Bethel Church
Mike Hoggard  |  Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
1233 American Legion Dr.
Festus, MO 63028
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"The Wrath of God has come upon them to the uttermo"
Robert Dennis Barrack junior from Texas
Matthew 23:33-38 [33]Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? [34]Wherefore, behold, I...
Mike Hoggard
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Sermon10/6/12 11:18 AM
Michael Schuck from Germany, Munich  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Schuck
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Mike, being blessed continuously and not letting passing by any occasion to hear/see you and your ministry, here are again my greetings to you to Missouri from Bavaria! This process applies to Dr. Scott Johnson, too. Both of you have the same message - just one example beside some other topics and of course the KIV-Bible, Praise the Lord - conc. B. Hussein O. by now! Looking forward to your mentioned "Atlantis/giants"- lectures/sermons, in preparation! God Bless you, your family and the entire ministry all over and anew and ever and ever! In Jesus Love Yours sincerely Mike

Sermon9/27/12 2:13 AM
Rachel from Florida  Find all comments by Rachel
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Hebrews Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Where The Rubber Meets The Road! ”
Thank you Pastor Mike for honesty, truth, and wisdom! They are more precious than gold silver, and all the "Prophecy" expositions found on the internet. Heart felt prayers to you and yours! This is a keeper! Even so, Come Lord!

Sermon9/19/12 8:53 PM
Samantha M from Georgia Camden County  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Sunday AM Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon9/17/12 2:21 PM
Steve woodruff from Prestatyn north Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve woodruff
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What an amazing sermon ! I really wish we could have a pastor like him in our area . I almost wanna move to his parish God Bless Pastor Mike

Sermon9/16/12 6:51 PM
Charlie Schafer from New Castle, Delaware  Contact via emailFind all comments by Charlie Schafer
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Living with Philistines
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great !! wonderful Sermon !! I Thank Our Blessed Lord & Savior / Jesus Christ Who has

Sermon9/13/12 7:34 PM
Samantha M from Georgia Camden County  Find all comments by Samantha M
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“ Awesome Message! ”
I am speechless, you spoke the truth ...Amen, Lord Help Us!

Sermon9/13/12 7:48 AM
Mrs patty mccann Jacks wife from SOUTH BEND IND  Find all comments by Mrs patty mccann Jacks wife
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Sunday School
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
im soo sorry that happened to you brother . when people came to see Jesus hang diffrent people came for diffrent food ,to make fun of him ,you handled it quite well, im a woman and know you aer speaking The WORD.

Sermon9/11/12 2:29 PM
David Wiebe from BC Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Wiebe
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Sunday AM Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You Pastor Mike for another uplifting sermon. Also, thanks for dilineating the profound difference between the correct word "Temperance" as opposed to the incorrect, man inspired phrase "self discipline". You have pointed out, that as usual, the KJV refers to what God does, the NIV (non inspired..) refers to what man does!

Blog9/9/12 7:05 PM
Susan N from South Carolina  Find all comments by Susan N
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We love Pastor Mike and are so thankful for his righteous teachings of the Word of god, and love that he uses King James Version only. We consider ourselves to be part of Bethel Church although we live in South Carolina. Our lives have been deeply enriched by Pastor Mike's many programs and sermons.May God continue to bless Bethel Church and it's members, and be with Pastor mike in all he does. We love you all there in Festus at Bethel!

Sermon9/3/12 4:23 PM
Alice from CA  Find all comments by Alice
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for a classic message pastor, we don't hear now a days; and I am saddened by all the false teachings that go on in the Internet. What a blessing for me...

Sermon9/2/12 3:42 AM
Robert Douglas Cockburn from Strathaven Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert Douglas Cockburn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
(If you are born again. Can you ever loose your Salvation. According to the KJV. Bible. May God bless all who work with you. (Isaiah 53 Complete.) Give me the True Word of God. Found only in the 1611 KJV. All other Versions are Counterfeit.) I will Pray for you.

Sermon9/1/12 2:01 PM
Joan Spoerndle from CT  Contact via emailFind all comments by Joan Spoerndle
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Pure Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Bride of Christ ”
hi pastor mike, i just saw for the 2nd time, Women. i was a harlot went to Godly in the course of some years only by His grace and mercy after i was saved. He cleaned the inside before the outside. my heart is joyous for you confirming some things that were just not right with the roles of women now... it just takes someone with holy boldness to say it. thanks for obeying Him... God be with you full of grace & mercy joan :)

Sermon9/1/12 10:00 AM
Emily H. from North Carolina  Find all comments by Emily H.
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Pure Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Wonderful Word from God! ”
Pastor Mike, thank you for sensitively and biblically defining the roles of Christian women as commanded by the Lord Himself in His word. It may well be an unpopular message for many, but in God's economy it's a critical one. Thank you for loving your sisters in Christ enough to share the truth -- I personally was challenged and yet encouraged through the entire teaching.

Sermon8/30/12 8:42 PM
Brenda Davis from Waco, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Brenda Davis
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Pure Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Just beautiful, Pastor Mike!! ”
I just have to say that this was a beautiful and much needed teaching! I was captivated from beginning to end and. Thank you so much!!

Sermon8/29/12 4:47 AM
Mw. Ricky Gouda from Netherlands  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mw. Ricky Gouda
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Hebrews Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
I will pray for that woman in Texas, i - as a widow - know how it feels to be under that sort of attacks!

Sermon8/26/12 12:25 PM
Steve Nichols from TN  Find all comments by Steve Nichols
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Sunday AM Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for a Pastor that stands up for the Word of God no matter what it costs him. I Thank God for you Pastor Mike.

Sermon8/26/12 12:10 PM
Jacob Franklin from AR  Find all comments by Jacob Franklin
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Sunday AM Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ No shame ”
Brother Mike, You handled this situation perfectly. I can completely relate to the overwhelming emotions that begin to burn within you when you just don't know how to respond to a cruel individual's words. I believe a foul spirit came against you that morning but by the grace of God, you stood fast. Hope that never happens at your church again, but at least now you have experience dealing with that kind of nonsense!!!

Sermon8/22/12 6:25 PM
Samantha M from Georgia Camden County  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Sunday AM Bible Study
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Hoggard you handled that situation biblically ...God Bless you Brother!...It was done scriptually...Amen!

Sermon8/22/12 10:30 AM
John Carrell from Otsu, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Carrell
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Sunday School
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was the first sermon that not only professed the final athority of God's word, but showed how Pastor Hoggard through the grace of God handle unbiblical view from a visitor. I believe Pastor Hoggard's stand with the authority of the Bible is a good example of taking up our cross for Christ and His word. God bless you.

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