CENTRAL BULLETIN February 21, 2016
Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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CENTRAL BULLETIN February 21, 2016
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

February 21st, 2016

9:30 am Bible Study-------------------------------------Grace To The Humble – James 4:1-10

10:00 am Service------------------------------- All Passed Clean Over (The River) – Joshua 3

Nursery Today: Second Service: Kathryn P., Alt. – Polly P.

Cleaning Schedule: This Week: Mike & Karen , Next Week: Dan & Jill O.

­­­­­­­­­­­Birthdays: February: 22nd – Irene Davis, 28th – Tammy Fannin

Help Thou Mine Unbelief

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”Mark 9:24

Having some small degree of faith, this poor sinner did not boast of his believing, but with tears repented of his unbelief. In a day where religious men and women brag of their great faith, the true child of God repents for their lack of it. The greatest desire of every believer is to believe and trust more in their glorious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. They have faith enough to know that they need more. They have faith enough to ask for more. They understand enough to know who to ask for faith. Even though they believe, their chief concern is their UNBELIEF. Their desire is for HELP with their unbelief, for they know that Christ is worthy and deserving of love from their whole being. It absolutely breaks the believer’s heart to give Christ any less than ALL! Is it so with you? If it is, then simply pray, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”

--David Eddmenson

A Peculiar People – by J.C. Philpot

Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” - Titus 2: 14

How can anyone who knows anything of the blessedness of atoning blood and redeeming love and the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit continue in sin that grace may abound? Doctrinal professors may do these things, for a mere letter knowledge of the truth brings with it no deliverance from the power of sin; but the living soul, in whom the God of all grace is carrying on his gracious work, can it trample under foot the cross of the suffering Son of God? It is impossible that a man who knows for himself the redeeming efficacy of Christ’s atoning blood, and whose conscience is made tender in the fear of God, can, under the sweet influence of his love, deliberately crucify him again. Not but what there is a falling under the power of sin and temptation, as David and Peter fell; but there will not be a willful sinning against him, when the blessed Spirit is bringing near his blood and grace and love. May we never forget that the suffering Son of God gave himself to purify unto himself a peculiar people – a people whose thoughtsare the thoughts of God, as having the mind of Christ; a people whose affections are peculiar, for they are fixed on things above; whose prayers are peculiar, for they are wrought in their heart by the Spirit of grace and supplication; whose sorrows are peculiar, because they spring from a spiritual source; whose joys are peculiar, for they are joys which the stranger intermeddleth not with; whose hopes are peculiar, as anchoring within the veil; and whose expectations are peculiar, as not expecting to reap a crop of happiness in this marred world, but looking for happiness in the kingdom of rest and peace in the bosom of God. And if they are peculiar inwardly, they should be peculiar outwardly. They should make it manifest that they are a peculiar people by walking in the footsteps of the Lord the Lamb, taking up the cross, denying themselves, and living to the honour, praise, and glory of God.

The Gospel Is The ‘Law of Liberty’ – James1:25, 2:12

The old law, the covenant of works, contains contingencies and uncertainties, leaving almost everything to the caprice or efforts of man. I cannot preach that law. It is not the perfect law of liberty’. Bear with me, while I insist that this perfect law of liberty’, is nothing more or less than THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST; and I shall take upon me to denounce everything else that assumes the name of ‘gospel’, as being no better, than what Paul calls, ‘an accursed gospel,’ and not the law of liberty.-- Joseph Irons, pastor, Grove Chapel, Camberwell, England, 1785-1852

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