Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

May 15 th, 2016

9:30 am Bible Study

10:00 am Service _______________________ Messages by Brother Eric Floyd

Nursery Today: Second Service: , Alt. --

Cleaning Schedule: This week - Aimee & Helen , Next Week: Bobbits & Berrys

Birthdays: May 16th – Melanie Hudson, 18th – Olivia Holland, 23rd -- Ed Berry, 29th -- Jeanette Berry

We welcome Eric and Abby Floyd back with us. Brother Eric isfrom Hurricane Road Grace Church, Ashland, Kentucky, and will be bringing both messages today. I am preaching for brother Terry Worthan and the Calvary Baptist Church, Winston, Georgia. Lord willing we will be home tomorrow.

We thank the Lord for the messages we heard last week, and I thank each of you for your service. A special thanks to John and Irene Davis for doing more than their share.

There is a new lawn mowing list on the bulletin board downstairs. Thank you men for taking care of our lawn.

Till We Meet Again -- Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the

clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. -- 1 Thessalonians 4:17

The Lord’s people never need to say, “Goodbye,” for we shall all meet again in that glorious day when we shall see Christ and be like Him. The redeemed of the Lord only need to say, “Till we meet again,” whether in this life or the next. -- David Eddmenson

"She bound the scarlet line in the window." - Joshua 2:21

Rahab depended for her preservation upon the promise of the spies, whom she looked upon as the representatives of the God of Israel. Her faith was simple and firm, but it was very obedient. To tie the scarlet line in the window was a very trivial act in itself, but she dared not run the risk of omitting it. Come, my soul, is there not here a lesson for thee? Hast thou been attentive to all thy Lord's will, even though some of his commands should seem non-essential? Hast thou observed in his own way the two ordinances of believers' baptism

and the Lord's Supper? These neglected, argue much unloving disobedience in thy heart. Be henceforth

in all things blameless, even to the tying of a thread, if that be matter of command.
This act of Rahab sets forth a yet more solemn lesson. Have I implicitly trusted in the precious blood of Jesus? Have I tied the scarlet cord, as with a Gordian knot in my window, so that my trust can never be removed? Or can I look out towards the Dead Sea of my sins, or the Jerusalem of my hopes, without seeing the blood, and seeing all things in connection with its blessed power? The passer-by can see a cord of so conspicuous a colour, if it hangs from the window: it will be well for me if my life makes the efficacy of the atonement conspicuous to all onlookers. What is there to be ashamed of? Let men or devils gaze if they will, the blood is my boast and my song. My soul, there is One who will see that scarlet line, even when from weakness of faith thou canst not see it thyself; Jehovah, the Avenger, will see it and pass over thee. Jericho's walls fell flat: Rahab's house was on the wall, and yet it stood unmoved; my nature is built into the wall of humanity, and yet when destruction smites the race, I shall be secure. My soul, tie the scarlet thread in the window afresh, and rest in peace. – Spurgeon

The Church

"I don't go to church because there are so many hypocrites in the church." “My life is as good as most church people!" These are common statements heard every day to which I reply; don't judge the whole body by the faults of some. It is our responsibility to worship and follow the Lord Jesus, not men. If our brethren have faults, let us pray for them and patiently bear their infirmities as we ask them to overlook ours. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ welcomes all who are lame, halt, and blind. We look not for a perfect church this side of heaven. It is better to sit beside the hypocrite in church than to suffer with him eternally. – H.T.M. (1979)

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