September 27th . 2020
9:30 am &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;.& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; Beware of Covetousness – Luke 12:13-34
10:00 am ……………………….………………We Have This Treasure – 2 Corinthians 4:7
Wednesday: 7:00 pm …… Esther, part 5 (last) – The Warfare & Victory – Esther 8 & 9
*** Lord willing, Mindy and I will be traveling to Winston, Georgia this week, where I will be preaching Friday-Sunday for Calvary Baptist Church, Terry Worthan, pastor. In my absence, brother Cody Henson will preach to you next Sunday.
‘That Old Serpent’ – Revelation 12:9
Satan is as old as the world, and is grown very cunning by experience. When he was but a young serpent, he easily deceived and outwitted our first parents; but now he is that old serpent, as John speaks. Yet, notwithstanding all his plots, devices, and strategies, God’s chosen ones shall overcome him by the blood of the Lamb. – Thomas Brooks
“No New Thing Under The Sun” -- Ecclesiastes 1:9
In the book of Ecclesiastes this little phrase "Under the sun" is mentioned 29 times, and it is never good. Evil is plainly stated or evil is implied as taking place under the sun. Solomon summed up his earthly life by saying, "All was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun" (Ch.2:11).
You and I are apt to think we have discovered something new "Under the sun", but we haven't. Every earthly thing we experience under the sun has been experienced before, and in the end it has provided no lasting profit.
Every kind of government under the sun has already been and they have all fallen. Every relationship under the sun has been and has ended. There are no new thoughts or experiences that anyone has under the sun, they have all been experienced before to no lasting profit.
If you and I would be eternally happy, we must obtain an interest in what is taking place 'above the sun' where Jesus Christ is sitting on the right hand of God in heaven. Everything that has its origin from there is new and good. We need a new birth - it comes from above the sun. Every morning we open our eyes to face another day we need the compassions of our merciful Lord. Lamentations 3:22 tells us these compassions are new every morning .
Every spiritual blessing God gives us is new and it comes down from above the sun. A new creature, new tongues, a new song. A new covenant, a new name, a new and living way, new Jerusalem, and soon a new heaven and a new earth. Everything that comes down from above the sun is new. There is nothing old that comes down from above the sun and there is nothing from there that is not profitable. Everything from above the sun is good and perfect, for it is the free gift of our gracious Father (James1:17); 'The blessing of the Lord maketh rich and he adds no sorrow with it' (Prov.10:22). Our Lord may bless us with the same blessing everyday yet it is new. It can truly be said of every blessing from above the sun - Our Lord himself says it, "Behold I make all things new." Oh, seek that which comes from above the sun. – Bruce Crabtree
"No Good Thing Will He Withhold From Them That Walk Uprightly." -- Psalm 84:11
There are those who walk uprightly, very uprightly, in the fear of God, and yet have little comfortable or abiding evidence that they are at present partakers of God's grace, or will be hereafter sharers of Christ's glory. But this one evidence they certainly do possess, though they can take no present comfort from it, that they walk uprightly before God and man. Let no one, however deeply experienced or highly favoured, despise this evidence of grace in others; and you who walk uprightly from a living principle of godly fear have here a marked testimony from the Lord himself that he has a special regard for you. But what is it to "walk uprightly?" Oh! here is the grand difficulty in religion. We may talk; we may preach; we may hear; we may seem to believe; but it is when we come to act, to walk, and carry out into daily and hourly practice what we profess, that the main difficulty is felt and found. "The soul of religion," says Bunyan, "is the practice part;" and it is when we come to this "practice part" that the daily, hourly trial commences. The walk, the conversation, the daily, hourly conduct is, after all, the main difficulty, as it is the all-important fruit of a Christian profession. To walk day after day, under all circumstances, and amidst all the varied temptations that beset us, uprightly, tenderly, and sincerely in the fear of God; to feel continually that heart, lip, and life are all open before his all-penetrating eye; to do the things which he approves, and to flee from the things which he abhors—oh! this in religion is the steep hill which it is such a struggle to climb! We can talk fast enough; but oh! to walk in the straight and narrow path; to be a Christian outwardly as well as inwardly, before God and man, before the Church and the world; and in all points to speak and act with undeviating consistency with our profession—this is what nature never has done, and what nature never can do. In thus acting, as much as in believing, do we need God's power and grace to work in, and be made manifest in us.