Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

November 1st 2020

10:00 am -------------------------------------------------------Message by brother Walter Pendleton


Welcome . . . Walter and Penny Pendleton. Brother Walter is pastor of Sovereign Grace Chapel of Crow, WV. Walter and Penny are dear friends of this church and we are glad to have them back with us. I am preaching this morning for Grace Baptist Church of Lewisville, Arkansas, Darvin Pruitt, Pastor. Lord willing, I will be flying home tomorrow.

Our meeting starts Friday night at 7:00.

Central Grace Church Fall Meeting

November 6-8, Friday- Sunday

Speakers: John Chapman, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Spring Lake, NC

David Eddmenson, pastor of Bible Baptist Church, Madisonville, Ky

Service Times: Friday: 7:00 pm - David Eddmenson

8:00 pm - John Chapman

Saturday: 10:00 am - John Chapman

11:00 am - David Eddmenson

Sunday: 10:00 am - David Eddmenson

11:00 am - John Chapman

** Lunch will be served after Saturday and Sunday services.

Have Ye Never Read? . . . Matthew 21:16

THE Lord Jesus Christ posed this question (indictment) to the religious leaders of His day (and ours). He asked this of them quite often, “Have ye never read?” These men prided themselves in their supposed knowledge of Scripture but proved they did not know it all, for they did not know the living and true God and Jesus Christ of Whom the scriptures spake. The same question, or indictment, needs to be leveled at our generation; “Have ye never read?”

There are more bibles today than ever, but few who truly read them. And the ‘Bibles’ that most read are perverted versions of the original, twisted and corrupted to suit man.

There are many books written about the Bible today, but few who truly read the bible itself. The word ‘Bible’ comes from the Latin and Greek word meaning ‘Book.’ The bible is the BOOK OF GOD. It is God’s Book about Himself, His Son and salvation. What other book do we need really? God wrote: “Of the making of books there is no end.” I contend that we need to quit reading so many books by men and start reading and acquainting ourselves more with the Word of God.

There are so many today who hold the Truth in unrighteousness; so many who literally hold a bible (which is God’s Word of truth) in their hands, yet use It as a religious prop for vain glorious and covetous reasons. Men and women subject the Word of God to all manner of indignities and insults, using it for mere show and a display of their ‘godliness.’

May God make us a Bible-reading people, like the noble Bereans of old. May the Lord cause us to seek His will and way; to seek all our answers from His Word only; for truly . . . The Law of The Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the Testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The Statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the Commandments of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The Fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the Judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether” (Psalm 19:7-9) What need have we of anything other than God’s glorious Book? God forbid that we should esteem anything said or written by a human being more than the God’s Word.

The song says: “O, the unsearchable riches of Christ! Precious, more precious than gold!” Christ, Himself, is the riches. When He gave Himself, He gave all the riches of heaven. To have nothing but Him, is to have all. And to have everything without Him, is to have nothing. – Gabe Stalnaker

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