Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2020
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

July 26th 2020

9:30 am -------------------------------------The One Thing Needful – Luke 10:38-42

10:00 am ------------------------------------------------- Message by Roland Browning

Wednesday: 7:00 pm-------------------------The Shadow of The Almighty – Psalm 91

Let Not Care Sink You

The old proverb says: ‘The water without the ship may toss it; but it is the water within the ship that sinks it’ . . .

Therefore, let not care leak into your soul. “Let not your heart be troubled,” even though your house may be. – Spurgeon

The Fountain of All Blessing

God is the fountain of all blessing. Nothing in creation is good or pleasant any more than God makes it to be so. The sun warms us, our food nourishes us, our friends are pleasant to us: because God makes them so. All the joys in the world are but beams from that uncreated light; but separate a man from God, and all becomes dark. God is the fountain of all joy: separate a man from God finally, and no creature can give him joy. This is to be cast away, cut off from God for ever and ever. Though there were no lake of fire, this of itself would be hell. – R.M. McCheyne, Scotland (1813-1843)

Smooth Stones From Ancient Brooks – quotes by Thomas Brooks, England (1608-1680)

-- “ A watchful soul is a soul upon the wing, a soul out of gunshot, a soul upon a rock, a soul in a castle, a soul above the clouds, a soul held fast in the everlasting arms.”

-- “ All our murmurings, which are so many arrows shot at God Himself, will return upon our own heads; they reach not Him, but they will hit us; they hurt not Him, but they will wound us. It is better to be mute than to murmur . . . it is dangerous to provoke a consuming fire.”

-- “ Sin may rebel, but it shall never reign in any saint.”

-- “ The law cannot condemn a believer, . . . Christ has fulfilled it for him; divine justice cannot condemn him, . . . Christ has satisfied; his sins cannot condemn him, . . . they are pardoned through the blood of Christ; and his own conscience, upon righteous grounds, cannot condemn him, because Christ, Who is greater than his conscience, has acquitted him.”

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 -- From Allan Jellett’s commentary

The beast of verse 7 is Satan’s Antichrist which we shall see in greater clarity in later chapters. For now, suffice it to say that Antichrist is manifested in all false religion and all self-righteous attempts to reach heaven without the Christ of God. This beast ascends from the bottomless pit (v. 7), makes war on God’s two witnesses, overcomes them and kills them. The witnesses’ dead bodies lie unburied in the street of the world’s ‘city’, the metropolis of peoples that reject the true God. Symbolically, and spiritually, this city is Sodom, it is Egypt, it is even Jerusalem where our Lord was crucified, it is the God-rejecting, gospel-rejecting, world we see all around us today. And seeing the witnesses’ bodies lying openly in the street, the world’s people refuse to let them be buried out of sight. They go so far (v. 10) as celebrating the death of the witnesses because the message of grace and warning that so tormented them has been silenced, seemingly forever. Their sin can now progress without restraint, or so they think. We are speaking of a time when the true church and its ministers are effectively silenced, disrupted and made to be non-functioning as living, visible, churches bearing God’s testimony. It is my conviction that in the UK today the church which stands solidly for the true gospel is as good as ‘lying dead in the street’. Even 30 years ago, you could find churches ministering the gospel of free sovereign grace widely distributed. Today you struggle to find a handful remaining true. Even where the witness is upheld, it is often the case that the fellowships concerned are unable to function as a living church with building, structure, a good number of members and a visible life as a church. That is the case with our own gathering. Here in the UK we meet in a home on Sunday mornings only, with barely ten adults meeting together. To the world and false religion, we are ‘lying dead in the street’. Even when we had a regular meeting place, Satan’s beast contrived to make it practically impossible for us to hold public meetings there throughout the 9-month rugby football season! Even in the USA where there is a thriving association of independent free grace churches and pastors, the numbers involved are miniscule compared to the population of the country and the populous swathes of Arminian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Reformed and Presbyterian churches claiming to represent modern ‘Christianity’. I believe we are living in the days described here in Revelation 11:7-10.

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