Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

February 23rd - 2020

9:30 am ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- A Sin Unto Death – 1 John 5:16-21

10:00 am -------------------------------------------------------Quickened With Christ – Ephesians 2

Wednesday: 7:00 pm -------------------------------------------The Two Voices of God – Psalm 19

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Anonymous Gifts

Over the years some of you have left me anonymous gifts and cards (someone did so recently) and I greatly appreciate them. A gift given anonymously usually demonstrates a true love for the recipient, not wanting recognition but giving for the joy of giving. The Lord said it is ‘more blessed to give than receive.’ But know this…. Any and every gift or service in the spirit of love to the Lord and His people is NOT UNKOWN. The Lord knows. And the Lord always repays. . . . with interest. And so the Lord says: “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” – Luke 6:38

Things We Need to Know – From Henry Mahan’s commentary on 1 John 5:19-21

v.19 -- In order to be prepared for the contest of life, for the allurements and attractions prepared by Satan to draw men away from God, for the trials and difficulties ahead, we need to know two things: first, that ‘we are of God,’ born of God, loved of God, redeemed by God, called of God, sons of God and seated in Christ; and second, that ‘the whole word lieth in the wicked one,’ or is under the dominion of Satan. Therefore, we do not hesitate to shun the world, we do not fear its enmity and we do not covet its honors, because we are of God and the world is alienated from God.

v.20 -- The second person in the Godhead, equal to the Father and of the same nature with him, is come from the Father into this world, in the flesh, to work our salvation for his people by his obedience, suffering and death. He has given us a knowledge of spiritual things, of himself, of God in him, of the truths of the gospel and the mysteries of grace, that we may know the Father, the true and living God (John 17:3), and that we may know we are in Christ by covenant mercies, by faith and by the will of God. Christ is the true God and Christ is eternal life (1 John 5:11-13).

v.21. ‘Little children, keep yourselves from false gods, from anyone and anything that would occupy the place in your heart due to God; keep yourselves from traditions, superstitions, images and religious practices and observances introduced by those who call themselves Christians, if these things are not according to the scripture and glorifying to God.

“IT IS FINISHED” -- John 19:30

Years ago, someone asked me how long it took me to finish a painting. My answer was this, “You never finish a painting…you just come to a stopping point.” Concerning all efforts on man’s part, nothing can truly be said to be finished. There is always something found, even with our most careful efforts that can be done to improve our labor.

But concerning the work of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross of Calvary…His death to satisfy the justice of God for an everlastingly loved people…His death to put away the guilt of His bride by the shedding of His blood for her…HE said…“It is finished.” By His declaration, we know that the debt and guilt of our sins has truly been paid and put away in His precious blood. According to His word, the sins of God’s chosen people shall never be brought up before God or punished again…This we know because the Father accepted His sacrifice on behalf of His sheep and proved His acceptance by raising Him from the dead.

Before Moses had to stand before the throne of Pharaoh on the sinful ground of Egypt, he had to stand before The burning fire of JEHOVAH, and had to hear the ALMIGHTY “I AM” cry: “Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off of thy feet, for the place wherein Thou standest is holy ground.” After Moses knew the horror and terror of standing before the Holy Judge of the earth, who holds the keys of hell and death in His hands; Who is not only able to kill the body, but is able to destroy both soul and body in hell! After that…he did not fear what man could do to him! Standing before Pharaoh was easy.

-- Marvin Stalnaker

Three Things

Humility cannot find three things on this side of Heaven: it cannot find fullness in the creature, or sweetness in sin, or life in an ordinance without Christ; but it always finds these three things on this side of Heaven: the soul to be empty, Christ to be full, and every mercy and duty to be sweet, wherein Christ is enjoyed. – by Thomas Brooks

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