Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2020
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

July 19th - 2020

9:30 am ----------------------------------------- Blessed Eyes That See, Ears That Hear – Luke 10:21-24

10:00 am ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - The Samaritan Saviour – Luke 10:25-37

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Psalm of a Thirsty Soul – Psalm 63

“Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain - 1 Tim. 6:6

Godliness: “An attitude and style of like that acknowledges God’s claims on human life and seeks to live in accordance with God’s will.” I think the scripture gives a good definition of godliness when it tells us to “Be followers of God, as dear children” (Eph.5:1). Find out what God says in His word and follow that. Trust in the Son of God as your all and all and follow Him as a sheep would follow the Shepherd. Find out who the Children of God are and be kind and tenderhearted to them. Look upon this poor lost world and pity it, and pray for it and do it good whenever you can, (Matt.5:44). Be a follower of God and follow Him as a “dear child.” That is lovingly and truthfully with a sincere heart. Follow Him humbly with full dependence upon Him as a helpless child would cast all his care upon his father to supply his every need. What an excellent attitude for the child of God to have – “godliness”. But this is not all; “godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Contentment: (easy in mind; satisfied) with what God is pleased to provide. Content, to believe what he has written. Content to walk in the way he has marked out for me in His word. Content to go, or content to stay, content to do His will. Content with God – what great gain! Content with my wages (Lk.3:14). Content with my situation in life (Phil.4:11). Content with such things as I have (Heb.13:5). Content to have food and clothes (1 Tim.6:8).
You and I are ready to leave this world for that one which is to come. We will not take one thing of this world with us. We will leave it all behind. Are we content to leave all behind now and carry nothing with us to the edge of this life but what God has provided? How rich you are if this is your attitude. -- Bruce Crabtree

Words of Wisdom From Brother Scott Richardson (From Lantana Grace Church Bulletin)

-- Man will make anything his end or happiness rather than God. This appears to be evident in the fact that we have so few thoughts of HIM.

-- I get worried about people unto whom the Gospel gets old. I wonder if eating or breathing gets old to them! For a man who knows Christ, nothing about him gets old—it is something new every day!

-- Faith concerns the heart—with the mind man becomes informed—with the heart man becomes involved. Therefore when the Bible talks about faith—it means getting involved.

For­give One Another – Henry Mahan

Believers are exhorted by the Apostle Paul to FOR­GIVE ONE ANOTHER. Yes, in the presence of Christ and with the approval of Christ and after the example of Christ--FORGIVE! "Lest Satan should get the advan­tage over us, for we are not ignorant of his devices and intentions" (II Cor. 2:10-11).

Satan will use any means against the Lord Jesus and His church (even the Apostle Peter, to whom Christ said, "Get thee be­hind me, Satan"). If Satan can foster division, an unforgiving spirit, harsh feelings, or pride among believers, HE WILL DO IT! He will, under pretense of showing indignation against sin or pretending to contend for certain doctrines or under pretense of caring for the purity and discipline of the church, encourage a strict, harsh attitude toward offenders, destroy unity and fellowship, and convince men that they are serving God in their self-righteous atti­tudes. One SURE AND CERTAIN way to be in the will of God and not to be used by the enemy is to LOVE one another and FORGIVE one another (Eph. 4:32)!

Where Do We Find Real Help?

There are millions of so-called self-help, and how-to books out there. Men and women offer all sorts of information on how to help yourself. Brethren, vain is the help which man offers. Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? Psychiatry leads every other profession in SUICIDES! Those who pretend to help others cannot even help themselves. And religion is the worst. Like the woman with the issue, who sought many physicians but was only made worse; religion is not the answer, but is the problem. Here’s real help. . . “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. MY HELP COMETH FROM THE LORD, which made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2). Shouldn’t creatures seek their help from the Creator rather than the creature? Shouldn’t the helpless seek help from the only Source of help?

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