Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

May 26th 2019

9:30 am-------------------------------------------Brethren, Let Us Mind The Same Thing – Philippians 3:8-

10:00 am ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Gracious Words / Hated Words – Luke 4:14-32

*** Remember our dear brethren who are suffering. There are many.

Birthdays: May 29th – Jeanette Berry, June 2nd – Charles Hudson, 17th – Sandy Parks, 22nd – Nancy Parks

Cleaning: John & Irene

** The following article is a little difficult to read in parts, but well worth careful reading. It will be a blessing to you.

Without Christ, We Can Do Nothing

Nothing is stronger than humility, that goeth out of itself; or weaker than pride, that resteth upon its own bottom, and this should the rather be observed because naturally we affect a kind of divinity, in setting upon actions in the strength of our own parts; whereas Christ saith,”Without me ye,’ apostles that are in a state of grace, ‘can do nothing (John 15:5). He doth not say you can do a little, but nothing! Of ourselves, how easily are we overcome! How weak to resist! We are as reeds shaken with every wind; we shake at the very noise and thought of poverty, disgrace, losses, &c., we give in presently, we have no power over our eyes, tongues, thoughts, affections, but let sin pass in and out. How soon are we overcome of evil! Whereas we should overcome evil with good. How many good purposes stick in the birth, and have no strength to come forth! All which shows how nothing we are without the Spirit of Christ. We see how weak the apostles themselves were, till they were endued with strength from above, (Mt.26:69). Peter blasted with the speech of a damsel, but after the Spirit of Christ fell upon them, the more they suffered, the more they were encouraged to suffer; their comforts grew with their troubles; therefore in all, especially difficult encounters, let us lift up our hearts to Christ, Who hath Spirit enough for us all, in all our distresses, and say with good Jehoshaphat, “Lord, we know not what to do, but our eyes are toward Thee,” (2 Chr.20:12); the battle is Thine, and the strength whereby we fight must be Thine. If Thou goest not out with us, we are sure to be foiled. Satan knows nothing can prevail against Christ, or those that rely upon His power; therefore Satan’s work is how to keep us in ourselves, and in the creature: but we must carry this always in our minds, that that which is begun in self-confidence will end in shame. The manner of Christ’s bringing forth judgment to victory, is by letting us see a necessity of dependence upon Him; hence proceed those spiritual desertions wherein He often leaveth us to ourselves, both in regard of grace and comfort, that we may know the spring head of these to be out or ourselves. Hence it is that in the mount, that is, in extremities, God is most seen, (Gen.22:13). Hence it is that we are saved by the grace of faith, that carrieth us out of ourselves to rely upon Another; and that faith worketh best alone, when it hath least outward support. Hence it is, that we often fail in lesser conflicts, and stand out in greater, because in lesser we rest more in ourselves, in greater we fly to the Rock of our salvation, which is higher than we (Ps.56:2). Hence likewise it is, that we are stronger after foils (defeats), because hidden corruption, undiscerned before, in now discovered, and thence we are brought to make use of mercy pardoning and power supporting. – Robert Trail, Scotland, 1642-1716

How We Know Our Gospel is THE Gospel

  1. 1. The Source of it - God. It is God’s Gospel and so THE Gospel.
  2. 2. The Subject of it – God’s Son. Jesus Christ is THE Gospel. It is all about Him.
  3. 3. The Sovereignty of it – God saves whom He will, because He will, by His will; by His sovereign will and power.
  4. 4. The Subjects of it – Christ came to save sinners. THE Gospel is good news for sinners, and sinners only.
  5. 5. The Success of it – THE Gospel saves! THE Gospel justifies, sanctifies, regenerates. It saves and keeps saved.
  6. 6. The Suffering of it – Those who believe and declare THE Gospel will suffer persecution for doing so.
  7. 7. The Need of it – THE Gospel meets the need of every poor and needy sinner . . . their every need.
  8. 8. The Glory of it – THE Gospel takes a beggar from the dunghill to sit Him with the King in Glory!

We Are Still Human

Any man or woman who claims continual, uninterrupted joy, rest, and peace in this world is either not telling the truth or has no connection with reality! True joy, rest, and peace are things we enjoy in Christ in the midst of troubles, afflictions. and infirmities.

Paul's exhortation was "rejoice in the Lord." When I am conscious of my weakness, failures, and sins, I rejoice in Christ, my righteousness. When I am concerned about food, clothing, and shelter, I rejoice in Christ, my provider. When I am sick, Christ is my healer. When I am grieved, Christ is my comfort. When I am faced with death, Christ is my life! So it is not necessary to put on a false face and deceive others. We are still human; but our peace, rest, and joy is Christ. – Henry Mahan

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