Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

February 16th - 2020

9:30 am ---------------------------------------Things Written For Faith & Assurance – 1 John 5:13-21

10:00 am -----------------------------------To The Praise of the Glory of His Grace – Ephesians 1 & 2

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ---------------------------------------------------------------Kiss The Son – Psalm 2

Message to Hear: by Henry Mahan – https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=4290612627

People of God . . . We can plan and arrange our worship services perfectly according to Scripture, sing just the right songs, pray fervently and Scripturally and even deliver a well studied, God honoring message from the Word of God, but we cannot worship unless the Lord Himself graces our presence with His, and blesses us to do so. Pray for it. Let us seek Him, this very morning that we may find.­­ – Chris Cunningham

“Pardon Mine Iniquity; For it is Great”– Psalm 25:11

“Oh,” says Pharaoh, “take these filthy frogs, this dreadful thunder!” But what says holy David? “Lord, take away the iniquity of thy servant!” The one would be freed from punishment, the effect of sin; the other from sin, the cause of punishment. And it is most true that a true Christian man is more troubled at sin than at frogs and thunder; he sees more filthiness in sin than in frogs and toads, more horror than in thunder and lightning. -- Jeremiah Dyke, England , 1645

…”Many complain more of the sorrows to which they are born, than the sins with which they were born: they tremble more at the vengeance of sin, than at the venom of sin; one delights them, the other affrights them.” .--William Secker, 17th century

"Let Us Walk In The Light Of The Lord" – Isaiah 2:5

How can I walk in the light of the lord? I do not have all the answers. But I do know these things: If I would walk in the light of the Lord, I must own and acknowledge that Christ is my Lord...I must believe the light he gives...I must obey my Lord, following the direction of his light...I must pattern my life after his example...And I must persevere to the end, walking in the light of the Lord. Christ is the Light of the world; and all who live by faith in him "walk in the light of the Lord." "The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day (Prov. 4:18). – Don Fortner

Walking After The Flesh -- "There is therefore now no condemnation to those which are in Christ Jesus,

who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." -- Romans 8:1

To walk after the flesh carries with it the idea of the flesh going before us—as our leader, guide, and example—and our following close in its footsteps, so that wherever it drags or draws we move after it, as the needle after the magnet. To walk after the flesh, then, is to move step by step in implicit obedience to the commands of the flesh—the lusts of the flesh—the inclinations of the flesh—and the desires of the flesh—whatever shape they assume, whatever garb they wear, whatever name they may bear. To walk after the flesh is to be ever pursuing, desiring, and doing the things that please the flesh—whatever aspect that flesh may wear or whatever dress it may assume—whether molded and fashioned after the grosser and more flagrant ways of the profane world—or the more refined and deceptive religion of the professing church. But are the grosser and more manifest sinners the only people who may be said to walk after the flesh? Does not all human religion, in all its varied forms and shapes, come under the sweep of this all-devouring sword? Yes! Everyone who is entangled in and led by a fleshly religion, walks as much after the flesh as those who are abandoned to its grosser indulgences. Sad it is, yet not more sad than true, that false religion has slain its thousands, if open sin has slain its ten thousands. To walk after the flesh— whether it be in the grosser or more refined sense of the term—is the same in the sight of God. ­– J.C. Philpot

Regeneration – by Henry Mahan, 1986

He who is regenerated by the Spirit of God, in whom Christ is formed, who is a new creature in Christ, does not make sin his practice and the course of his life. He is not without the motions of sin within nor free from thoughts, words, and deeds of sin (which he despises); but he does not give himself up to sin, excuse it, nor continue in it as its servant. God’s nature and the grace of the Holy Spirit abide in him, and he cannot practice a life of sin. He is born of God and delights in the commandments of his Lord.

A life of disobedience is distasteful to a believer who longs to be like Christ. A godly walk and a spirit of love and grace are evidences of grace and faith. The absence of these is evidence of the absence of grace.

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