Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2022
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

July 3rd 2022

9:30 am -----------------------------------------------Christ: The Perfect Yet Persecuted Man -- Job

10:00 am ----------------------------------- Come See a Man: Is Not This The Christ? – John 4:29

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ---------------------------------------------Christ: The Blessed Man – Psalm 1

Repentance Toward God, And Faith Toward Our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21) -- By Thomas Manton, 1620-1677

These are the two things that sum up the work of salvation in a believer. Repentance and faith. “Repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Both are by grace, both are the gift and work of God in salvation.

Repentance. John preached “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” The Lord Himself preached, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” What is repentance? Repentance is a godly sorrow over sin; the sin that I am, the sins I commit, and my self-righteousness. And repentance is confession of that sin toward God. “Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned and done this evil in Thy sight” (Ps.51:4). Sin is against God, against His Law, against His goodness. Although it affects others, it is God we have sinned against. And so it is God we confess to, not man, for man cannot forgive nor forget those sins. It is God alone Who can pardon and remove the sin and its guilt. And there is no peace as long as there is guilt. How? How can one receive pardon of sin and freedom from guilt?

Faith. “Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus Christ is the sinner’s substitute, Who Himself bore ours sins in His own body on the tree. Jesus Christ is the sinner’s Scapegoat, upon Whose Head we confess our sins, and by faith see Him take them on Himself, take them away, remove them far from us, never to be remembered again. By looking to Him and Him only we find peace. Peace by His Word, which says, “Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom.5:1). By simply confessing our sins to God, and looking to the Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace! Peace of mind, heart, conscience and life. By casting ourselves at His blessed feet, like the guilty woman, we will hear Him say, “Woman, where are thine accusers? Doth no man accuse thee? . . . Neither do I condemn thee.” With a Word, He spoke peace to a guilty sinner. And then she heard Him say, “Go and sin no more.” As it is written, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall find mercy” (Prov.28:13).

Repentance and faith are a way of life (eternal life), a state of being, and not a onetime thing. Repentance, faith, and the desire and ability to turn, are all by His grace (gifts), and are things we must ask for and pray for without ceasing.

Separated Unto The Gospel -- “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle,

separated unto the gospel of God.” -- Romans 1:1

I suppose the only preacher who ever really deserved a title refused to take one. He shunned the praise of men and the recognition of the flesh. It was not Rev. Paul, or Prof. Paul, or Bishop Paul, or even the Apostle Paul—just Paul! The greatest man born of woman, John, identified himself as only a voice in the wilderness, and the angel of Patmos rebuked John for paying homage to him, saying, "worship God!" Paul considered being a bond-servant of Jesus Christ recognition enough and fit credentials to entitle him to be heard, but he added I am called to be an apostle. I didn't take this responsibility upon myself—God put me in the ministry and entrusted his gospel to me. I am separated unto the gospel of God! I will leave others to set in order the many ills of this world, the governments of nations and lifestyles of individuals and communities—my message is "Christ and him crucified." "I am determined to know nothing among you except Christ and him crucified."

I must eat, drink and sleep like anyone else. I have expenses to meet like every man, but the preacher who is separated unto the gospel will live by that gospel. When any opportunity, investment, or duty creeps in and takes time away from my preaching and study of that gospel, it must go. When any association, relationship or social contact tries to build a fellowship on any other ground than the gospel, they must go! When I am tempted to demonstrate my vast knowledge of history, psychology, prophecy, personal counseling, and politics I must say "get thee behind me, Satan, for I am separated unto the gospel. I know how you hate the gospel of redeeming grace and how you will corrupt even the preacher's mind from the simplicity of Christ. I will not be deceived by your praise! I will not be taken in by your offers of security in old age or your warnings of failure I am separated unto the gospel!” – Henry Mahan

Christ Our Life – Colossians 3:4

Whoever or whatever is your life is who or what you love and live for. If Christ is your life, then the worship of Christ and the people of Christ are who you love and live for. If Christ is your life, you will order the things of this life around the worship of Christ, not vice versa. If the people of God are who you love, you will love being with them (not the world) and will forsake all else to do so. No one loves the Lord and His people who might or might not meet with them. No, no, that person loves the world and has missed eternal life. . . unless God in mercy turns them.

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