Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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Central Bulletin, 8-10-14
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 10th, 2014

Today’s Services:

9:30 am ­............................................................................ Except Ye Become As Little Children -- Matthew 18:1-6

10:00 am .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... The Cure For Doubts & Fears -- John 14:1-11

Birthdays: AUGUST: 13th -- John Sheesley Jr., 18th -- Kelly Parks, 19th -- Henry Mahan, 20th -- Madelyn Holland

Church Cleaning: August 11 th - 16th - Torrences

Nursery Today: 1st Service - Cherrie, 2nd Service - Jill (Margaret - alternate) Wednesday: Hannah

The Most Important Desk In The World . . .

. . . is not in the Oval Office of the White House, but in the pastor's office in God's House. The most important desk is not the one from which the laws of the land are passed, but the one from which the message of grace is prepared. The spiritual welfare of the people is much more important than their material welfare. Spiritual prosperity is infinitely more important than economic prosperity.

Pray for kings and all in authority, but pray more for him who has the rule over you (Heb.13:7,17). Pray for that man whom God has given the care and feeding . . . the watch over your souls and the souls of your children. The one out front, the one in charge, is the one most desired by the enemy . . . the one under greatest assault and greatest temptations from the adversary; for he knows that if he . . . smite the shepherd, the sheep will be scattered. Brethren, pray for us!


What a man hopes for in heaven reveals the state of his heart. If he perceives heaven and its glories in terms of colonnaded mansions, golden streets and pearly gates, then it reveals a heart filled with the things of his world. But, if heaven is perceived as the privilege of being with Christ, beholding His glory, singing praises to Him and growing in the knowledge of Him forever, then it reveals a heart made alive to spiritual things.

The closest thing to this experience on earth is the worship of the assembled church of God, for in her worship; the church meets with Christ, listens to a message of His glory, sings praises to Him and grows in the knowledge of Him. If you do not like church worship here, you will not like heaven, for heaven is simply the realization of all that the church longs for here!

-- Joe Terrell


That heart- wrenching statement is from Deuteronomy 27:25 and it says this; “Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen.”

Imagine the horror of Judas’ mind when he fully realized he had ‘betrayed innocent blood?’ The blood of the Son of God. He was so overwhelmed with despair he went out and hanged himself. Listen to those Jews when they were confronted with the sinful deed of slaying the Lord Jesus with their wicked hands; listen to the cry from their pricked ears, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” They had slain a man who had done ‘nothing amiss’ and now they begin to realize the horror of it before God.

Imagine the conviction upon David’s conscience when he heard the words from God’s prophet, ‘Thou hast killed Uriah (an innocent person) with the sword.” What does broken hearted David say now? “I have sinned against the Lord.”

How does murderous Cain feel when the Lord confronts him with, “What hast thou done?” Oh, he knew what he had done; he had killed his innocent brother. Now God confronts him with it and curses his wicked deed and curses him. “My punishment,” he says, “is greater than I can bear.”

There are some people who, because of their awful crimes against other humans, deserve to be put to death, and God has given authority to the state to do just that. But even when the death of such a person is carried out, it should be done with fear and trembling – a human being has been sent out into eternity! But the slaying of the innocent is never justified. It is a ‘cursed’ act and those who do it will perish for it except repentance permit.

We hear many today bragging, as it were, that a mother has ‘the right to choose’ and slay her unborn child. Our president and some other politicians and a few doctors and mothers and dads claim such a right, but no such right has ever been given nor will it ever be given by a Just and Holy God. God cursed it in the Old Testament and he curses it now and no doubt will curse it, and them at the great judgment when he rises to defend the poor innocent. And every one there will say, “Amen.” -- Bruce Crabtree

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