Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin December 27, 2015
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

December 27th, 2015

9:30 am Bible Study---------------------------------------God’s Own Will – James 1:18

10:00 am Service---------------------------------------The Plain Truth – Romans 9 & 10

Nursery Today: Second Service: Margaret T. Alt. – Kathryn P.

Cleaning Schedule: This Week: Sheesleys Next Week: Bobbitts, Berrys

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Birthdays: December: 29th – Ron Fannin, 30th – Polly Peters, 31st – Kathryn Polk


I constantly maintain the glories, beauties, and preciousness of love; and yet I am branded an enemy to love. But, if by love, they mean I ought to unite with those who deny the Deity of my God and Saviour; if by love they mean I ought to unite occasionally with people who say without a blush that election is a damnable doctrine and hate it in their hearts; that imputed righteousness is "imputed nonsense," a doctrine that ought to be spurned by all, which is the very covering that hides all my shame, the very robe that adorns my naked soul, and is the joy and rejoicing of my heart, and which I have found to be the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; if they mean by love that I ought to unite with people who testify that we may be a child of God one day and testify that we may be a child of the devil another; that Christ died and atoned for the sins of Esau as well as Jacob, for Cain as well as Abel, for Judas as well as Peter, and that there are thousands in Hell for whom Christ died; if they mean by love that I ought to unite and call them BRETHREN who profess to believe the doctrines of grace, and call themselves Calvinists, but can declare at times that those blessed doctrines which are so precious and glorious to my soul are non-essential things; that is, if I understand their meaning right, they view them as useless things, and that it is of no consequence whatever whether we receive or believe these doctrines or not, provided we do unite with all sorts, and pray for all, and be candid and mild, and esteem all as partakers of grace; I confess from my heart, if all this be love, I AM DESTITUTE OF IT, and instead of being grieved for my lack of it, I glory in it. -- John Warburton (1776-1857)

Past Feeling . . . “Who being past feeling have given themselves over . . .” – Ephesians 4:19

What a horrible state to be in . . . past feeling, incapable of feeling, without any emotion, indifferent and unmoved by the Word of God. All believers get into a bad state; all go through spiritual drought and coldness. But to remain lukewarm, to reach a state of being past feeling is to be reprobate and apostate.

The Word of God is heavenly music to the ears of those given ears to hear. It is at times a joyful sound which causes them to dance with joy, and at other times a mournful tune, which causes them to lament (Matt.11:17). It is a savour of life to life, that is, those who are alive respond to it. But alas, it is also a savour of death to death, that is, those who are spiritually dead do not respond to it. And the sad thing is, the one who is past feeling does not know it, nor will they mourn over it and call upon God to deliver them from it.

If you find yourself cold, unmoved, without emotion when the Word of God is preached . . . if you feel cold and feel dead . . . there is still hope. Where there is feeling, there is life! You are not yet past feeling. We are certainly not saved by feelings, nor should our feelings be our assurance or lack of it, but as living flesh has its sense of feeling, so does the living spirit of the believer. It is that new creature, that babe, which causes him to cry, laugh, mourn and rejoice when the quickening (enlivening) Word of God is preached. So. . . if and when we find ourselves without response to the life giving sound of God’s Word, CRY unto God to quicken you, to break your heart again, to warm your spirit, to restore unto you the joy of His salvation. How terrible to be past feeling!

The Preaching of Jesus Christ

The "Preaching of Jesus Christ," is much more than making frequent use of His name in our discourses, or even telling of His wondrous love and work for sinners. The "Preaching of Jesus Christ" is, first and foremost, the magnifying of His unique Person, making known who He is-the God-man. Second, it is the opening up of His mediatorial office in which He serves as Prophet, Priest, and Potentate. Third, it is the enforcing of His wondrous redemption. Fourth, it is the enforcing of His claims and the holding up of the perfect example He left us.

-- A.W. Pink (1886-1952)

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