Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2022
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

July 10th 2022

9:30 am Bible Study & 10:00 am Worship----------------Messages by John Chapman

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ----------------------------------------------------Message by John Davis

Welcome brother John Chapman. Brother John is no stranger to this congregation but a long time brother and friend. We welcome you back John. For any visitor, John is pastor of Bethel Baptist Church of Spring Lake, North Carolina. Mindy and I are on vacation and hope to return Thursday. The Lord willing, brother John Davis will bring the message this

Wednesday night

The Covenant Head – by Joseph Irons, pastor in England 1848


HEN our precious Christ entered into the covenant, it was officially on the part of a covenant people, the living Church of the living God. When He gave forth the promise to bruise the serpent’s head, it was on behalf of His covenant people, His own seed. When He set forth all the types and shadows under the Mosaic economy (time of Moses), it was officially for a covenant people; and although some persons seem to deny this, their denial amounts to nothing but falsehood, for we know from Scripture, that the atonement was to be for all Israel. Moreover, when He is pointed out by the prophets, His coming is on behalf of His covenant people. And when He came into this world, He says, “I came to search for my sheep;” “I know my sheep, and am known of mine.” There is a connection, an official union, a special purpose pointed out in these Scriptures, and many more . . . a design to be accomplished . . . that the election of grace, chosen in the council of peace, distinct from the world, adopted as His family, and registered in the Book of Life; when fallen, and ruined, and lost, enslaved and vile, should be redeemed, should be forgiven, should be saved, and Jesus Christ should be the doer of it. He was the official covenant Head; He engaged to enter into the work, and go through with it, and complete it, WHICH HE DID when tabernacling here below; and consequently, the whole Church, in connection with Himself from everlasting, are identified in all that He did, and all that He suffered as the living Head of His living body, the Church.

Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established – Proverbs 24:3

Jesus Christ is Wisdom. . . “In Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”(Col.3:2). The church is God’s house and is built by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it” (Ps.127:1). And each individual believer is the tabernacle or house of the Lord. Unless our souls, our homes and families are built on the Lord Jesus Christ, they will fall. Marriages must be built on Christ the Rock, or they will not last. And only by understanding the will of Lord will we be established. God’s will is our ‘sanctification’ (I Th.4:3), that we be separated for God’s holy use, i.e., that we worship Him and live for His glory. Only through this understanding will everything be established; our minds, hearts, homes, families, directions, pursuits, relationships, yea, all things.

The True Church – by Charles Spurgeon

The true church is Christ’s Body. Not one bone in that mystical body shall ever be broken. The true church is Christ’s Bride. Those whom God has joined in everlasting covenant shall never be put asunder. The true church is Christ’s Flock. When the lion came and took a lamb out of David's flock, David rose up and delivered the lamb from his mouth. Christ will do the same. He is David's greater Son. Not a single sick lamb in Christ's flock shall perish. He will say to His Father in the last day, "Those whom you gave me I have kept; and none of them is lost." The true church is The Wheat of the Earth. It may be sifted, winnowed, buffeted, tossed to and fro. But not one grain shall be lost. The tares and chaff shall be burned. The wheat shall be gathered into the barn. The true church is Christ’s Army. The Captain of our salvation loses none of His soldiers. His plans are never defeated. His supplies never fail. When the roll of His soldiers is called at the end, the number will be the same as it was at the beginning. Of the men that marched gallantly out of England in the Crimean War, how many never came back! Regiments that went forth, strong and cheerful, with bands playing and banners flying, laid their bones in a foreign land and never returned to their native country. But it is not so with Christ's army. Not one of His soldiers shall be missing at last. He, Himself, declares, "They shall never perish."

To receive Christ as our Lord is to bow to his will. To walk with Christ is to walk with him “who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.” To plan my day is to say, “If the Lord will, we shall do this.” To pray is to “ask anything according to his will.” – John Chapman

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