Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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Life-Changing Bible Verses You Should Know
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1205 of 1672
7/14/2022 (THU)
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Jim began this program by reporting that the U.S. House of Representatives will likely be voting on two abortion bills tomorrow. The Women's Health Protection Act (HR-8296) would allow abortion on demand in every state, allow an abortion at any point when an abortionist deems it appropriate and will void state laws against abortion. The Ensuring Access to Abortion Act (HR-8297) would provide protection, not for the unborn, but to abortionists as well as to anyone assisting in an abortion even if they're transporting a woman across state lines.

Day after day Crosstalk deals with issues that are part of the spiritual battles that all Christians are dealing with. As we have often communicated, this is not a battle of flesh and blood, instead it's one of principalities and powers, against the rulers of this dark world and spiritual wickedness in high places. As such, we need to know that we're girded with the armor of God. While we know that prayer is a mighty weapon in such efforts, Ephesians 6 also points us to the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

So while we know the enemy will throw many fiery darts at us like discouragement, despair, fear, anxiety, bitterness, sensuality, etc, how do we deal with them? This is where Dr. Erwin Lutzer can help. Dr. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the senior pastor for 36 years. He's the speaker on radio programs such as Running to Win and Songs in the Night. He is also an award-winning author and speaker.

Dr. Lutzer shared those things that inspired him to write chapters about adversity, courage, peace, renewing the mind and more.
SERIES 1205 OF 1672
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Life-Changing Bible Verses..

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Life-Changing Bible Verses..

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