Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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Adult Death Surge, Shots for Babies: What's Happening?
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1194 of 1672
6/29/2022 (WED)
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Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is the president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a non-profit public charity. Since February 2020, she's been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home. With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life. Dr. Vliet is a 2014 Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipient for her national and international educational efforts in health, wellness, and endocrine aging in men and women.

After giving her views on the recent repealing of Roe v. Wade, Dr. Vliet exposed listeners to some interesting statistics concerning COVID shots. She described a drop of 8-11% in the range of live births in the first quarter of 2022 in the UK, Germany, Norway and several U.S. states. This means the COVID shots are resulting in the prevention of pregnancy causing infertility.

Then there's the death rate for millennials (those ages 18-44). There were 61,000 deaths in 9 months of 2021 after the shots came out. That's compared to 58,000 deaths in the 10 years of the Vietnam War in the same age group.

Jim also noted some interesting statistics from Dr. Joseph Mercola. In looking at data from the International Olympic Committee, he showed that there were 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under the age of 35 between 1966 and 2004. That's an average annual rate of 29 deaths across all sports. However, from March of 2021 to March of 2022, at least 769 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, collapsed or just died on the field worldwide.
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Adult Death Surge, Shots..

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