Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin, 8-17-14
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 17th, 2014

Today’s Services:

9:30 am ­ ;.... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... These Little Ones -- Matthew 18:1-10

10:00 am ........................................................................................................One Lost Sheep -- Matthew 18:11-14

Birthdays: AUGUST: 18th -- Kelly Parks, 19th -- Henry Mahan, 20th -- Madelyn Holland, 21st -- Lily Parks

Church Cleaning: This Week: Sam & Hannah

Nursery Today: 1st Service - Aimee , 2nd Service - Wendy (Kathryn - alternate) Wednesday: Mindy

An oft repeated article by brother Henry Mahan. One that needs to be repeated and read over and again . . . so much more as we see the day of our Lord approaching.


Those who are so foolish as to allow ANYTHING IN THEIR LIFE to cause them to renounce their faith in Christ and neglect their duty and privileges as children of the living God will, like Esau, someday weep with bitter tears when it is beyond their power to recover what is lost. Guard against apostasy and fleshly appetites; guard against neglecting worship and daily communion with the Lord; guard against unwholesome companions and worldly social contacts; guard against covetousness and materialism lest you come, at last, to mourn bitterly your foolishness and wickedness.
We have entered A RACE. The prize goes to those who FINISH (Heb. 10:35-39). There will be difficult times, perhaps heavy trials; and along the way there will be tempting pastures of pleasure, which appeal to the flesh. We must go on! We may proceed rapidly or slowly; we may even stumble and fall; but, looking to Christ, we continue. I have a responsibility TO MY LORD and to the gospel of His grace. Neither the smiles nor the frowns of the world will cause me to surrender what I believe. I have a responsibility to the church, my brothers, my family, and to those whose lives I touch. By His grace, I must not allow anything to cause me to quit the race nor fail to see it through.
In many years of pastoring and preaching, I have seen many runners in this race. Those who finish and are crowned with glory are those who CONTINUE FAITHFUL! They lay aside the weights and sins which hinder; they look neither BACK to Egypt which they have left nor AROUND at others who profess to run, but only FORWARD to Christ, their goal. They do not always maintain the same pace, for sometimes the track is smooth and sometimes it is rocky or muddy; but they are always moving in the same direction. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness."

Repentance, The Gift of God

Repentance is one of those graces, without which there can be no salvation. Not that either repentance, or faith, or any practical fruits, are in the least respect casual, or conditional, or meritorious, of pardon, happiness and eternal life. Every grace, and every good work, are the free gifts of God. From Him only, all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works, do proceed. He it is Who grants us true repentance and His Holy Spirit. Consequently, we cannot possibly, in the very nature of things, merit (earn) or entitle ourselves to God's favour, by any grace we exercise, or by any duty we perform. His gifts lay us under infinite obligations to Him, instead of empowering us to merit anything from Him. They do not render Him a debtor to us, but render us unspeakable and everlasting debtors to Him. -- Augustus Toplady, Pastor in England, 1740-1778

Some Choice Quotes

** Here are some choice quotes by Thomas Brooks (1608-1680) England. Charles Spurgeon thought so highly of him, that he collected and produced a whole book of this man's sayings, entitled: Smooth Stones From Ancient Brooks.

F " Repentance is a grace, and must have its daily operation, as well as other graces. A true penitent must go on from

faith to faith, from strength to strength; he must never stand still or turn back. True repentance is a continued spring, where the waters of godly sorrow are always flowing. 'My sin is ever before me'."

F " The two poles could sooner meet, than the love of Christ and the love of the world."

F " The only way to avoid cannon-shot is to fall down. No such way to be freed from temptation as to keep low."

F " Let those be thy choicest companions who have made Christ their chief companion."

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