sexually, and gives the word "Niphal". The word given in Strong's for "mighty" in referring to Nimrod is, curiously enough, Gibbowr. (giant mighty man). That phrase "began to be" reminds me of a book by Thomas Horn referring to genetic manipulations by the "sons of god" (book of enoch refers to a lion like man beast), and in modern times, scientists creating "chimeras." All very, very interesting.

Sermon5/8/12 2:58 PM
David Wiebe from BC Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Wiebe
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The Giants Part 3
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you again Pastor for an amazing sermon and study. Imho, this is a groundbreaking series, it ties in the past to the present abomination being carried out by huge agri companies which are thoroughly corrupting all seed as fast as they can and mingling seed as strictly forbidden by God. We truly have to be living in the last days!

Sermon5/8/12 5:44 AM
kasey from nashville  Contact via emailFind all comments by kasey
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Revival at Bethel
Reg Kelly
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesome Awesome Awesome , Praise The Lord for churches like Bethel and Liberty Faith , and pastors who believe what they preach and preach what they believe !

Sermon5/6/12 5:55 PM
Virginia Brown from Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hallelujah! My "financial advisor" has OKd my monthly $7 membership to Bethel! Starting immediately, and automatically every month thereafter! Again, I say, Hallelujah! You're maybe getting that confirmation tomorrow when you read this! I am SO excited! My financial advisor is Aaron Bender (my son-in-law who is a CPA, helping me out of my financial difficulties, praise God!). If I was walking into your church I would feel SO at home. It LOOKS like our church, same size & all! Pastor Mike preaches like our Pastor Robbins! Right out o' the KJB! He LOVES the KJB! I just LOVE it, too, & you all! Looking FORWARD to meeting you all one day SOON! Ginny Brown

Sermon5/4/12 2:46 AM
Virginia Brown from Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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“ Great Sermon! ”
God bless you, Pastor Mike, your family & your ministry!

Sermon5/2/12 11:05 PM
Janice Hubbell  Find all comments by Janice Hubbell
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Pure Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for enlightening the word in Mathew 21:22. Praise God!

Sermon4/28/12 10:31 PM
Sparky from NC  Find all comments by Sparky
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Never heard it explained better!!!

Sermon4/28/12 5:44 PM
Genti Rexho from eastern europe,Albania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Genti Rexho
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The Giants Part 1
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon4/27/12 9:41 AM
Robin A. from Ashland, KY  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robin A.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you!! I have family who believe this deception whole-heartedly. I had one person tell me I'm not saved unless I speak this modern-day gibberish and be baptised in Jesus' name only. (They believe salvation is a process.) I've known, since childhood, that this is evil and to steer clear of it. If Jesus Himself said, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and THERE SHALL NO SIGN BE GIVEN unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas (Mat 16:4)," and tongues are for a sign (1 Cor 14:22), then why would anyone seek this out, except to receive some kind of fleshly "proof" that just "feels" right, rather than believing by faith? How much faith is required when they're having this experience? Where's this 'feeling' coming from? Obviously not the Holy Spirit, per Jesus. kywildcat

Sermon4/26/12 7:38 PM
Virginia Brown from Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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Fallen in the Church House
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks, Pastor Mike! I needed that! GOOD preachin'! Ginny Brown

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