Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

May 22 nd, 2016

9:30 am ___________________ Whose Mouths Must Be Stopped – Titus 1:10-16

10:00 am________The Believer’s Desire (or) Til Death Do Us Part – Ruth 1:16-17

Nursery Today: Second Service: Margaret T. , Alt. -- Jill O.

Cleaning Schedule: This week - Hudsons , Next Week: Hollands

Birthdays: May 23rd -- Ed Berry, 29th -- Jeanette Berry

We are thankful for our new parking lot, but it cost us a great deal of money. We had to borrow the money, so please give extra to meet this unexpected, but necessary expense. And remember, this is the Lord’s house and everything we do is unto the Lord. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.

This Church Is Our Cart

Do you remember the message from the Lord on the ‘2 Milk Cows And The Cart’(1 Sam.6)? It is the story of two poor, common cows that were chosen to bear the burden of the Ark and were yoked together pulling that cart with the Ark upon it? Well, the Lord has graciously chosen this place, our church, to put His Name here, and given us His blessed gospel and a man to preach it. This local church is our cart and we are blessed of God, chosen of God to be yoked together to carry this gospel burden, to support the gospel in this village, to strive together . . . to pull together for the faith of the gospel.

A burden is a load you bear, a weight you carry and feel. Do you have a burden for this gospel? Do you have a burden for this church? Do you have a burden for the preacher? Do you have a burden for our children . . . that they might hear and believe this gospel? Do you weep for them and pray for them (all our children) as those cows were lowing (crying and calling)for their young? Are you willing to leave your family for Christ and His people? Would you sacrifice anything and anyone for Christ, His gospel, and His people? Those two cows are a picture of every true believer. No exceptions.

Do you have a burden for souls like those two cows were burdened and lowing as they went? Have you spoken to someone about the gospel lately? . . . an unsaved husband, wife, brother, sister, a neighbor, or fellow worker? Have you given any cd’s, tracts, or bulletins to anyone lately? Have you emailed or texted someone a sermon from sermonaudio? When was the last time you brought someone to hear the gospel (or have you ever)? When the Lord told us to pray, “Thy kingdom come”, it is that we might earnestly ask that the gospel of the kingdom come in power through the preached word; that He might bring others into His Kingdom; that Christ might reign and rule in their heart this day! It is a sign of leaving your first love (Rev.2:4) when you have no burden to tell others the Truth. It is a sign of being lukewarm (Rev.3:16) when you are not concerned for hearing and telling the gospel. Lukewarmness is being indifferent and unfeeling to the gospel; which always comes from ease and worldly pleasure (Rev.3:17). Woe to them that are at ease in Zion!– Amos 6:1.

O how blessed we are to have this gospel, to have a cart to pull it (a place to hear it); how blessed to be yoked together with this common bond, this common faith; bound together as family, as brothers and sisters, who share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear. To be a member of a local church is both a great blessing and a responsibility; a responsibility to be committed to and supportive of the pastor, people and cause of the gospel in my community. How blessed we are. Do you feel blessed to be a part of this? If not, or if we take it for granted; if we do not remain united in one mind, one heart, one spirit, one purpose, and common cause . . . the furtherance of the gospel; the Lord will remove it . . . or us. The purpose of the church (each one of us) is to be a light in this dark world; to hold forth the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. If we do not shine as lights; if we do not tell others the Truth, the Lord will remove our candlestick. A city is not to be hidden, but set on a hill; a candlestick is to enlighten others, not for décor.

Pray that the Lord will give us a renewed burden, a new sense of urgency to hear the gospel; for others to hear it; a revival in the midst of the years (read Habakkuk 3 carefully).. Pray to the Lord that He will give us the heart and means to carry on this burden. Pray that the Lord will give us a fervent love for each other as brethren . . . loving this church as our true and eternal family. Pray (in the words of the song ); Send a revival, start the work in me!

Pray . . . repent (turn) and do the first works; works of service in the Lord’s house that you did so gratefully and diligently at first, giving your time and money to the Lord’s house and people Do anything and everything you can to support and serve this church. If we have been made kings and priests, then it is our great privilege and duty to work about the sanctuary, in service to our Lord and gratitude for the blessed Gospel (Ark) in our midst.

If your husband or loved one had died yesterday and today was his memorial service, how would you approach this? How would you prepare? Would your thoughts be on the things of this world? Would you be lighthearted and unconcerned? Would you be playing and texting before the service? NO! Fact is, the believer’s Husband did die and this is His memorial service; a solemn, serious and sober occasion, that deserves prayerful preparation and heartfelt praise.

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